The best boy on campus

Chapter 266 Laid out, hooked!

"Bet us to fight, who will win?" Liu Boyang said with a smile

"Who wins the bet? Haha, are you an idiot? A fight is a fight, who will bet on this with you? I have no time to talk to you." Long Tianyang withdrew his iron fist and sneered

"Oh, no?" Liu Boyang said with a smile because he was angry with him.

"Not your mother..." Long Tianyang really took the bait. In front of so many people, he couldn't lose face no matter what, and said angrily: "How dare you provoke me? Are you fucking treating yourself like a dish? Think I won't dare Bet with you?"

"You like to talk nonsense and bet if you dare to bet. If you don't dare to bet, just say it early. What are you pretending to be? Are you in the sports class? Is the person in the sports class just like you? I am really disappointed." Liu Boyang deliberately shook his head. When he went back to the building with Tong Wen and others, he heard Tong Wen mention the names of the nine giants in the grade, one of which was Long Tianyang from the sports class. Hearing Li Wanhao call him "Old Dragon", there is no doubt that "Long Tianyang" is him

"You..." Long Tianyang trembled angrily after listening to Liu Boyang's sarcasm: "Ha Xing, the one whose surname is Yang, are you arrogant? Do you think you'll be awesome after receiving a punch from me? You fucking forgot your surname Really? Don’t you want to gamble? I put the words here, just bet on me, Long Tianyang, and I’m afraid you won’t succeed?”

"Okay, that's how you look like a man, but I hope you mean what you say, and your words are nails." Liu Boyang said with a smile. He has a lot of ways to deal with this kind of boss who thinks he is very shrewd.

"You don't need to say this, Lao Li and Lao Ren are here to be witnesses. If I, Long Tianyang, don't count, I will let you handle it." Long Tianyang straightened his back and said

However, Li Wanhao and Ren Xiaotian, who had been watching the battle at this time, suddenly felt that something was wrong. They heard the truth in Liu Boyang's words. Didn't they understand that they had set up a plan and waited for Long Tianyang to drill in?And Long Tian raised you, is he so mad that he can't even see such an obvious trap?

If it was normal or other occasions, the two of them would have already spoken out to remind Long Tianyang, but now the timing is really wrong, if he breaks the point, wouldn't he just tear himself apart with Liu Boyang?

"Hehe, it's fun enough, just like you said, let's invite Brother Wan Hao and Brother Xiao Tian to be witnesses, no matter what the result is, whoever goes back on his word will be a calf" Liu Boyang laughed

"You don't need to talk nonsense here. You know what a fart is. I always keep my word. Who doesn't know in the whole Beix Middle School? One last question, do we just bet on winning or losing? What if you lose? I So what if you win?" Long Tianyang raised his nose and asked

Lao Mao and Cui Guodong just wanted to laugh when they heard this, buddy, you are really confident, "you lost" and "I won", what is the difference?

Both of them knew in their hearts that if they really did it, this guy wouldn't even be his opponent, how could he beat Brother Yang?

It's just that even if they figured out that Liu Boyang deliberately played tricks with ulterior motives, they couldn't guess what Brother Yang wanted to do for a while.

"Well, you are very confident." Liu Boyang smiled, "It's very simple, I lost, and when I see you, I will lie on the ground and call you Lord..."

Before Liu Boyang finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Long Tianyang, and said: "No, no, if you lose, not only will you meet me in the future, but you will also meet this big fat Fuwa and this smiling calcium-deficient guy." If you leave me, you have to call me Lord too."

Liu Boyang chuckled, nodded and said: "OK"

Li Wanhao and Ren Xiaotian were stunned again, this guy Yang Qingdi is really... Where do you have such confidence?Even if you are really good at your hands, you don't need to be so arrogant. Not only did you bet yourself, but you also pulled Cui Guodong and the old cat together. Don't you know that Long Tian's raising this guy to go crazy is killing people?The combat power has grown exponentially exponentially. There is really no one in the school who dares to fight Long Tianyang when he is completely mad. It is tantamount to fighting a lion.

But Cui Guodong and Lao Mao, who were the parties involved, didn't say anything. If the expressions on their faces changed slightly at the moment, it was because they felt sorry for the surname Long in their hearts. With such a big bet, do you think you can escape by yourself...

"You are the master?" Long Tianyang didn't expect Liu Boyang to agree so readily, he glanced at Lao Mao and Cui Guodong, and asked coldly

"It's done..." Liu Boyang smiled, but before he finished speaking, Long Tianyang interrupted him once again, "Well, I have to pull out your skin by myself today"

"Hey, you're really a smart guy." Liu Boyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I've said my bet, but you haven't said it yet? You're taking such a big advantage of me, how dare you fight me?"

When Long Tianyang heard it, his old face flushed immediately, and he blamed himself for being too impatient, and said: "I can't lose, that's good, in order not to lose the conversation, so that you won't cheat when the time comes, you say, what do you want from me? "

When Liu Boyang heard it, he knew that it was time for him to close the net, put away the smile on his face, and said lightly: "If you lose, from now on, you have to recognize me as your big brother and hang out with me. Little brother, no matter what method you use, I will make them serve me as loyally as you, and they are not allowed to have two hearts."

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Long Tianyang himself, even Li Wanhao and Ren Xiaotian, even Lao Mao and Cui Guodong were shocked. Liu Boyang's words were something they had racked their brains before, and Liu Boyang actually said, Just want the whole art and sports high school physical education class?

Seeing Liu Boyang's solemn expression, Li Wanhao's heart suddenly "thumped", and an ominous premonition suddenly surged up. The secret path is not good, and Long Tianyang has fallen into it, and something bad is going to happen...

Sure enough, after a brief stunned moment, Long Tianyang burst into a wild laugh and cursed: "Yang, are you an idiot? Do you think I'm brainless and would use this to bet with you? I recognize you To be the boss? Are you worthy? And let me take the whole class to submit to you, how dare you say that? You are dreaming of your age, why have I never seen such a shameless idiot like you?"

Liu Boyang smiled faintly, turned around and left

"Where the hell are you going? Do you want to play tricks on me?" Long Tianyang said angrily

"I'm sorry, I don't talk to Duzi," Liu Boyang said lightly

"You..." Long Tian became dumb, and at this moment he suddenly realized that he had been fooled, and if he refused to admit it at this juncture, wouldn't that have swept away his face all at once?There are four other people watching...

Thinking of this, he always blushed, this time not out of anger, but out of embarrassment...

"You what you? You have the face to call me? Since I can use my brother as a bargaining chip, why can't you? Aren't you the boss of the first physical education class? What did you say just now? Oh, the whole Beijing x middle school people We all know that you, Long Tianyang, are a talkative man, right?... But from now on, please don't talk about this sentence indiscriminately, okay? I have pimples, and I can't stand it." Liu Boyang put on a look of goosebumps

"You whose surname is Yang..." Long Tianyang exploded in anger.

"Don't call me, I'll blush Guodong for you, old cat, let's go..."

"You just bet on my mother's bet, isn't it just that if you lose, you will be recognized as the big brother and bring the younger brothers to submit to you? I, Long Tianyang, have said it here, and if I do it, let me tear it up with my own hands." Your cunning mouth." Long Tianyang gritted his teeth and said

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