The best boy on campus

Chapter 280 One Punch! !

When Ma Xiaoyu heard this, her face flushed and her body trembled with anger, she pointed at Guan Shijie and said, "Guan Shijie, you bastard, you think of everyone just like you, you're even worse than bastards"

"Hehe, Miss Ma, don't scold me, it's just a matter of 'hmm, ah, ah', what's the matter with you, I'll go and talk to Lao Pang and my brothers later, our pure and pure beauty Ma , she is also a top-notch little prodigal girl, Quack."

"How dare you say that?" Ma Xiaoyu's face turned green with anger.

"Why don't I dare to say, why, dare to do it but dare not admit it, it's really cheap for you. The surname Yang, just came here and put on the first golden flower in our grade. You have tasted something new, how is it, how do you feel?" Are you happy?" Guan Shijie deliberately pretended to be very envious, leaned over and asked Liu Boyang with a smile

Liu Boyang smiled faintly, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Quick, continue to perform."

Guan Shijie's eyes were furious, Liu Boyang's eyes watching the clown juggling made him extremely unhappy, he just wanted to explode, but after thinking about it, he suppressed it, snorted coldly, and said: "But it's a pity, I said sister Xiaoyu , no matter what, we have known each other for longer than you and this bastard, if you have an advantage, you should let me take it first, how could you give this to..."

"Guan Shijie, shut up." Ma Xiaoyu's hands and feet trembled angrily, pointing at Guan Shijie and angrily said: "You are obscene, you are despicable, shameless and obscene, Yang Qingdi, hit him for me!"

Liu Boyang turned his head and gave her a rather amusing look, Nizi finally understands our men's painstaking efforts now?This is the way of the world, people bite people even if they don’t beat their dogs, if you meet a mad dog, you can’t even tell why

"What do you think I'm doing? Emperor Yang Qing, are you a man? You've seen him so arrogant?" Ma Xiaoyu became even angrier when she saw that Liu Boyang didn't do anything.

"Do you still remember what I said just now?" Liu Boyang asked her with a smile

"Remember, what's the matter?" Ma Xiaoyu frowned and asked

"Just remember." Liu Boyang shook his shoulders, gradually withdrew the smile on his face, put on a calm expression, and said to Guan Shijie: "You made three mistakes just now, which are unforgivable in my opinion."

"How old are you?" Guan Shijie stood up straight, and shouted angrily, his hands began to gather momentum, as if he knew that a big battle was inevitable

In fact, Liu Boyang knew in his heart that at this juncture, it would be fine if he and Guan Shijie didn't make a move. Once he did, it would be tantamount to acquiescing to that bastard's words. draw black

But now it’s impossible not to fight with this strength. This bastard has no virtue, and he hits the muzzle of the gun by himself, even the gods can’t save him

"One, you shouldn't force a beautiful woman in front of me, you know I'm soft-hearted, I've never been used to seeing beautiful women being bullied by others," Liu Boyang said with a light smile

After hearing this sentence, Ma Xiaoyu from behind glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Just you? You're an asshole" Guan Shijie scolded disdainfully

"Second, you shouldn't be too self-righteous. I have a rule. When I meet someone who likes to act aggressively, I always like to deal with them severely." Liu Boyang still smiled lightly.

"You are like an idiot, have you finished?" Guan Shijie asked with a pale face, grinding his teeth

"Three, you shouldn't insult a girl who helps me, because it is very likely that she will become my wife in a short time." Liu Boyang smiled

Ma Xiaoyu blushed from behind, feeling angry in her heart, why does this big villain say everything...

"My surname is Yang, why didn't I see that you are so talkative? Are you finished talking?" Guan Shijie tilted his neck and looked at Liu Boyang sideways, and walked over slowly with his body shaking, bringing a bad breath

"There is one sentence left..." Liu Boyang said with a smile

"Fart, let go," Guan Shijie sneered, "I'm kind, don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

"Believe it or not, three punches will knock you down," Liu Boyang said with a smile

When Guan Shijie heard this, he was furious, and he yelled "F*ck you motherfucker", and then directly punched Liu Boyang in the face. He had already approached a few steps just now, and the distance to Liu Boyang was only a few feet away. With his boxing skills, he is full of confidence and can catch Liu Boyang by surprise

But suddenly there was a flash in front of his eyes, and the figure that was in front of him just now disappeared.

