The best boy on campus

Chapter 270 A Beautiful Woman Has a Date!

After returning from the school city, it was less than 3 minutes before the end of the last class_巷&书&

A few people originally wanted to leave school directly. After all, the fourth period has already been skipped, and there is no need to go back

But as soon as he walked to the school gate, Liu Boyang suddenly received a strange text message:

"Hello, is this student Yang Qingdi?"

Liu Boyang was a little surprised. He came to Beix Middle School for less than half a day, and he knew no more than fifteen people, and the number of people who knew his phone number could be counted with one hand. This person spoke so politely, who could it be?

With doubts, Liu Boyang replied: "I am, who are you?"

"I'm Ma Xiaoyu, where are you now?"

Seeing Ma Xiaoyu's name, Liu Boyang was even more surprised. Isn't this one of the twin sisters in the class?How could it be her?Where did she get her own number?She suddenly texted herself, what could happen?

"I'm leaving school now, is there something wrong?" Liu Boyang asked in a text message

"Don't worry, you must not leave the school now, come back quickly," Ma Xiaoyu replied urgently

Liu Boyang was surprised and asked, "Why?"

"I can't explain it to you, please come back to the classroom first? I'll wait for you here"

"Classroom? Okay, I'll go up right away"

"Well, and your two brothers, are they with you now? Don't let them leave the school, or it will be very troublesome"

Liu Boyang became more and more confused, with a vague premonition, and asked, "Can you tell me what happened?"

"Oh, you come up first, I'll tell you when I come up, remember, don't go to the school gate, the farther the better"

Liu Boyang took back the phone, saw ten pairs of eyes staring at him, and explained: "There is something in the class, I have to go up, Brother Li, Brother Ren, Tianyang, let's separate here, remember what I said just now , keep in touch these few days, once the time comes, do it immediately"

"You can't do it, Lao Yang, who is looking for you?" Li Wanhao asked with a smirk, blinking his eyes.

"Student in the class" Liu Boyang said with a smile

"Male and female?"


"Bullshit, what about cheating ghosts? If it's a man, who in your class is so bold enough to ask you to go up there? If he has something to do, he'll come down to look for you, and he'll be honest. Which MM is it?" Li Wanhao smirked.

Hearing what Li Wanhao said, the old cat immediately recovered, and said in surprise, "That's amazing, Brother Yang, you've already picked up girls in class after you've only been here for so long?"

"Get out!" Liu Boyang glared at him and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, I'm just as innocent as you?"

The old cat pouted, turned to Cui Guodong and said, "Lao Liu, haven't you always claimed that you are the 'vanguard who picks up girls in the army'? It's not that I hit you, look at Brother Di now, and you'll know how impotent you are." up"

Cui Guodong: "..."

Seeing that Liu Boyang refused to be honest, Ren Xiaotian also followed suit and asked: "That's right, Lao Yang, brothers are not outsiders now, so what are you afraid of revealing, we won't rob you of the girls in your class? So few, you are not so blessed, are you one of the pair of sisters?"

Liu Boyang smiled faintly, and said with his hands behind his back: "Hehe, don't talk, dignified gentlemen, don't gossip like women, old Mao Guodong, wait for me here, I'll go up and have a look."

"Dizzy, Lao Yang, if you don't tell me, it won't really be those two are blessed!" Ren Xiaotian said winkingly

However, what no one noticed was that the smile on Li Wanhao's face gradually dissipated at this time, and the strangeness in his eyes disappeared.

Liu Boyang went upstairs, and before he entered the classroom, the school bell rang

The classroom doors of all the classes in the entire corridor opened with a bang, and then countless students swarmed out like stocking animals. After holding back for a whole morning, they were liberated. There was constant noise and noise, and the corridor was crowded with people, full of hustle and bustle.

However, among these swarming crowds, there is a beautiful girl who is not an exaggeration to describe it as "sinking fish and falling geese, closing the moon to shame flowers", standing out from the crowd, waiting quietly at the back door of Class [-] classroom, facing Looking forward to the long corridor, her pretty face was full of anxiety, until she saw Liu Boyang's figure, the dignified look on her face eased, and she put on a smile

Hastily dealing with an unknown beauty, and she is also a beauty with a very strong background, because Liu Boyang is thick-skinned, he also felt a little embarrassed, but he still pretended to be relaxed and walked over

"Student Yang Qingdi, you are very good. You dare to skip class on the first day of school." Ma Xiaoyu smiled as she watched Liu Boyang walk around her.

This smile is like the spring breeze blowing the winter water, all the flowers bloom in an instant, and a cool and fragrant air rushes to the face, alleviating all the embarrassment

"Student Ma Xiaoyu asked me to come up, so he didn't come here to pick on me for the teacher?" Liu Boyang laughed.

"Hey, hey, who is your name Ma Xiaoyu? I'm my sister Ma Ke'er, okay? Student Yang Qingdi, your memory is so bad that you can't even tell us sisters apart?"

"Huh?" Liu Boyang was a little startled. Could it be that this is not the elder sister, but the younger sister?Unfortunately for twin sisters, if you can't tell who they are, that's even more impolite than asking their ages rashly

Liu Boyang said with some embarrassment: "Hehe, I'm sorry, I really can't tell you two apart at the moment, where is your sister? Is she in there? She asked me to come up." He poked his neck out and looked into the classroom , want to find another beautiful scenery

"Haha, you are so stupid, don't look for it, I lied to you, I am my sister Ma Xiaoyu, my sister has already left, you are really a person, you have no sense of humor at all." Ma Xiaoyu stretched out her small hand and grabbed Liu Boyang's clothes, Gently pulled him back, looked at him with wide eyes and a smile

Liu Boyang finally understood what was going on, he couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "You call this humor?"


"Uh... well, hehe, it's really quite humorous." Liu Boyang smiled awkwardly looking at the slightly reproachful look in front of this delicate and beautiful face

Ma Xiaoyu is indeed beautiful, so beautiful that I can no longer describe it in words, some girls only find it beautiful when they look at it from a distance, but when they get close, it is greatly discounted

But Ma Xiaoyu obviously doesn't belong to that kind of girl. The more she looks at her, the more attractive she is. No matter how far or near she is, she is always beautiful and charming, especially those big watery eyes, which only girls in comics can have. With an indescribable charm

Right now, she is wearing a milky white cotton camisole, revealing two tender lotus-like jade arms and fragrant shoulders, even the blue tube top can be seen faintly

The lower body is a pair of short jeans, revealing two pairs of white and delicate thighs. These are definitely the most perfect pair of thighs that Liu Boyang has ever seen. It is not enough to describe one ten-thousandth of them. Needless to say, they are slender and slender. The main thing is that while it is pink and delicate, it still has an ivory-like luster. You don’t need to touch it, but you can see it is full of elasticity. If you can touch it, it is definitely the best enjoyment in the world

Stepping on a pair of exquisite sandals, the snow-white and delicate feet are weak and boneless inside, and the five toes are painted with transparent nail polish, revealing a different kind of seductive luster

Fair skin, long hair shawl, good figure, tall figure, full of smiles, she really deserves to be the leading actress in the first grade of senior high school, she really has a unique color

"Uh, classmate Ma Xiaoyu, what's the matter with you looking for me? Are you really trying to trouble me for the teacher?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile

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