The girl bit her lip, her head was silent, what could she say, did she have to say it bluntly, brother Yang, you had sex after drinking last night, and possessed you crazily regardless of your resistance?

It's just that even if she didn't say anything, Liu Boyang knew her expression when he saw her expression. He thought that he was a real kid last night, and he rudely pushed her down in spite of her resistance.

"I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." Liu Boyang said with guilt, knowing in his heart, this kind of thing can't be done just by being sorry?

The girl Sun Xiaorou bit her lip and shook her head, said in a low voice, "Brother Yang, I don't blame you, I didn't do that on purpose. You drank so much wine last night, are you feeling better now?"

"En." Liu Boyang nodded, and said, "I'm fine, what about you? Tell me about your situation. How did you encounter such a thing yesterday?"

Sun Xiaorou lowered her head when she heard the words, and said in a low voice: "I came back from the hospital last night, and when I passed by nearby, I was targeted by those bad guys, and then they tried to plot against me..." At the end, the eyes Already a little rosy

"Hospital? What are you doing in the hospital?" Liu Boyang asked

"Go and see my father," Sun Xiaoju said

"What happened to your dad?"

"Dad, when he was doing business, he offended people in the society. Not only was he framed by others, but he was seriously injured. He is still lying in the hospital, and his life and death are uncertain. Dad was originally at a loss in business. My family doesn't have many Money, my family was blackmailed by those people from the society when my father was in the hospital. If my uncle hadn’t gone early, my mother would have been almost killed by them... Dad needs an operation now. In order to raise money for him, my mother is alone every day Running around to make money, I was exhausted every day. I felt distressed, so I went to the hospital to take care of my father for my mother. Later, my mother came back and asked me to go back to school for the last few evening self-study and finish my homework, but I didn’t expect This happened to me on the way back from the hospital..." The girl couldn't hold back her tears as she spoke

After Liu Boyang heard it, he felt very sad. Seeing the girl crying weakly and helplessly, his desire for love and compassion arose in his heart. He lightly patted Sun Xiaorou on the shoulder and persuaded with a smile: "Nizi, don't cry!" , Your face is covered with crying, it doesn’t look good if you cry any more, isn’t it all right now? I beat them all away for you, and I promise you that if I see them again in the future, I will definitely clean them up for you Take it out," Liu Boyang said, but he still felt resentful in his heart, what the hell did he do with so much wine last night?It's really cheap, those grandchildren, next time they see that they won't be useless, they won't break up

Hearing Liu Boyang's words, Sun Xiaorou choked up and nodded, her heart was very touched and warm, she sat on the spot and gently pinched the corner of the quilt with both hands, looking at him with tears in her eyes, seeing how lucky she was to have met such a good boy

Liu Boyang looked at the girl's lonely appearance, and knew in his heart that he should do something. A man has to be responsible for what he has done, so that we men can be worthy of the world, so he held it gently without hesitation. Holding Sun Xiaorou's jade hand, he said seriously: "But no matter what, last night, I really felt sorry for you. Without your consent, I brutally treated you..." At this point, I couldn't continue. Because Sun Xiaorou has lowered her raised face

"Uh, that, I want to say, if you want, let me be responsible for you, okay?" Liu Boyang took a deep breath, and said that the first time he chased a girl, he cut it first and played it later, and felt very awkward

Sun Xiaorou naturally heard the meaning of Liu Boyang's words, her pretty face became even more rosy, and a kind of anticipation inexplicably surged up in her heart, she bit her lip, quietly waiting for him to continue speaking

"I mean, if you want, let me protect you and love you in the future, can you?"

Two blushes suddenly appeared on Sun Xiaorou's pink cheeks, and she lowered her head shyly

"Please be my wife, please? I will treat you well"

After Liu Boyang finished these two sentences in a row, he waited earnestly for Sun Xiaorou's reply.

Sun Xiaorou looked at Liu Boyang with teary eyes, and was suddenly moved. After what happened last night, she had already approved of Liu Boyang in her heart. There was no way, who gave him the most precious first time?But she was so afraid that Liu Boyang would not accept her love after waking up. To put it bluntly, if he dumped him after playing, he would have no place to cry.

Once a girl develops admiration and care for a boy, she is often very persistent. Sun Xiaorou dare not say that she has fallen in love with the boy in front of her, but her heart at this moment is indeed filled with his shadow. After that, ignore yourself and walk away, that is the greatest cruelty to yourself

"Hehe, what are you thinking? Don't believe me?" Seeing that the beauty didn't speak, Liu Boyang smiled gently, took her hand gently, and pulled her into his arms, really wanting to hug her Now that you have made up your mind to take her in, you must never let her run away

Sun Xiaorou was a little unresponsive, Liu Boyang embraced her delicate body, but every time she moved, her lower body hurt, it seemed that the wound hadn't healed yet, and she was bullied to death by him last night...

Liu Boyang's eyes were sharp, and he caught a glimpse of the bright red blood stain under Sun Xiaorou's body, under her snow-white thighs. It was a sign of a girl's farewell to the blooming season, and it was also the beginning of her becoming a woman.

Liu Boyang said in surprise, "Are you still...?"

Sun Xiaorou bit her lip and said nothing, what else is there to say?The evidence is there, my innocent girl years, from that moment last night, gone forever

This made Liu Boyang feel guilty, and asked, "Is this the first time you followed me last night?"

"Yeah." Sun Xiaorou nodded shyly.

With the girl's affirmation, Liu Boyang immediately felt pity and love. He just possessed her in a muddle last night. He didn't expect that he was the first man to pick her stamens. In this way, if he didn't accept her as his wife, he would add it. unreasonable

At this moment, Sun Xiaorou is like an angel who broke her wings and fell to the world, waiting for her to watch with her heart

"Let's go back to the topic just now, are you willing to be my wife? Since I said that I will love you well, it is by no means empty words. I will protect you with my life." tight

All of a sudden, a great emotion rushed through her whole body. Sun Xiaorou pursed her lips and thought for a while, without any further hesitation, she fell into Liu Boyang's arms and let out an inaudible "um"

Since he rescued himself from the bad guys last night, Sun Xiaorou is willing to believe that this is the fate of the two, that God deliberately arranged for the two to get together in this way, let alone now that he is helpless, if someone Such a boy can act as his true son, and he is also grateful to God from the bottom of his heart

Yuzhi drew circles in Liu Boyang's arms, Sun Xiaorou nodded gently and said: "Brother Yang, I am willing to follow you"

Note to readers:

Collection, smashing bricks...

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