The best boy on campus

Chapter 226 Kill to the west of the city!

Yu Yang killed two of his brothers in a row, and finally dared to wipe off his cold sweat and took a deep breath, walked to Liu Boyang's side tremblingly, lowered his body and said, "Brother, I killed them all, now can you spare my dog?" Dead? You can ask whatever you want, and I will know everything without exception.”

Liu Boyang looked at him, nodded lightly, and turned his head to look around. When those innocent sluts and prostitutes met his cold eyes, they immediately dodged and backed away in fright, not daring to say anything.

"Follow me" Liu Boyang said

"Yes, yes..." Yu Yang followed behind Liu Boyang honestly like a dog, he didn't even dare to think of a little trick, Gao Zhenfei and Cui Guodong stared at him coldly, even if he dared to be unfavorable to Liu Boyang, Then it is not a question of death, but a question of how to die

Liu Boyang walked up to the old cat, sighed deeply, didn't say anything, just patted him on the shoulder, and walked away helplessly

At this time, the old cat was still in a daze, its eyes were slightly red, and it stood there like a stone man, not knowing what it was thinking

When Huzi Gao Zhenfei and Cui Guodong walked past him, he also gave him a distressed look, then, like Liu Boyang, shook his head helplessly, and continued to walk away

This kind of thing cannot be persuaded in a few words, even if it is a brother, it needs the old cat to think about it. Sometimes the more you persuade him, the worse the effect will be.

Yang Lin walked to the side of Lei Dashan's body, bent down to look, the guy was not completely dead yet, but he was almost there, there was only air coming out of his mouth but not in, the wine bottle of Liu Boyang just now His lower abdomen has been stabbed, it is not easy for this guy to survive until now

In order to show his reward, Yang Lin kicked Lei Dashan's chin fiercely. The powerful force immediately brought Lei Dashan's head into close contact with the wall. There was a clear and crisp sound of bone shattering, and Lei Dashan's head was splashed. There is blood all over the wall, even if the Heavenly King Laozi comes, don’t try to save him

Yang Lin didn't look at him again, but turned to Lao Mao and said, "Old Five, it's time to go."

The old cat looked at Yang Lin with red eyes, trembling lips and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything

"It's men, stand up wherever you fall. It's hard to find three-legged toads, but there are so many women with two legs. Don't let us men look down on you." After Yang Lin finished speaking, he followed Liu Boyang and others all the way. go out

In fact, at this time Fang Tingting had already slowed down the medicine. Just now, she was hiding in the crowd because she was afraid of Liu Boyang and others' murderous aura, so she dared not speak. Now that they were all gone, she dared to cry and run up to hold her back. The old cat's hand, pear blossoms in the rain, said: "Old cat, old cat, listen to me, I didn't do what happened today on purpose, they dragged me here, can you forgive me once?"

When she was with Lao Mao before, she didn't know how to cherish it. She always felt that it was fine to play casually with such a rough nerve as Lao Mao. There was no need to take it seriously. Who told Lao Mao to be so strong?That's why she never admits that she is Lao Mao's daughter-in-law

But at this moment, when she felt that she was really going to lose the old cat, she suddenly felt a great sense of crisis. After Liu Boyang took away the old cat ten days ago, although the two were no longer together, how much did she feel? Still some comfort, now even that is gone, replaced by endless emptiness and sadness

The old cat turned his head, gave her a cold look, and said through grinding his teeth, "I'm so surprised, how come I didn't see your bitch face until today? Fuck you, get out of here!"

When Tingting heard this, she cried even more fiercely. She hugged the old cat's arm and shook it wildly, choked up and said: "I know I'm sorry for you, old cat, you can beat me and scold me, just don't want me."

"Hit you? Dirty my hands." The old cat spat disdainfully, "I'm fucking useless enough. From today onwards, don't let me see you again." After speaking, he shook off Fang Tingting's hand and strode towards the stairs. mouth

"Old cat—" Fang Tingting cried

The old cat didn't even look back. When he walked to the stairs, he found that the bartender in the stage was hiding and staring at him. The old cat yelled at him angrily: "Look at your mother, believe it or not!" Did I dig out your eyeballs?"

The bartender hurriedly called "Master" a few times, and shrank under the stage in fright, but at the moment the old cat went out, he clearly saw the tears in the corners of the old cat's eyes

"Such a hunk...would shed tears?" He thought in shock

After the figure of the old cat completely disappeared at the stairs, Fang Tingting's desperate cry came from the whole disco...

Liu Boyang and others have been waiting in the car, silently watching the gate of "Dynasty Disco", until they saw the old cat striding out from inside alone, they were relieved

At this moment, Liu Boyang's eyes are still extremely guilty, and his heart is extremely heavy. It is not easy for a person like Lao Mao to fall in love with a girl, and he is the one who hurt him...

Seeing the old cat open the car door and sit up, Liu Boyang thought for a while, but couldn't help but said to him: "Old cat, brother, I'm sorry, hurry up tomorrow..."

"Brother Yang, it's none of your business. I was blind and saw the wrong person. If it weren't for you, I really wouldn't have discovered the nature of that bitch." The old cat interrupted Liu Boyang, pretending to be indifferent and smiled laugh

"If you can really think like this, I will thank you..." Liu Boyang sighed.

"Brother Yang, I'm nothing, I'm just a woman, isn't it? I can't live without her? We men can still be single? Don't worry about me, Hu Zi, drive" the old cat said to Hu Zi in front

Huzi turned his head to look at Liu Boyang and Yang Lin, and seeing that they both nodded to him, he started the car and left Theater Street

From Yu Yang's mouth, Liu Boyang and others learned that the Siberian tiger is actually hiding in a villa on a barren hill in the western suburbs of his city. There he has a very special cellar, which hides all the shady things.

No wonder that guy is so hard to find, it turns out that his secret hideout is neither in the sky nor in the ground, but hidden in the ground

A group of people rushed directly to the western outskirts of the city

At this time, in the west of the city, in the imperceptible barren mountain villa of the Siberian Tiger, in the underground cellar

The Siberian Tiger did not get any news of the tragic death of his confidant Lei Dashan, and still enjoyed his perverted game

There is a dilapidated long table in this cellar, I saw a person holding a long steel knife, passing through the table from top to bottom, nailing a person alive on it

One knife through the heart knife method is precise

The person who was nailed to the table had already died, and the unwillingness left in his pupils did not disappear with his death

On the other side of the long table, there is an old Simmons bed not far away. I saw a man and a woman on it doing the most primitive mating exercise as if no one else was there. The man was constantly attacking. The woman let out a hoarse scream, apparently climbing onto the **

In addition, there are a few shirtless and fierce-looking big men, sitting on the side with no expression on their faces, playing with the sharp knives in their hands

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