The best boy on campus

Chapter 217 Wealth and wealth are in danger! !

As the saying goes: Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance. Although the current city of W is at an extraordinary moment and is on the cusp of cracking down on storms, at the same time, this is an opportunity

Many underworld figures have to avoid their edge in this big environment, and hide in the dark, and they dare not come out to activities and arrogantly play *books* like in the past After that incident, he became very low-key, and he rarely even went in and out of his territory on weekdays—what happened in Huajie Night Market, not to mention the four major gangs in W City suffered a lot. It was hit hard, and even a few strong backers of Siberian tigers on the Baidao Road were affected by Chiyu, which caused a big change for the people from the central government

The Siberian tiger had to judge the situation and hide. This is a good thing for Liu Boyang and others. Since running away is inevitable, why not kill that guy before leaving?The night market street has long been the prey that the Jiulong Society is optimistic about. Under this situation, it would be a pity if there is no way to capture it.

Although there is a certain degree of danger in committing crimes against the wind, the way of the underworld has always been like this. The bold are starved to death, and the timid who want huge profits do not dare to gamble. Could it be that gold will fall from the sky by itself?

So when I was still in e-city yesterday, these brothers secretly discussed the countermeasures against the Siberian tiger. You can also rest assured that the night market street is the most suitable foundation for the initial development of the Kowloon Society

Since last night, Gao Zhenfei has dispatched several of his confidantes to spread the secrets everywhere to inquire about the hiding place of the Siberian tiger, but until now, there has been no news

"That's right, we don't have much time. We have to go to City G to fly in the evening. If it doesn't work, put more pressure on your little brothers. In any case, we must find out the hiding place of the Siberian tiger before the afternoon." Liu Boyang road

"Don't worry, Brother Yang, I know the number. I have sent out quite a few younger brothers just now. There are only a few places where the Siberian Tiger usually moves. Unless he has left City W now, he will be found by us soon." Gao Zhenfei said

"Well, don't just search in Yeshi Street and his house, think about other places?" Liu Boyang thought

"Brother Yang, I have an idea. I haven't heard any news about elephants yet. Do you think the Siberian tiger hasn't killed the elephant yet and is still torturing him? It's not impossible, Northeast That guy Tiger is notoriously perverted, he plays with both men and women, and kills all ages, he managed to catch such a prey as an elephant, he won’t give up until he can squeeze it out and abuse him enough.” Hu Zi walked up and said

"That's right. I also remembered what Lao Qi said. A few days ago, I heard the news that the elephant's wife had also disappeared and disappeared inexplicably. It's probably the Siberian tiger's bastard." Gao Zhenfei added

"Hehe, interesting, killing and killing the whole family, wives and children will not let go, this Siberian tiger is really a fucking character, it seems that we must meet him, Da Fei, just like you said, hurry up and send your little brother along the road at the time The Siberian tiger took the elephant's den to investigate, and if nothing else happens, the Siberian tiger is probably there."

"no problem"

After several people discussed, Hu Zi drove the van parked outside the back wall of the playground, several people got into the car, and then drove towards the house of Liu Boyang's second uncle, Liu Zhenhai.

Liu Zhenhai's family doesn't live in a villa area, but an ordinary high-end residential complex. The really rich people don't necessarily like to show off.

When several people arrived, Liu Zhenhai and Liu Boyang's second aunt, Chen Yun, had already been waiting at home for a long time. They knew that Liu Boyang was coming today and would leave City W at night, so they prepared Liu Boyang's luggage early and prepared to I spent 30 yuan on Liu Boyang's card, just such a nephew, these two people also love him from the bottom of their hearts

Liu Boyang didn't stay at Liu Zhenhai's house for long. After all, Liu Zhenhai is now under residential surveillance. If he is found out by the police, he will be in trouble.

It's just that Liu Boyang still feels guilty towards his uncle and aunt in his heart. If it wasn't for him, how could the Liu family lose to such a situation? Although his uncle and aunt didn't blame him, the more they behaved like this, the more sorry Liu Boyang felt. But any man with a conscience , you will not forget the great kindness of your loved ones at this moment, and you will not forget the heavy burden on your shoulders

"Uncle, Aunt, I'm leaving, please take care, I will call you often, and I will come back to see you in a short time." Before Liu Boyang left, his eyes were still red, and he wanted to cry impulse

"Hehe, silly boy, what are you thinking about Uncle and Auntie? We didn't have any major incidents. Even if we are controlled now, it's only temporary. It will pass soon. You don't have to worry about it, but you, Boyang, we Liu My family has no roots in G City. When you get there, you must take good care of yourself. Don’t be wronged. Everything depends on you alone. Uncle can’t help you. If you don’t have enough money, you can call Tell Uncle, I'll send you money anytime, don't make things difficult for yourself," Liu Zhenhai said with a sigh

"No, uncle, the money is enough. I'm not a prodigal. Isn't 30 yuan enough? Don't worry, even if I go out, I won't embarrass the Liu family. I will make a fortune to win glory for our Liu family." Liu Boyang firmly said

"Hehe, uncle read that right, as long as you have ambition, you don't have to worry about the affairs of the family. When the wind dies down a little, I'll be 'active' right away, and I won't let your third uncle have anything to do with him. " Liu Zhenhai laughed and said that he is a person in the mall after all, and he knows the weaknesses of those so-called big men. After a few days, when the limelight passes, he doesn't believe that money can't impress them.

"Uncle, I don't want to hurt you. I'm not going to say anything for causing so much trouble to our Liu family. When I come back in a year, I'll let those bastards who made trouble feel the consequences of messing with our Liu family." Liu Boyang said with hatred

"Hehe, you don't have to take your own burden too seriously. The Liu family is not so poor that you are the only man left? Uncle will try his best. In addition, after you leave later, you can pick up Xiaoying from school when you have time. Look at her, that girl misses you the most, and she still cries every night and can't sleep." Liu Zhenhai said

"Okay, I'll go if you don't tell me, and I can't bear to part with that little girl," Liu Boyang said with a smile

Liu Xiaoying still doesn't know the news that Liu Boyang is alive. She is a child after all. Liu Zhenhai is afraid that after telling her, he will be in trouble if he accidentally misses the word. Now is a tense moment, so don't be careless

But now Liu Boyang is about to leave. If Xiaoying is kept hidden like this, it would be too cruel for her. She is only so old, how can she bear so much grief of losing her brother?

For this younger sister who grew up with him since childhood, Liu Boyang also really loves her in his heart. Before she was cut down that day, Xiaoying ran over and showed the kind of true feelings that Liu Boyang will never forget in his life. That is the most painful My younger sister must spoil and love her even more in the future

When Liu Boyang and Liu Zhenhai were talking, the five of them, Yang Lin, sat quietly and waited for him without saying a word. Now that he saw that he was about to leave, Yang Lin took the initiative to walk over and opened the door.

"Guodong, Dapeng, you two will go there with Boyang, and you must be careful in everything, don't cause trouble, and you must take care of yourself." Liu Zhenhai did not forget to ask his nephew at the end two brothers

"Haha, don't worry, Uncle Zhenhai, we are not children anymore, we know what to do, don't worry if you leave Brother Yang to us." The old cat rubbed his head and laughed.

"You boy..." Liu Boyang was speechless to him. As soon as a few people walked to the door, Liu Boyang suddenly turned his head and asked Liu Zhenhai: "Uncle, did something happen to my grandfather really happen, or is it fake?" ?”

Note to readers:

Brothers, it’s not that I’m not strong, nor that I’m slow, it’s because there’s something wrong with the backstage of the book city, my chapters can’t pass, and they can’t be displayed

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