The best boy on campus

Chapter 249 Pang Tianxin from Class 29!

"Who is Emperor Yang Qing?" The man who was called out was Guo Tao, who didn't know Cui Guodong, so he asked Pao*shu*(

"He transferred from your class." Cui Guodong was a little surprised. Didn't Brother Yang introduce himself after entering the class?

"Ah, you mean..." Guo Tao suddenly came back to his senses, shocked, feeling that he came to find that guy

The incident of Liu Boyang's battle against Pang Tianxin just now stunned everyone. You must know that Liu Boyang's battle in the seventh class was far more shocking than Cui Guodong's in the sixteenth class.

Who is Pang Tianxin?In the first year of high school, the six giants singled out the top three in the entire department. Except for Guan Shijie and Li Wanhao, no one in Pugao has always been his opponent. To be able to defeat him, what a majesty, what a legend

Now the whole Class [-] is whispering about Liu Boyang's deeds. If Guo Tao hadn't been pulled out by Cui Guodong, he would have gotten together with others to guess Liu Boyang's origin.

"Where is he now?" Cui Guodong didn't bother to talk nonsense to Guo Tao, he walked to the back door and looked inside, but he didn't find Liu Boyang's figure, so he turned his head and asked again

"Do you know him?" Guo Tao asked curiously

Cui Guodong glanced at him indifferently, but did not speak.

Realizing that Cui Guodong was angry, Guo Tao didn't dare to talk anymore, and hurriedly said: "Emperor Yang Qing was called away by our class teacher."

"You were called away by the head teacher?" Cui Guodong frowned and asked, but he wanted to laugh in his heart. Well, Brother Yang, you are lucky. Before you came, you kept persuading the two of us to keep a low profile. Instead, you reported to the teacher first... …

"It was he who fought with Pang Tianxin, and was called away by the teacher after seeing it," Guo Tao said.

"Which class is the surname Pang from?" Cui Guodong didn't even need to ask about the outcome of the fight, he knew it very well, Liu Boyang must have won.

He still doesn't know what his elder brother is capable of. In County H, Hu Zi, You Longjian and Tie Zheng once teamed up, but they couldn't beat Liu Boyang. Few of those adults who have experienced many battles are the opponents of Brother Yang, so now Cui Guodong is more concerned about the whereabouts of the kid surnamed Pang, if he dares to conflict with Brother Yang, that guy is dead

"He's in class 29." When Guo Tao mentioned the name of class 29, his face immediately changed, showing instinctive fear. He couldn't understand what kind of class it was. Seven people dropped out of school, all of them were defeated in the battle for the boss. Four people broke their legs, two people broke their hands, and the other one was beaten the most.

I heard that five of them were planted in the hands of Pang Tianxin, and the last one with a comminuted fracture was smashed by Pang Tianxin when he lifted the table.

"Oh, the person surnamed Pang was also called away by your teacher?" Cui Guodong continued to ask

"Without our teacher calling him, he ignored him and walked away swaggeringly," Guo Tao said honestly

When Cui Guodong heard it, he was overjoyed, and asked with a smile, "You don't even like the teacher's name? Are you still walking away?"

"Yes, Pang Tianxin is not an ordinary person..." Guo Tao just wanted to introduce Pang Tianxin's strength and status in this school for Cui Guodong, but was suddenly interrupted by Cui Guodong waving his hand, "You needn't say it, Emperor Yang Qing will bring me back after he comes back. Let me just say that Cui Laoliu came to him, and now he is going to clean up the calf for him."

"Huh? You mean you're going to find Pang Tianxin?" Guo Tao was terrified all the time. As the saying goes, tigers and leopards don't keep company with wolves. This is true. Since Cui Guodong first told him that he wanted to find Emperor Yang Qing, He guessed that Cui Guodong must not be an ordinary person, but he still didn't expect him to be so courageous that he would dare to find Pang Tianxin's displeasure?

Cui Guodong didn't have the time to pay any attention to this guy whose mouth was bigger than an egg, and turned around to leave after explaining. Guo Tao hurriedly shouted at his back: "Do you know what kind of person Pang Tianxin is?"

Cui Guodong smiled faintly at him, waved his hands without saying anything, and continued walking

Leaving Guo Tao standing there with a demented look on his face

Cui Guodong had just walked to the stairs when suddenly a dozen or so people came running up to him from downstairs. The leader was Du Jun. Liu Songren told about Cui Guodong looking for Class [-], he was taken aback, and immediately rushed up with the dozen gangsters in the class

"Brother Cui, have you gone to class seven?" Du Jun asked


"You know that Emperor Yang Qing?"


"Then...then you must have heard of Pang Tianxin?"


"Then where are you going now?"

"find him"

"Looking for...?...Who are you looking for?" Du Jun gasped when he heard this.

"The surname is Pang." Cui Guodong smiled faintly, "You are here, please guide me. I don't know where Class 29 is yet."

Du Jun's face was uglier than the eggplant beaten by Shuang. Seeing Cui Guodong go downstairs with a very disapproving expression, he hurried up to hold him, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Cui, do you know who Pang Tianxin is?"

"Isn't he human?" Cui Guodong frowned and asked

"Yes" Du Jun asked

"Then why are you all so nervous? He can eat you?" Cui Guodong smiled, seeing Du Jun and others mentioning Pang Tianxin's name, all of them changed their faces, but he wanted to meet that guy. What kind of head and six arms have grown so that these people are frightened when they hear the news?

"Brother Cui, we know that you are brave and invincible, but I still advise you, little brother, you are too reckless to go like this. You just came to our school and don't know everything. You don't know what the guys in class 29 and Pang Tianxin are like. People like you come to your door unprepared, and those people who will definitely suffer are capable of anything," Du Jun said in a calm voice.

Just kidding, could Class 29, the most chaotic class in the entire senior department, be a joke?

It was a well-known gangster class in the whole school. Due to the reason of class arrangement based on grades, the worst students in the whole first year of senior high school were all in that class. There was not a single girl in the class, it was full of ruffian men. Wasn't the number 64 in the class Students, a bunch of cannibal wolves go in, guaranteed to be gnawed until there is no bones left

The worries of Du Jun and the others were not groundless. No matter how good you are in fighting, brother Cui, you are still hard to beat with two fists and four hands.

Cui Guodong, who is not afraid of anything, was a little surprised to see more than a dozen people around him dissuading him with such solemn expressions. Could it be that there are really people who can eat people?He smiled and asked: "In this case, in one minute, tell me what kind of guy that Pang Tianxin is."

ps: Sorry everyone, my mother was hospitalized recently and is unstable, but I am here to assure everyone that no matter how busy I am, I will guarantee four or eight thousand words a day. Please continue to support me. In addition, some brothers are worried that I will not be able to write anymore , I want tj, please rest assured, I will definitely not have too many thoughts in my mind, I swear I will finish this book

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