The best boy on campus

Chapter 243 Overtake! !

"Boy, I can't tell, you're pretty good at fighting." After standing still, Pang Tianxin narrowed his eyes and said with a sinister smile

"That's right, you're not bad either." Liu Boyang smiled faintly.

"Boy, remember, in front of me, don't show such a confident look. I look very upset. No matter what shitty place you transferred from, but this 'Beijing x Middle School' is my world. Tiger, lie down for me, and dragon, coil up for me, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you," Pang Tianxin said in a dark voice

"Really?" Liu Boyang shrugged his shoulders, and smiled disapprovingly, "I'm sorry, I'm not scared of you."

"Hehe, that's it..." Pang Tianxin rubbed his forehead, smiled helplessly, suddenly changed his expression, and shouted: "Then I will let you have long eyes." After speaking, he suddenly took the bench next to him, He threw it towards Liu Boyang, and then his whole body rushed up in an instant, and the six steps under his feet flew up like lightning, and kicked towards Liu Boyang.

Liu Boyang's eyes tightened, he jumped up and kicked the bench that fell from mid-air, but he didn't expect that Pang Tianxin's kick was so fast, and he rushed to him in the blink of an eye

It was too late for him to be on guard, so the chest guards with both hands resisted Pang Tianxin's kick forcefully, and his body stepped backwards a few steps according to the inertia, his left foot spun his right foot to whip out, and then he spun his leg sharply, flying out sharply. kicked out

This time it was Pang Tianxin's turn to be caught off guard. He never thought that Liu Boyang could fight back in this situation. It was too late to defend himself. Liu Boyang kicked his face in the face, and his whole body was knocked out obliquely and hit a table.

Liu Boyang gained power and was relentless. Before Pang Tianxin could recover, he rushed up and made another kick in an instant. Like a lion clawing at a mountain, his legs were like long whips. Pang Tianxin only felt a tearing pain on the left side of his face and even his neck.

Liu Boyang didn't use his eyes to see at all, he raised his hand instinctively and grasped it firmly, and immediately firmly grasped the bench that was thrown by Pang Tianxin and kicked by him just now, and then fell from the ceiling in an arc. With the leg of the stool, he smashed Pang Tianxin's left arm so hard that he heard a "click", and even the stool was smashed to pieces. Even half of my body is numb with pain

The bench hit by Liu Boyang was really hard and decisive, and Pang Tianxin was hit hard and fell to the ground, but even so, he didn't admit it, his whole body rolled on the spot and staggered Liu Boyang's attacking move, and slammed the carp from the ground. Dazheng jumped up and slammed his whip at Liu Boyang's back

Liu Boyang bent over and dodged a blow, the scorpion on his back foot swung its tail, and hit Pang Tianxin's chest impartially, kicking him down from mid-air again, Pang Tianxin staggered back a few steps and almost fell, finally alone He stomped his feet on the ground before finally standing still, stretched out his hand to cover his left arm, gritted his teeth and looked at Liu Boyang

And Liu Boyang also stood up again, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at him without the slightest fear

The rest of the students in the class, including those with four eyes, were all stunned by the confrontation between the two just now. This kid is too outrageous, too fucking unrevealing to be able to beat the entire freshman Even Pang Tianxin, who singled out the top three in his grade, couldn't beat him?Is he a freak?

At this time, several nympho girls in the class were stunned by the sharp domineering and clean fists that Liu Boyang showed just now, each of them was secretly moved, and their eyes were full of love when they looked at Liu Boyang. Bad girls don't love, beautiful sluts are matched with tyrannical heroes, they really didn't expect that this boy who came here didn't look amazing, but he turned out to be so tough when he fought, and they were full of speculations about Liu Boyang's origin and identity, what did he do in the past ?From where?single or...

The most eye-catching twin sisters in the class are also looking at Liu Boyang with great interest at the moment, with a surprised smile on the corner of their mouths...

"Boy, although I don't want to admit it, but you are really good. I like you but let me tell you, no matter how good you are in singles, it is useless in this school. Now I will give you a chance. Come with me in the future and join us" kill How about Tianbang?" Although Pang Tianxin suffered such a serious injury just now, his complexion didn't change much, he was still as arrogant as ever, he shook his arms, twisted his neck, and asked Liu Boyang indifferently

Sure enough, he can walk sideways in this school, and he is not in vain

"Hehe, thank you for your compliment..." Liu Boyang said with a smile

"You agreed?" Pang Tianxin asked

"What do you think? You can't even beat me, and you still want me to be with you? I'm sorry, you have a thick skin, but I have a very thin skin." Liu Boyang smiled lightly

Hearing this, Pang Tianxin's face darkened instantly, and he stared at Liu Boyang with serious eyes: "So you just don't know how to praise?"

"Don't talk about it, it's not impossible for the two of us to hang out together," Liu Boyang spread his hands

"Go on," Pang Tianxin narrowed his eyes and said

"No matter where you are, whoever has the hardest fist is the boss, and I think this school is no exception. The two of us have competed just now. It turns out that you can't do it, so I will give you a chance. Follow me in the future. How about leaving your 'killing gang' and being my younger brother?" Liu Boyang laughed

"Fuck you!" Pang Tianxin exploded when he heard it. He wanted to pull this kid into the club, but he didn't agree. Now he dared to tear down his platform in public and let him follow him?Why did Pang Tianxin have the feeling of being raped and raped?

"Boy, don't think that being able to fight is awesome. You don't even look in the mirror. You're such a big talker. You don't have to join the 'Killing Heaven Gang'. Grandpa, I assure you, you," said here, He emphatically pointed to Liu Boyang's nose, and said word by word: "In the future, one, one day, also, don't, think, good, pass"

"Really?" Liu Boyang still smiled lightly, but there was a murderous look of real anger on the corner of his mouth

"Isn't it? Just look at it from now on. We men don't like to play tricks, and let the facts tell you the answer." Pang Tianxin said with a grinning grin, and turned to leave

Suddenly, at this moment, a pretty figure flashed in at the front door of the classroom, looking in shock at Feng Guoliang lying on the ground moaning bitterly, and at the messy desks and chairs smashed at the back of the classroom, There was anger and strangeness on the exquisite face, pointing at Pang Tianxin and scolding: "What's the matter with you standing here? Explain to me clearly"

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