The best boy on campus

Chapter 282 Lou Photography!

"Brother Wang, is that a member of the Dragon Gang?" Xue Jianming swallowed dryly, looked at Pang Tianxin and Xiao Ningyuan from a distance, and asked his brother Wang Qundao

"Yes" Wang Qun's expression was very unnatural, and he said calmly about the depression in his heart. He really went out today and didn't read the almanac. If you don't do it well, you'll have to make a big fuss.

"Then what should we do?" Xue Jianming was in a hurry. He couldn't afford to offend the people of the Dragon Gang no matter what. It is the hatred of killing the father, and the second is the hatred of taking the wife

Now that my daughter-in-law has been raped by others, if I don't seek justice, will I use my ass to see others in the future?

"What should I do? Do you know who that tall man is?" Wang Qun nudged Xiao Ningyuan with his chin.

"I don't know, who is he?" Xue Jianming asked with a bitter face

"The youngest incense master of the Dragon Gang, Xiao Ningyuan," said Wang Qun with a livid face.

"Ah..." Xue Jianming was visibly shocked, and was nailed to the spot. He opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Ningyuan in disbelief. Is he the youngest and most promising incense master of the Dragon Gang?

In the past two years, Xiao Ningyuan's name has been too famous. He may have never seen anyone in the market, but everyone knows his name.

The head of the Yaoyue hall of the thirteenth hall of the Dragon Gang, the most powerful general under Chilian Yasha Bai Yue, is the 23-year-old head of the Fenxiang hall.

"But, but..." Xue Jianming's face had turned into a pig's liver, and he wanted to say that even Xiao Ningyuan couldn't do it. The loss he had suffered was too great. Could it be that just because of Xiao Ningyuan's name alone, Have to smash your teeth and swallow it in your stomach?

Wang Qun looked at Xue Jianming's face, and sighed slightly in his heart. How could he not know what this kid was thinking? It seemed that he, as the big brother, had to go all out today no matter what. Justice must be sought, Long If the people who help you are really unreasonable, you can only tear your face

"Follow me!" Wang Qun hooked the corner of his mouth, greeted the younger brothers behind him, and then continued to stride forward

Xue Jianming was overjoyed, took Sha Xiaoli's hand, followed behind Wang Qun, and also walked forward with the large army

Xiao Ningyuan was quite surprised. Unexpectedly, Lou Photography, an unknown person, really had the guts to stand in front of her and challenge her.

"Master Xiao Xiang?" Wang Qun straightened his back and stopped less than half a meter in front of Xiao Ningyuan, and asked lightly

"That's right, you're Lou's photographer? I haven't seen you before," Xiao Ningyuan said

"Xiao Xiang doesn't care if he sees me or not, but today I want to ask you to preside over justice." Wang Qun said

"Oh? Hehe, people with ears in the entire city of G know that our two families have always been at odds with each other. You have an idea, please let me uphold justice?" Xiao Ningyuan laughed.

"That's right, let's put aside the gang position today, I, Wang Qun, still admire you Xiao Xiangzhu very much, we are about the same age, you are a young and promising Xiangzhu, but I am still under the bosses until now Ma Zai" Wang Qun said

"You don't need to put a high hat on me, just say what you have to say" Xiao Ningyuan said lightly

"I'm sure you know what's going on before you. Your subordinates forced my brother's wife. This is a big taboo in Taoism. Do you need to give an explanation?" Wang Qun glanced at Guan Shijie and said neither humble nor overbearing

"That's it, I think you have found the wrong person. That kid is not from our Dragon Gang. He has a wronged person and a debtor. If I want you to find him, I can't control it, and I don't want to." Xiao Ningyuan shrugged and smiled.

When this remark came out, the audience was shocked

"Really?" Wang Qun was stunned for a moment, and asked unexpectedly that he didn't cover that kid?

"That's right, our Dragon Gang can't help such a worthless Xiao Xiao." Xiao Ningyuan laughed.

When Guan Shijie heard this, he was anxious, and he pulled Pang Tianxin out suddenly, and said in horror: "Old Pang, what does he mean? You can't do nothing. My brother is out of town and hasn't come back yet. If you don't care about me now I'm going to die."

Pang Tianxin was also very dissatisfied with Xiao Ningyuan's statement, so he hid the frightened Guan Shijie behind him, and asked Xiao Ningyuan angrily: "Old Xiao, what do you mean? Lao Guan is my brother, his business is my business, how can you in spite of?"

Xiao Ningyuan gave Pang Tianxin a meaningful look, and said: "Ah Xin, it's not that I don't give you face, I can help you with some things, but if I say I can't manage some things, I can't care about what this kid will do by himself today." Misfortune has happened, our Dragon Gang can't wipe his ass, and I, Xiao Ningyuan, can't do anything that violates morality."

"You..." Of course Pang Tianxin understood what he meant. Guan Shijie forced his wife today. It is a big taboo in this world. If Xiao Ningyuan sheltered him today, if it spreads in the future, it will blackmail the entire Molong gang.

Xiao Ningyuan is a smart person, so she would not make such a stupid mistake when she was in full swing. You must know that for a truly powerful gang, it is not enough to conquer others with force and violence. It's not far from the tree falling and the hozen scattered

"Old Xiao, there is no room for negotiation?" Pang Tianxin asked with narrowed eyes

"Ah Xin, if you're smart, don't take this muddy water, it's not good for you," Xiao Ningyuan said

This is true, if Pang Tianxin really stands out for Guan Shijie today, he will definitely become the laughing stock of others when he enters the Dragon Gang in the future. What he loses is not his own face, but the face of the entire Dragon Gang

"Oh, Lao Xiao, I think highly of you. It turns out that you are also a hypocritical and worthless thing. You are talking shit about morality with me. If you don't dare to control it, just say it. You don't care about Lao Guan. Don't be afraid. Today you Brother, help me to the end, isn’t it just Lou photography? I’m scared, you can’t do it, if you can’t do it, let’s get cheap today, my brother will fight with you.” Pang Tianxin said coldly

"Old Pang, brother, thank you." Guan Shijie said sincerely, but his body was still shaking uncontrollably, and it was obvious that he was really frightened

Xiao Ningyuan took a deep look at Pang Tianxin, and sighed helplessly in her heart. It seems that her boss Bai Yue was right. This kid is really not a seedling for big things. The future Dragon Gang is destined not to be named Pang.

In this way, it is really necessary to carry out the plan of the boss...

"My surname is Yang, you are lucky today. You got a big bargain. Don't think that the matter is over. I will come to you sooner or later." arm, just about to rush out forcefully

Suddenly, Wang Qun yelled coldly: "Stop it!"

In an instant, all the photographers in Building No. [-] and [-] surrounded Guan Shijie and Pang Tianxin

"Boy, today's matter has nothing to do with you. It's best not to meddle in other people's business. You heard what Xiao Xiangzhu said just now. If you insist on accompanying this kid into the water, don't blame us for being blind." Qun Leng Leng Road

"Scared me?" Pang Tianxin sneered, "Your mother forced me to scare me? Do you know who I am? My name is Pang Tianxin, the boss of the Dragon Gang, Ma Junsheng, my uncle. If you have the guts to try to impress me."

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