The best boy on campus

Chapter 233 Trouble strikes again!

"By the way, beauty, I haven't asked where you are going yet? Are you also going to G City?" Liu Boyang asked Song Jiayao while chewing beef jerky

"That's right, are you too?" Song Jiayao had almost finished eating the noodles, and asked with a smile as she gently twisted the noodle soup with a small fork


"Seeing you like this, is it your first time going?"

"Aren't you?"

"Of course my family lives in City G, I'm going home now" Song Jiayao laughed

"Go home? Then why did you come to City W?" Liu Boyang asked slightly surprised

"This... secret oh heh" Song Jiayao blinked her eyes, Yingying stood up and held the lunch box and said, "Okay, I'm done eating, I'm going to throw out the trash, we'll talk when I come back..."

Liu Boyang stared at Song Jiayao's beautiful figure from behind, and couldn't help admiring, "It's really a superb beauty." At the same time, he was also puzzled, what is the origin of this girl, and she came to W City, which is so far away from G City, alone. And judging by her clothes and speech, she can't tell that she is hiding her scheming. She is just a charming girl who has never seen the world, and she doesn't even know the social common sense of "putting three defenses on people". A beauty like her is alone. It's really strange that some "bad guys" didn't notice you when you traveled far away

"Why, Brother Yang, are you interested in her?" Cui Guodong asked with a smile

"Nonsense, am I such a superficial person? The journey is lonely, just a companion." Liu Boyang pursed his lips and smiled.

"False, true, and fucking false in front of people who know the truth, who of us brothers doesn't know who? Don't worry, brother Yang, Brother Mao and I won't tell Xiaorou Qianxia." Cui Guodong laughed.

"Fuck you, it's okay, don't forget to discredit me," Liu Boyang scolded with a smile

There were thirty or forty people sitting sparsely in the train, basically each person occupied at least two seats on average, and most of them were male passengers, so a top-notch beauty like Song Jiayao was very eye-catching walking in the carriage, Song Jia Yao herself also knows that many eyes are focused on her back, most of them are amazing eyes

However, there are exceptions. At least now, a pair of greedy and lecherous eyes are coming to me, and they are scanning my chest with malicious intent. The expression on his face is extremely obscene. With nondescript back hair, triangular eyes, looks extremely wretched, wearing a black jacket on the upper body, holding a poker in his hand and playing cards with a few companions bored

Song Jiayao snorted disdainfully in her heart, pretended to ignore it, and continued to walk forward, but when she passed by Triangle Eye, she found that this guy had three companions, and the one sitting in the innermost was a "Shaolin man", A bald man like Lu Zhishen, five big and three thick, about the same size as the old cat, with a gangster face and a fierce look in his eyes, but he is also staring at her unscrupulously at the moment

This man looks like a big brother, wearing only a black T-shirt with a large collar on his upper body, deliberately revealing the golden necklace hanging around his neck, and the domineering downhill black tiger, holding a handful of poker in his hand, Song Jiayao found that this guy was wearing at least three rings on his five fingers, so he was not a straight person

Sitting opposite the bald man are two boys of about the same age, both of whom have yellow hair. At this moment, they are also staring at Song Jiayao with ulterior motives, the corners of their mouths are constantly raised, full of frivolity

When Song Jiayao passed the seats for four, Triangular Eyes stretched out a polished leather shoe intentionally or unintentionally, as if wanting to trip Song Jiayao, with a thin and obscene smile on her face, who would have thought that Song Jiayao would dodge quickly? I still ignored it, and walked quickly towards the toilet at one end of the carriage.

"****, brother Xiao, the more I look at this girl, the more she looks like that person" said the triangular eye

"I look like it too, but what's the use of it? Damn, now the sky is high and the emperor is far away, why do you care so much? Let's have fun first, let's talk about it for a while, and when she comes back, we'll pull her over to play. If we find out that she is really That girl of the Song family, it won’t be too late for us to apologize to her again. The ignorant is innocent, can old man Song still eat us? Haha" the big bald Xiao brother patted his belly and laughed obscenely

"Miaomiao, Brother Xiao is right. Look at this girl's walking posture, her buttocks are so tightly clamped, it's probably a good place. If our brothers can have fun with her, then we will be upset? Let's talk about her. If it's really Song Qilin's granddaughter, then we brothers should make a move, if any of our brothers can really catch her, we will have nothing to worry about in the future." Triangular eyes also said with glowing eyes

At this time, Song Jiayao had already thrown the garbage into the toilet, and the four of them were still staring at her slim figure, their saliva was about to flow out, and they were not afraid to smack their tongues.

"But having said that, Brother Xiao, did you see that there are three men sitting with this girl, and there are probably this little girl's daughters, and if we really start to fight, they might come over and find us Have fun, what shall we do? Shall we throw them all down?" Triangle Eyes turned to stare at Liu Boyang and the three of them and said

"Leave your father alone, this is in the carriage. It will be troublesome to get the police later. It's not easy to deal with a few little dolls with no hair yet? Let me shake them first." The bald man named Brother Xiao said After that, he straightened his back vigorously, making a lot of noise, and instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the carriage. Everyone noticed that this was a big man with a strong back and a big waist. He was at least 1.8 meters tall and weighed two hundred catties away

People like him are usually either selling pork in the vegetable market, or licking blood at the knife's edge. Everyone in the mixed society is not a fool, and they can all tell, so the voice in the whole car instantly quieted down. People don't know that this guy suddenly Who is this demonstration for?

As soon as Brother Xiao stood up, everyone in the car could feel a sense of banditry in the car, even the three of Liu Boyang over there gave him a faint look

At this moment, Brother Xiao turned his head away, and looked at Liu Boyang intentionally or unintentionally. Liu Boyang smiled lightly, then looked away, and turned his head out of the window as if nothing had happened.

Cui Guodong and the old cat also looked away at the same time, Cui Guodong said to the old cat very speechlessly: "Brother Mao, did you see the silly hang just now?"

"I saw it, and I erected it on purpose, and wanted to show it to others." The old cat also curled his lips and said that what he is most uncomfortable with is the big guy with the same model as him, and every time he sees such a person, he can't help but think. tidy

"Okay, don't say a few words, this is in the car, don't cause trouble if you can," Liu Boyang ordered lightly

It's not that Liu Boyang became less courageous when he came out of W City, but at the moment he doesn't want to make troubles, and he doesn't need to be troublesome unless he has to. Let's get to G City safely first.

"Huh? Not bad, not bad, interesting, is it possible that that kid is the girl's winner?" Brother Xiao and Liu Boyang looked at each other, and suddenly said with great interest

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