The best boy on campus

Chapter 264: City G's Forces!

The entire Beixi Middle School, in detail, is divided into three major areas. After entering through the magnificent main entrance of the school, a majestic ten-story building stands in front of you. In front of the library is a huge concave fountain square. On the open space where the fountain square and the school gate are embedded, a slender flagpole is inserted straight. It is the place where students raise their flags on Monday morning.

On the east and west sides of the fountain square, there are three ordinary high school teaching buildings lined up in front and back on the east side, coded by the three letters abc and on the right side of the fountain square, is the dream paradise that countless boys in the school yearn for—Art and Sports High School

Although there are few art and sports students in the school, and there is only one art and sports building, the wealth of the art and sports students can be seen everywhere. The whole art and sports building is directly built into a domineering hoof shape, with four floors above and below, and the corridors are winding and winding, which is very The empty width

Behind the library, there is a piece of land that has not been fully developed and utilized. An artificial river is inserted in the center, and two white stone bridges are built on it, leading to the back of the school. There are only three small markets in the school. Adjacent to the school canteen and accommodation

Right now, Li Wanhao took Liu Boyang out of No. A teaching building, walked along the fountain square, and walked towards the small city behind the school.

On the way, Li Wanhao casually introduced to Liu Boyang the three major underworld gangs in G City today, the Dragon Gang, the Red Gate, and Lou Photography

After Li Wanhao's introduction, Liu Boyang finally had a certain understanding of the current underground environment in City G

The so-called Dragon Gang is a big gang that existed in City G 60 years ago. It was created by their great-grandfather Ma Zhenhua, and later passed on to their grandfather Ma Xingyu. Ma Xingyu has been in business for 30 years, and the Dragon Gang is booming. When it is handed down to Ma Junsheng today, it has reached the peak of the entire gang. Tang, at least there are three or four thousand younger brothers, minions spread all over the corners of today's G City, from the eighty-year-old, down to the gangster, and when the name of the Dragon Gang is mentioned, no one knows it

This is also the reason why everyone changed their faces when they heard that Pang Tianxin was actually Ma Junsheng's nephew.

Li Wanhao also told Liu Boyang an inside story with a sigh: Since Ma Junsheng has no sons under his knees, only Ma Xiaoyu and Ma Keer, so in order to prevent the members of the Dragon Gang from being passed on to other families, he has long regarded his sister's son Pang Tianxin as The head of the Dragon Gang in the future has always been very optimistic about him, and he has been carefully cultivated in secret. So this time Liu Boyang got into trouble with Pang Tianxin, and the troubles in the future will definitely not be small

However, upon hearing this, Liu Boyang just asked with a smile: "Brother Wan Hao, I think these things should all belong to the Ma family's secrets, how did you know?"

Li Wanhao was startled when he heard the words, thought for a while, and smiled perfunctorily: "Hehe, I also heard what others said."

Liu Boyang smiled lightly, Li Wanhao didn't want to say it, and of course he wouldn't force everyone to have their own secrets and unspeakable secrets, if they don't say it now, maybe it's just that the time hasn't come yet

And Li Wanhao also seemed to realize that if he continued talking, he might reveal his secret and the situation he had already set up, so he changed the topic to Hongmen and Lou Photography

The two gangs, Red Gate and Lou Photography, are far from comparable to the Dragon Gang in terms of qualifications.

But don't underestimate this gang just because of the short time. Their boss, Da Hong, is also a shrewd and cunning hero. It is said that he used to be a foreigner. Under his leadership, he has risen rapidly, and has fought with the Dragon Gang for more than a hundred games in the past ten years. From losing everywhere at the beginning to now being evenly divided, I have to admit that Mr. Hong is indeed outstanding.

However, few people on the road can really see his true face in Lushan. It is rumored that old man Hong is a grotesque dwarf. I don't know if it is true or not. Anyway, the road is very afraid of his reputation, and the old man never leads by example. He is playing with his brain. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is "planning strategies and winning thousands of miles away".

