The best boy on campus

Chapter 223 Dynasty Disco!

At noon, a group of people get together and eat the last lunch bubble-book_)

During the meal, I didn't feel so sad, everyone was still talking and laughing, but after the meal, Liu Boyang personally called two cars to send Xiaoying, Zheng Xiaowan, Song Qianxia, ​​and Sun Xiaorou back to school , the three girls were still crying, and they all ran up to hug Liu Boyang, crying and saying some reluctant words

Liu Boyang was also very upset when he heard this, and while promising them that he would be back soon, he stretched out his hand to wipe away the cold tears from the corners of their eyes

The old cat Yang Lin and others who watched this scene were also very moved

The old cat sighed and said: "In the end, Brother Yang is amazing. Before he left, there were three beauties to see him off. Pity me, Lao Mao, the hero of my life, but there is no one around me to see him off."

Yang Lin glanced at him and said displeasedly, "Damn, aren't you human?"

Suddenly Zheng Xiaowan over there also heard this, bit her lip and came over to the old cat and said, "Brother, were you talking about me just now?"

"Ah, it's not that you don't think too much, I didn't say anything" the old cat hurriedly waved his hands

"Brother, when are you coming back?" Zheng Xiaowan looked at the old cat, her eyes turned red, she bit her lip and asked

"Hehe, whenever Brother Yang comes back, I will come back whenever." The old cat laughed.

"Then, before you leave, can you give me a hug?" Zheng Xiaowan looked directly at the old cat and said courageously.

"..." After all, the old cat didn't hesitate to reject the girl's intentions. Under the sinister smiles of Yang Lin, Cui Guodong, Huzi and others with ulterior motives, he opened his hands and hugged Zheng Xiaowan bravely.

At first, the old cat just wanted to deal with it, but when he hugged Zheng Xiaowan into his arms, there was an inexplicable ripple in his heart

That girl actually hid in his arms, crying silently

She really fell in love with Lao Mao and fell in love with him.

On the contrary, this made the old cat feel bad, and it was the first time a girl cried for him

At the moment when Zheng Xiaowan let go, the old cat was so nonsense that he felt reluctant

At this time, Liu Boyang also persuaded them, coaxing three girls to get into the car and leave. Sun Xiaorou was the last one to get on the car. Before she left, she walked up to tie the collar of Liu Boyang with tears in her eyes, and said with red eyes: "Brother Yang, take care, remember to call often, I will miss you..."

"Hehe, daughter-in-law, don't worry, I will miss you too, I will contact you often." Liu Boyang pretended to be relaxed and smiled

In the end, watching the four girls leave in the car, Liu Boyang was filled with regret, a little bit of self-blame and remorse, how did he get to where he is today?Okay, to actually leave behind the two girls who love her so deeply, and run away to a city so far away, isn't God sincerely making things difficult for me?

Gao Zhenfei saw the complexity in Liu Boyang's heart at the moment, sighed and stepped forward to comfort him: "Brother Yang, don't think too much, this is the end of the matter, we have no way out, the development of the society and the revitalization of the Liu family all depend on you , don’t let the brothers down.”

Yang Lin also stepped up and said: "Da Fei is right, Brother Yang, remember one sentence, only after hard work can we be willing to endure our forbearance and escape today, all for the sake of killing back fiercely in the future"

Liu Boyang nodded faintly, and said with a smile: "You don't need to persuade me, I know Dafei, so don't waste time, where did your little brother find the man of the Siberian Tiger, and he is still there, let's rush over and do it early Leave early when you're done, the ticket booked by Red Coral is at seven o'clock in the evening."

"Brother Cheng Yang, although my younger brother failed to find out where the Siberian tiger was hiding, he found a confidant of that guy. He must know the whereabouts of the Siberian tiger in the 'Dynasty' disco now. Keep an eye on him, [-]% of them haven't left yet, we will definitely be able to catch him in the past," Gao Zhenfei said

"Let's go" Liu Boyang didn't say much, and jumped into Huzi's van first

Yang Lin is right, you can only be willing to work hard. Now I am going out for a short time, and when I come back in the future, I must open up half of the city of W again.

