The best boy on campus

Chapter 251 Kill the door!

When Cui Guodong led a group of people to find Class [-], he entered through the back door, and at a glance, he saw the old cat sleeping on the table in the back corner of the classroom

Although Class [-] at this time is not as "calm" as Liu Boyang's Class [-], it is definitely not as lawless and "noisy" as Cui Guodong's Class [-]. Except for the old cat, there are a large number of people in the back row, I don't know if they went out together for "activities" last night, and they slept so deeply together

Cui Guodong walked over to pat the old cat and shouted, "Brother Cat, wake up!"

The old cat raised its head in a daze, bit its lips and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Get up, I have something to discuss with you," Cui Guodong said

"What's the matter?" the old cat muttered and asked that all fat people have the habit of sleeping late, and he is no exception. What annoys him the most is being disturbed by others when he is sleeping soundly. Fortunately, it is Cui Guodong in front of him now. If someone else , it's guaranteed to go crazy now

"Brother Yang is fighting with someone"

"What?" When the old cat heard it, he no longer cared about the sleepiness just now, sat up abruptly, and shouted: "When did it happen? Now?"

"Who the hell am I making a fuss over there? Don't you know I'm sleeping? Who is it? Stand up and let me see." At this moment, another boy suddenly came from another corner of the class. An extremely angry voice, presumably he was woken up by the old cat's voice just now, very dissatisfied

Cui Guodong and Lao Mao turned their heads to look at the guy instantly, and found that the other party was also looking at him with red eyes

"Wait for me a while" the old cat said lightly, stood up and strode towards that guy

At this time, many people in the class were also awakened by the old cat's voice just now. They wanted to yell at their necks, but they were preempted by that guy Xing Yao. Yao walked over

"What do you want to do? Who are you? Why haven't I seen you?" Xing Yao was also shocked by the old cat's huge size and innate evil spirit. He just wanted to stand up and ask a few words, but the old cat Who would give him a chance, rushed in front of him a few times, and kicked his whole body away in an instant with a "bang"

Xing Yao didn't even have time to let out a scream, he threw it several meters high like a broken sack, hit the classroom window with a bang, bounced back and hit the ground again, and immediately cried out for his father and mother in pain, howling While clutching his stomach and rolling all over the floor, it was fortunate that the classroom windows were equipped with glass, otherwise the old cat would have kicked him downstairs

A group of people in the class were dumbfounded. Many of them, like Xing Yao, did not know Lao Mao. Although Lao Mao had introduced himself briefly when he first came in, they were all sleeping at that time. How could they hear it?Now when I opened my eyes, I saw this strange evil god kicking Xing Yao, the shock in my heart can be imagined. There are a few people who are usually good with Xing Yao and want to stand up for Xing Yao, but look at the old cat. In the end, he swallowed the breath forcefully.

"Say, what's going on? Where is Brother Yang now?" The old cat walked up to Cui Guodong and asked as if no one else was there.

"Come out and say it" Cui Guodong glanced lightly at the group of students in Laomao's class with unfriendly eyes, and led Laomao out of the classroom

"Brother Cat" Cui Guodong pointed to the old cat to introduce Du Jun and others

"Hello, brother cat." Naturally, they had to listen to Cui Guodong's words. Du Jun and others looked at the old cat, and felt that this man was born for the sake of the society, and he walked with a domineering, always The round face looks harmless, but in fact the eyes are full of evil spirits. When I glanced at him, the pierced bones felt chills. Just now, the old cat's clean kick scared them. Compared with Brother Cui, this person Absolutely more than nothing

Du Jun and the others speculated in their hearts, who is this person? Why does Boss Cui call him brother?I haven't seen it before, is it also transferred?

God, no?Today, three people were suddenly transferred to the school?And all of them are so difficult to mess with?

"What's going on here?" The old cat pointed to Du Jun and others in amazement and asked Cui Guodong.

"The younger brother just received" Cui Guodong spread his hands and explained with a smile

"Didn't my brother Riyang tell us to keep a low profile on the first day?" the old cat asked very speechlessly.

"Be low-key, you kicked that low-key just now, you almost kicked that guy out of the window, it's our fault that we brothers can't be honest people." Cui Guodong laughed.

"Don't talk about this with you, tell me what's going on with Brother Yang?" the old cat asked

Cui Guodong did not hesitate, and immediately told him what he had learned.

The old cat was really furious after hearing this, and shouted: "Pang Tianxin? What is that? How dare you ask Brother Yang to trouble you? Let's meet him!"

In fact, after Du Jun's persuasion just now, Cui Guodong didn't make any changes on the surface. He had already shaken his idea of ​​killing Class 29 immediately. After all, what Du Jun said was also reasonable. I haven't met each other, and I don't know at all. If I go rashly, I might really suffer.

Unexpectedly, he forgot that the old cat was a more impulsive master than him. When he heard that someone dared to trouble Liu Boyang, he immediately exploded. He couldn't care less about other things. First, he found that Pang and crushed his neck. When have my brothers been bullied by others?

Cui Guodong saw that the old cat became so violent in an instant, and he accidentally forgot the idea of ​​thinking twice before acting, which was just a little bit sprouted in him.

The two were no longer ambiguous, and rushed directly to class 29 with Du Jun and a dozen other people in an aggressive manner.

There are not many people in class 29 at this time. Due to the break between classes, more than half of the people in class 64 have gone out to meet girls or smoke in other places. There are only a few scattered people in the classroom.

A few boys were sitting on the table bored and sending text messages, when suddenly there was a "boom", the back door of the entire classroom was kicked away, and then a burly man with big arms and a round waist strode in. He asked, "Who is Pang Tianxin?"

Cui Guodong rushed in after him, stood shoulder to shoulder with the old cat, and Du Jun and others rushed in behind him, his heart was already in his throat

It is one thing to talk about it, but it is another thing to actually do it. After all, Class 29 has a great reputation there, and the concept of long-standing fear is not so easy to eliminate. Now let Du Jun and the others Then a few people come to kill you, it's strange if you're not afraid

However, when Du Jun and others rushed in and found that there were only a few people in the class, they immediately felt relieved that only these few were not enough for Brother Cui alone.

"Who the hell are you? Pang Ge was named after you too?" A boy jumped off the table when he heard the words, pointed at the old cat's nose and shouted

ps: Brothers, let’s get to this chapter first. I’ve already written the original Chapter 4, but I’m personally dissatisfied, because some brothers said that it’s boring to always write about campus. I changed the outline and will transfer the plot to the real underworld as soon as possible. In addition, if you have any good comments or suggestions on this book, you are welcome to contact me for brainstorming. Everyone makes a lot of firewood, thank you

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