The best boy on campus

Chapter 293: See you or leave the ballroom!

"See You or Be Square" is a bustling underground dance hall in the west of City G. Every night, Yingyingyanyanyan sings and sings every night, and countless men and women with excess energy come here to vent their excess youth hormones. _) Countless rich women come here to be close to Kaizi, countless young ladies come here to do stage work, and countless white-collar beauties who are usually high-spirited in the company come here to seduce the man they like after they dress up at night. one night stand

Although the "see you or leave" ballroom is huge, it is built underground, and above it is a small hotel. Ladies discuss business, or rich women and white-collar workers find a man they like, they will go directly to it to book a room to vent their needs

At this time, the dance floor below was full of noise, the deafening rock and dj sounds made people's ears numb, and there were all kinds of men and women frantically twisting their waists and dancing to the music

In a sitting room in the northwest corner, suddenly a long-faced bald man wearing a single earring reluctantly pushed away the heavily made-up stockings girl in his arms, squeezed her breasts, stood up and said with a sinister smile: " Let's play first, I'm going to the bathroom"

Apart from him, there are three other men in this room, and the rest are all ladies accompanying the wine. After listening to him, a charming girl who was obviously not drunk but pretended to be very drunk said to him with a smile: " Akun, you have to come back early, don't make people wait too anxiously"

The bald and long-faced man named Ah Kun laughed when he heard the words, walked over and threw her down, kissed her hard on the face, and said with a smile: "I don't want to leave just because of you, brother vixen, haha, don't worry, today If I can't kill you at night, I won't give up."

After speaking, in the eyes of the girl's enchanting white eyes, she swayed and raised her trouser belt, and walked directly to the bathroom at the corner of the dance floor

However, none of them noticed at this moment. On a round glass table not far from them, sat two teenagers with not particularly handsome faces but full of vigor, shaking the glasses in their hands. wine glass, looking at them secretly

"Old Yang, it seems that my information is wrong, there is no Sun Jiushan here." Li Wanhao said to Liu Boyang with some regrets

"No?" Liu Boyang glanced at those people again, "Didn't that guy come? Then where is he now?"

"I'm really not sure about that. That old fox is haunted all day long. This time I managed to get news about him, saying that he will come here to pick up girls at night. By the way, I'm waiting for the news that his subordinates, the old bird and the old horse, are stealing oil. Who knows the information? Something went wrong again, that bastard never came at all." Li Wanhao said angrily

"Don't be afraid, don't you still have that donkey's face? Let's go and have a look." Liu Boyang smiled lightly, not at all impatient, and said with his eyes to A Kun who had just walked into the bathroom

"Good idea." Li Wanhao nodded knowingly, with a smile on his face, and then the two stood up

In an instant, on the five tables not far from them, many teenagers also stood up with them

Liu Boyang and Li Wanhao looked back, Li Wanhao pressed his hand to the group of people and said: "Lao Yang and I will just go there, you sit here without moving, and continue to observe them, if you find a face full of cheeks later The guy with the beard came into that booth, let me know right away"

The group of younger brothers nodded immediately when they heard the words, and then sat back down again.

Li Wanhao and Liu Boyang glanced at each other, then walked directly towards the bathroom

Coincidentally, when the two walked into the bathroom, they found that there was no one else in it except Ah Kun.

Right now, Ah Kun is standing in front of the urinal with his neck tilted and his legs spread apart, whistling while urinating comfortably towards the urinal. The man glanced at him, and then continued to turn his head to pee, until he completely pissed, then he shook his body and tied his belt

Li Wanhao took advantage of him not paying attention, and locked the bathroom door from the inside

Just when Ah Kun was fastening his trouser belt and wanted to leave, suddenly Liu Boyang smiled and pointed to the ground under his feet, and said with a smile, "Dude, did you drop the money?"

When Ah Kun heard this, he lowered his head and saw that there was indeed a 100 yuan bill lying at his feet. He was not an idiot, so he nodded immediately and said, "That's right, I dropped it. Thank you buddy." He bent over to pick it up

But at this unbearable moment, Liu Boyang kicked A Kun's chin suddenly with a "slap", with full force, he kicked A Kun directly on his back, and his body flew up suddenly, his chin facing the sky The one with the head on the back fell out

Liu Boyang kicked Akun so hard that he was dizzy and his head was spinning. When he finally managed to endure the burning pain, he shook his head and wanted to explode, he suddenly felt the pain on his neck. As soon as it was cold, I saw that there was a Senliang blade under my chin

Akun was so frightened that cold sweat broke out from his palms. He raised his face and looked at the smiling Liu Boyang squatting beside him in disbelief. At this moment, he no longer dared to underestimate this smiling boy. , I just feel that he is more terrifying than Shura in hell

"Friend, we just want to ask you something. It's nothing else. I promise that if you cooperate honestly, it won't be difficult for you to step hard just now. I hope you don't care." Liu Boyang laughed

"What, what's the matter?" Akun asked tremblingly

"My friend is from the Fire Rafter Gang. I just want to ask, why didn't your boss, Sun Jiushan, come here tonight, and where did he go?" Liu Boyang still asked with a smile

"Are you asking Brother Jiu?" Akun asked in shock

"Hehe, that's right"

"This... I don't know. Today, our brothers scattered to different places, and Brother Jiu didn't tell us where he went...Brother, brother, come on slowly, we have something to say." Akun suddenly felt something When the blade in Liu Boyang's hand was a little closer to his neck, it was already attached to the flesh, so he was so scared that he hurriedly changed his words

"I don't like to listen to nonsense, ask again, where is your boss Sun Jiushan?" Liu Boyang touched his nondescript earring and asked

"Brother, I really don't know, don't make things difficult for me...ah, I'll tell you what to say." Seeing that the smile on Liu Boyang's face gradually subsided, and the blade in his hand slowly straightened, he hurriedly and honestly said in fright: "But I said, can you guarantee that you will let me go?"

"It depends on whether you are telling the truth or not," said Li Wanhao, who was standing behind Liu Boyang.

"Our Brother Jiu is here..." Ah Kun thought for a while with a complex expression, and as if he had finally made up his mind, he gritted his teeth and said, "He's in the hotel above."

"Oh? Which room?"

"Fourth Floor 415"

"Didn't lie to me?"

"No, I swear no. Our boss likes to play with women. Tonight, he found three women to accompany him. He asked us to stay here because we have other brothers who went to the west of the city to steal oil. He asked us to wait for news. "Akun said nervously.

Once Liu Boyang and Li Wanhao heard that he had told about Shixi Lao Ma and others stealing oil, and there was no discrepancy with the intelligence information, they could conclude that his words were true.

"It turned out to be like this, hehe, brother, it's hard for you, thank you for your cooperation, get up quickly" Liu Boyang showed a smile again, and suddenly stretched out a hand very eagerly, as if to help Akun up...

ps: Brothers, I swear that repeating chapters and inappropriate texts is not my intention. Doing so will not benefit me at all, it will only affect everyone's opinion of me and reduce popularity. I am more entangled than anyone else, but I can't help it. This is a background problem, please rest assured, I will definitely correct the chapter and give you a satisfactory answer

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