The brothers stopped talking nonsense, and Huzi drove directly to the "Dynasty Disco" at the northern corner of the city. This operation must not fail no matter what. root snatched

At this time, in the "Dynasty Disco", one of the Siberian Tiger's confidantes - Lei Dashan, who is known as the right-hand man, is sitting in the card room next to the dance floor, drinking authentic vodka comfortably, while facing the neighbors. A student girl brought out to play for the first time laughed out loud

"Come on, try this, it's very exciting." He casually took a goblet, poured a small half cup of vodka into it, and then picked it up with two fingers and handed it to the face of a girl who looked a bit cautious next to him, smiling. said

"Brother Lei, I don't know how to drink," the girl said nervously

"What are you talking about, is there someone who will drink alcohol from birth? Hehe, try it, even if you just take a sip? Give me face" Lei Dashan said with a smile

"This..." The girl still seemed a little hesitant, but she had been forced to take the goblet helplessly. She was really a little afraid of this big brother in the underworld. If it wasn't for her friend who insisted on pulling her over today, she would I won't come to such a chaotic place

"Haha, it's delicious to drink." Lei Dashan said while picking up a wine glass himself, pretending to drink it with his head up, luring her to drink it

"That's right, beauty, hurry up and drink if you don't drink again, our Brother Lei will be angry, it's terrible for him to be angry." Several younger brothers of Lei Dashan also booed

The girl was forced to have no choice but to pick up the wine glass and take a sip, which was a sign of meaning

"Damn girl, you are too disrespectful to me. No, no, how can I drink so much? Come on, I won't make it difficult for you, I will pour some back for you, and you have to do the rest." Lei Dashan couldn't help but say, with a hand He snatched the goblet from the girl's hand, then turned his back and poured it into the fruit plate. At the same time, before anyone else had time, he rolled it with his right hand and mixed some white medicinal powder into it

"That's all for now, I have nothing to say after drinking all of it, I will spare you tonight." Lei Dashan laughed and said that what he added to it just now was a strong aphrodisiac. In places like wine and discos, it is to deal with girls common method, but there are still many girls who have been tricked by those bad guys who tried repeatedly

Sure enough, that beautiful girl was also forced by him to have no choice. As long as she picked up the wine glass and drank it, her entire pretty face turned red in an instant, and she coughed uncontrollably while covering her throat.

"Haha, you are so good, my sister is a promising heroine." Lei Dashan praised, but what he thought in his heart was that this girl will take the initiative to throw herself into her arms in a short time, and then I will definitely fuck her hard Cool, the most fun is these schoolgirls who haven't graduated

Seeing that the girl was coughing so badly, her two sisters had no choice but to stand up and run over, beat her on the back with their hands, and said, "Tingting, if you can't drink, stop drinking, let's go dance music."

The two girls could tell they were little sisters at a glance. The upper bodies of the two were wearing green and black short vests, the kind that exposed the navel, while the lower body was only covered with a pair of black leather pants, tight. Although the two people who pass through the thighs and reveal two snow-white thighs are considered to be above average, but due to the heavy makeup, they look very enchanting and charming. It is estimated that they only need to twist a little Waist limbs can arouse men's burning animal desire

Tingting nodded and was pulled away by them. Suddenly, a younger brother behind Lei Dashan pulled the girl in the black vest back, rubbed her nipples hard, and handed a small bottle to her with a lewd smile. In front of her, she said with a smile: "Eat this, jump up and feel good"

"You." The coquettish girl nodded his nose, gave him a white look, and said, "You know that I will come back and I will accompany you again." She grabbed the vial and left

At this time, the girl named Tingting said to the little girl in the green vest in a panic as soon as she was dragged to the dance floor: "Sissy, I don't want to play anymore, I want to go back, if the old cat knows he's going to kill me"

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