The best boy on campus

Chapter 299 Thanks Big Brother, Pornography Gambling Drugs!

After speaking, Li Wanhao suddenly stood up from his seat, picked up a bottle of beer that had just been opened, glanced at the four of Cui Guodong, and vowed: "My Li Wanhao's attitude is very obvious. From now on, Emperor Yang Qing will be the boss. I, Li Wanhao, are the first to be his pawn. If you think the same as me, then stand up and let’s meet one another. From now on, only Brother Yang Yang will lead the way.”

As soon as he said this, the old cat Cui Guodong felt more relieved. Lao Li really understands people. No one will let the two of them down. He will not fight for the boss. In the future, everyone can still be the best brother

Immediately, the two of them also stood up holding the wine bottle without any hesitation, and said: "Of course our two brothers have nothing to say, we have been with Brother Yang for almost 20 years, the past has not changed, and it will not change in the future."

Long Tianyang originally recognized Liu Boyang as his eldest brother, so of course he didn't mind at the moment, he immediately followed Tijiu and said loudly: "I, Long Tianyang, also swear to follow the boss to the death, and I will never regret it if I die!"

Ren Xiaotian saw that everyone except himself was so united, of course he did not dare to be ambiguous, although he felt a little uncomfortable in the past, after all, he was used to being the boss and doing whatever he wanted, and now suddenly letting him be with others would inevitably make him uncomfortable , but in his heart, he is still very convinced of Liu Boyang, not for anything else, just because he can subdue a giant like Lao Mao proves that he is absolutely capable

The performance of the old cat last night, but he admired him like a god

He immediately raised his drink and stood up, showing his loyalty as well, willing to follow Liu Boyang to the death

In the end, it was Liu Boyang's turn to stand up by himself. He knew that if he shirked at this time, it would be an affectation. Liu Boyang bears a big grudge, so he is still very important to the position of the boss

So he also raised his drink and stood up with a smile: "Since the brothers value me so much, then I will take advantage of Lao Li and disrespect the position of the boss. I, Emperor Yang Qing, swear here that I will definitely lead the brothers in the future. I won’t say much about the hypocrisy of making the gang bigger and stronger, but I’ll leave it here. From now on, as long as there is me, there will be brothers. May we all work together in the future, bravely and bravely, to break out of the underground of this g city Sky"

"Haha, Brother Yang, it's easy to talk about, let's go together," the old cat said excitedly

With a sound of "ding", the six people touched the bottles at the same time, then raised their heads and drank the whole bottle of wine in one gulp

After drinking, the six of them laughed and sat down together. Now that the boss has been confirmed, their sense of belonging and identification with each other can be strengthened. At this moment, they feel closer than brothers. , united around Liu Boyang, sprouted ambitions, and vowed to do something great

After Ren Xiaotian finished the bottle of beer, all the slight discomfort in his heart was thrown away. After all, he is also a good man, he can speak like nails, and his words are riveting. With a bottle of wine, he put his future and life in the hands of Liu Boyang just like Lao Mao and Cui Guodong

Perhaps behind everyone's smiles at this moment, only Li Wanhao felt a sense of loss in his heart. Of course, this was not because he felt uncomfortable for not being the boss, but because he knew that making such a plan would mean completely following his own. My brother is on a different ship, I really don’t know how my elder brother Li Gubai would feel if he knew that he had followed someone else, maybe he would be so angry that he would strangle himself to death with his own hands.

But at this moment, Li Wanhao can't take care of so much. When he is happy, he doesn't want to worry about unpleasant things. He should discuss the gang affairs first.

He believed in his choice, and he followed Liu Boyang, and he would never lose to his elder brother in the future

"Brother Yang, now that we have our own territory, how to make money and expand the gang is up to us. Being a gangster is nothing more than three things. Pornography, gambling and drugs, which one do you think we should do first?" Long Tianyang asked

"Haha, old dragon, it goes without saying that of course we should do porn first. I think the 'Honeymoon Paradise' is very good. Now that we have made it, we should make full use of it, right?" the old cat yelled first. road

"Well, especially yourself, you must make full use of the beauties there, right?" Liu Boyang laughed

The old cat's smile stopped abruptly, and the old cat blushed, making the other four people laugh

"Guodong, you're laughing, don't think I don't know what you're thinking, you must be thinking about those beauties, right? Don't pretend to be with me, you nagged me after you went back yesterday The whole night..." The old cat pouted and looked at Cui Guodong and said

Cui Guodong smiled and said, "But I'm not as stupid as you, so I just said it outright..."

"You... A Dong, I see that your skin has started to itch again in two days. Now let's get down to business. I won't deal with you yet. You wait until the important matters are discussed. