The best boy on campus

Chapter 27 With 1 enemy!

Just when everyone around was stunned, Liu Boyang had brought down three or four more. As I said before, Liu Boyang had been practiced hard by his uncle in the past two years, and now his level of one-on-one was almost invincible

His skinny-looking uncle is much more powerful than these seven No. 80 guys with claws and claws. There are many people in the Golden Triangle who can't beat the uncle with bare hands with knives and guns. How can he be trained by him? Care about these little guys?

Sun Xiaorou felt like she was watching a martial arts movie. Was her man a character from a martial arts novel?Why was he beaten to the ground as soon as someone came over?It's not that exaggerated to make a movie.

Of course, there is another reason for the current situation, that is, Ning Gaoning was careless. He never thought that this kid was so good at fighting, so when he went out, he didn't let his younger brothers bring guys. When you have a well-thought-out plan, think about it, if the seven No. 80 people can't deal with one person, is there any shame in it?So he played a careful card, you know, fighting with a guy is completely different from just fighting with fists and kicks, if one fails, it will fall into the hands of the police

But now it seems that he miscalculated

Seeing those younger brothers who rushed in front of him all fall down one by one, the hatred in his heart, he wished he could pick up his feet and slap himself hard twice. Floating cloud, so many people have been planted

Beads of sweat the size of mung beans were streaming down the face of Zhang Qiang who was standing behind, his legs were trembling uncontrollably, he saw the man's skill again, and he fucked him alive, so many people can't beat him, there is no way this day After that, if he can't even cover Ning Gaoning today, he won't be able to mess around in the first grade in the future. He can't keep up with the hot ones when he eats shit, and he just waits to be trampled by Liu Boyang's forces.

"Damn it, what are you still looking at with dog eyes, give it to me!" After Liu Boyang knocked down more than 20 people in front, Ning Gaoning's lungs were about to explode, and his intestines were also regretful, and he turned to his side angrily. The dumbfounded brothers scolded

"Yes Yes"

"Don't be afraid, we won't believe that kid has eyes all over his body"

A group of younger brothers also regained their composure at this moment, and rushed forward clamoring

The hatred in Ning Gaoning's heart, he turned his head and stared at Zhang Qiang, fuck, let me provoke such a evil star, I will have to skin your kid when I go back

When Huang Mao saw that Ning Gaoning was looking at him like this, he was so frightened that his legs gave way and he knelt down, his face was wet with tears and snot flowing from his nose. It doesn't matter who wins today, Ning Gaoning or Liu Boyang. I don't even have my own good fruit to eat

Seeing another group of people rushing up, Liu Boyang smiled coldly, grabbed the hair of a person who had just been knocked over by him on the ground, pulled him up violently, kicked him hard in the stomach, and kicked him directly. Leaning back, the man spat out blood with a wow, Liu Boyang didn't wait for him to fall to the ground, he grabbed the man's feet, and after a half circle, he slammed it hard, and threw it several meters away, smashing a piece of wood.

Fei rushed up, aimed at the front man's chin and kicked him, kicked that man into a volley, and passed out as soon as his neck fell to the ground. Another reincarnation punch, I don't know who it hit, anyway The sense of touch should be a person's face, and with the sound of wow, another person squatted on the ground holding his face in pain

I can't control that much anymore, I bent down, swung my legs, and another unfortunate guy flew out. After being punched a few times, Liu Boyang continued to slam his elbow hard, and immediately Just let a person cover his stomach and lie half on the ground crying father and mother

How many of you are there?Just in time, I can hit anyone with just a random hit

However, fighting is exhausting after all. After knocking down more than 30 people in a row, the strength in Liu Boyang's body also became exhausted. His speed gradually slowed down, and his injuries were much heavier than before. There is a deep-seated reason that our shrewd brother Yang didn't think of before. I made out with my wife several times last night, and now the side effects are coming...

A group of people, led by Ma Feng with sinister eyes, continued to rush up and besiege Liu Boyang one after another. Although some people still fell down from time to time, the frequency has been greatly reduced.

A good man can't stand the crowd

If there are too many ants, they can still overwhelm the elephant.

Liu Boyang himself knew that he could not hold on any longer, but there was still a faint smile of helplessness on the corner of his mouth: He was really bullied by dogs. Is he the first martial artist, is he going to stumble here at last?

Sun Xiaorou watched her sweetheart being beaten but couldn't help her, she almost cried to the point of tears, and kept shouting "Brother Yang, brother Gang, run quickly", which made the passers-by in the distance feel sad

In the Lincoln car, Ning Yeqi looked at Sun Xiaorou's tears streaming down her face, she felt very uncomfortable, her eye circles turned red, how she wished she could cheer for that boy without any scruples like her Blow up

Sometimes a woman's comfort and encouragement is the motivation for a man to get out of trouble

At this moment Ning Yeqi knew that she fell in love with that boy, there was no reason, does love at first sight need a reason?The birth of love is something no one can explain clearly

"Haha, beauty, don't worry, your sweetheart is gone, and I love you." Ma Feng's two hands firmly grabbed Sun Xiaorou who was about to run over to help Liu Boyang, and pinched her face with a lewd smile. "Fuck, it's so fucking slippery, I'll let my brother kiss you enough later."

"You're despicable and shameless!" Sun Xiaorou yelled, raised her foot and stomped Ma Feng's foot hard. Ma Feng didn't expect to be stepped on, and let go of the pain. Sun Xiaorou didn't Planning to let the bad guy go just like that, he opened his mouth and aimed at Ma Feng's hand and bit down hard, which immediately made Ma Feng feel so painful that he even wanted to scold his mother.

"Your mother forced you to let go of your mouth!" Ma Feng yelled angrily. Not only did he have two rows of tooth marks on his hand, but also blood oozing out. This girl is biting to death.

With a "slap", Ma Feng slapped Sun Xiaorou severely, and cursed: "F*ck, be honest, I'm tired of getting annoyed, I'll take off your clothes and kill you now!"

Sun Xiaorou had never received such a slap in the face when she was so old, she was stunned all of a sudden, her hair was disheveled, she stood on the ground dumbfounded and could not utter a word

Hearing that Sun Xiaorou had been crying and shouting for himself just now, Liu Boyang seemed to have gained motivation, and knocked down three or four people in one fell swoop. Later, he vaguely saw that Ma Feng had captured Sun Xiaorou, and his heart exploded with rage. raw ripped that asshole

Later, he actually heard that bastard slap Sun Xiaorou in the face

What Liu Boyang dislikes most in his life is the person who hits a woman. Women are used for pain, not for shouting and scolding.

What's more, this man surnamed Ma beat his own woman

Liu Boyang erupted, like a hysterical lion, almost losing his mind, he pushed away those surrounding him, grabbed one of them by the neck, grabbed the man so hard that he almost strangled him to death, and threw a backhand The wheel knocked another person into the air and knocked down another

"The [-]th generation of your ancestors surnamed Ma will not kill you today, I swear that I will not be a human being!" Liu Boyang roared angrily

Note to readers:

collection, reward

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