As for the third largest gang "Lou Photography", it is really weird to say that their boss is named Li Gubai, who is a student of photography art, and later opened a company called "Wedding Photography Studio" in the west of City G. The photography studio, referred to as "lou photography", although the name is extremely ordinary, but this photography studio is really extraordinary

Li Gubai has a good strategy. After building "Lou Photography", in less than a year, all other photography and photography industries in the entire city of G were suppressed and shut down. He monopolized the market by himself, and the prices were so high Gao, making huge profits, so Long Photography started a business within a year, even more legendary than Mr. Hong, and now all the photography shops in the entire city of G are their forces, the lobby managers in several relatively large shops, He is the hall master of "Lou Photography"

When you enter "Lou Photography", don't think about it if you don't take pictures. Even if you accidentally pass by their store door, you will be pulled in by those idle and boring guys inside to take pictures. A photo is 100 yuan, and you can chop it up if you don't pay. hand

"Lou Photography" is the most arrogant of the three major gangs. Every year during festivals, the city government of G issues an order not to allow fireworks and firecrackers to be set off, but they not only want to set off fireworks, but they also have to set them up loudly on the golden road in the city center. stage performances, "Er Kicking Foot" and "Chaotianlei" were blasted loudly, and the bombing could be heard for several kilometers around the entire city center, but when the police came, they had nothing to do with them, so they could only take a detour in desperation

Of the three major gangs today, the Dragon Gang dominates the south of the city, the "Lou Photography" dominates the west of the city, and the Red Gate dominates the east of the city. At present, there is only the west of the city—that is, the vicinity of Beix Middle School in the development zone. There is no unified boss, and there is a mixed bag , there are many gangs, big and small, and the conquests continue

From Li Wanhao's words, Liu Boyang has heard that he probably wants to pull himself to do some "big things" this time, to develop his power outside the school, to take advantage of the troubled waters, and to "raise the dragon" in the future to compete with the three major gangs. male

It's just that Li Wanhao himself hasn't said this, and Liu Boyang is not easy to point it out, so he is smiling from the beginning to the end, without interjecting.

"Brother Qingdi, I've told you so much, why don't you speak?" Li Wanhao asked with some doubts when he saw Liu Boyang smiling all the time.

"Hehe, what do you want me to say?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile

"Just now I have analyzed the current situation in City G with you, and I have also told you the origins and strongholds of the three major gangs. Don't you have any ideas?" Li Wanhao asked Liu Boyang as if seductive

"From what you've said, the three major gangs are pretty strong," Liu Boyang said with a smile

Li Wanhao was not very satisfied with these words, curled his lips, and said nothing

Did I see the wrong person?Doesn't this guy surnamed Yang have ambitions, isn't he someone who wants to achieve great things?

Thinking of this, Li Wanhao suddenly lost his spirits. It seems that he has been busy for nothing today. If he meets someone with a false name, then this trip to the city will be meaningless

Liu Boyang saw the change of expression on Li Wanhao's face, smiled slightly, and said: "Brother Wanhao, what do you want to say, you, I, we all know the truth in our hearts, I am very interested in the purpose of your seeking me this time. "

Li Wanhao was taken aback when he heard the words, and then immediately smiled again: "I knew Brother Qingdi was also an outstanding person, so he is the Jinlin who is nostalgic for Chishui? But when I told you about the three major gangs, I didn't see you. What is the reaction, you have to know an ambitious person..."

"An ambitious person won't build up other people's ambitions and destroy his own prestige." Liu Boyang interrupted him with a smile, and said, "Brother Wan Hao, listen to me: he will let him be strong, and the breeze blowing the hills will make him crazy." Let him be crazy, no matter how fierce the moon shines on the river lion, it will eventually grow old, no matter how hot the sun is, it will eventually fall to the west. So." Liu Boyang patted Li Wanhao on the shoulder and said with a smile: "We may None, but more time and opportunities, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Li Wanhao immediately admired Liu Boyang in his heart. This man is really unfathomable. No wonder he can subdue people like Cui Guodong and Lao Mao. Regardless of his skills, his mind and courage are really shrewd amazing

Talking to him does not feel any sense of oppression, but people can't help but feel that he is a superior person. It is a very strange feeling, as if he does not need to say, let you consciously put yourself not as good as him

It's unbelievable that there are people in this world who are born to be the boss

"Hey, I said, what are you two talking about all the time? Come talk to us if you have anything to say." Lao Mao is a curious person. Only then came to the front to ask Liu Boyang and the two

Liu Boyang smiled slightly: "You will know later"

Li Wanhao also said with a smile: "Brother Cat, brother found a big deal, I will tell you about it later." Since he has already confirmed that Liu Boyang also has the ambition to enter the big picture, he will not hide it anymore

"Business? What kind of business?" The old cat opened his eyes and asked excitedly when he heard that he had something to do again.

"Hehe, I'll go to the city later, and I'll tell you the details..." Before Li Wanhao could finish speaking, an abrupt voice suddenly came from the stairs of the B teaching building next to him:

"Li, if you have anything to say, you might as well just say it here. What city are you going to? Tell me so I can hear it too."

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