Gone?Didn't he dodge and bend over at a speed that is hard for the naked eye to avoid?

Guan Shijie was shocked, and immediately realized that something bad was going to happen. Liu Boyang felt too weak to him before, and he didn't intend to go all out, so he didn't pay attention to precautions when he punched, but when he realized that he had been fooled, he had already late

After Liu Boyang bent over like lightning, he unambiguously punched Guan Shijie's lower abdomen with a fierce uppercut, hitting his dantian directly, causing Guan Shijie to arch his body and spit out a mouthful of white foam with a "wooha". They all tensed up, stood in place, covered their stomachs with their hands, raised their heels and took a few steps, almost staggering and about to fall over

The veins on his forehead and temples burst out, and the eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes. Liu Boyang's sudden punch was so hard that Guan Shijie's entire dantian was almost smashed to pieces by him, and all his strength was blown away by his punch.

It's hard to imagine that a majestic first-year single-handedly singled out the top three characters, so that Liu Boyang's punches can't be slowed down, and he can't even stand up

In fact, if Guan Shijie was not stupid, he should have expected how powerful Liu Boyang's shots would be. Pang Tianxin, who was similar to him in the fight, would not be Liu Boyang's opponent by throwing a bench. He rushed forward with bare hands, wasn't he courting death?

After Liu Boyang punched, he took two steps back with a smile, and said with a smile: "One punch"

"I, I'm stupid..." Guan Shijie was so punched that he didn't even have the energy to speak neatly.

With a sound of "bang", Liu Boyang pulled out his second fist again in lightning, and directly hit Guan Shijie's chin, knocking his whole body out instantly, leaning back, yelling and flying out with his back on his back. He was lucky and fateful, his head was rubbed against the wall, and his whole body fell down heavily

If Liu Boyang puts more effort into it, he will hit his head on the wall and even smash his brains out

"Two punches" Liu Boyang smiled faintly, "Don't be so lazy, can you still stand up?"

"Your mother, surnamed Yang..." Guan Shijie was so angry that he was used to being arrogant. He had never been insulted like this before. At this moment, like a wild beast that has gone mad with rage, he tried his last strength to hold himself up and get up. , roaring and rushing towards Liu Boyang

As he yelled, blood gushed out of his mouth.

Just now Liu Boyang punched so hard that he bit his tongue and lips, and the blood in his chest also rushed up, and now his mouth is full of blood

But he didn't have time to swallow it, he jumped up hysterically, and used his hands and feet to fight Liu Boyang for his life.

Liu Boyang squinted his eyes, shot like the wind, slammed Guan Shijie's body with a fierce backhand, and turned Guan Shijie's body from mid-air, and then hit Guan Shijie's cheek with an iron fist with the force of thunder. He flew out at an angle, this time he was not as lucky as before, he slammed into the door of that classroom, and slammed open the door with a "bang", his body fell in like a broken sandbag, and he said "wow", He sprayed blood all over the ground, hugged his face and rolled crazily on the ground, his body was covered with his own blood, and he didn't know if the bones in his cheeks were smashed by Liu Boyang's punch, all he felt was Ruanxin the pain

Guan Shijie was in so much pain that he couldn't even speak. He just hugged his face and rubbed it on the ground desperately, and even kowtowed his forehead to the ground. He didn't want to suffer this kind of pain.

"Just three punches, your surname is Guan," Liu Boyang said lightly.

Ma Xiaoyu's mouth in the back has grown into an "O" shape, and she looked at Liu Boyang with wide eyes in disbelief. Is this still the boy who just smiled in front of her and didn't even have a bit of rigidity? ?

But at this moment, a loud roar suddenly came from downstairs on the fifth floor: "There is Old Xiao upstairs, I knew that kid was hiding, follow me up to have a look"

At this time, Guan Shijie, who was half dead from the pain, seemed to have picked up a life-saving straw suddenly, and shouted desperately: "Old Pang, Lao Pang, come up and help me! That bastard is here!"

ps: Brothers, I may not be good at writing novels, but I am working hard all the time. Can everyone stop scolding me? Easy……

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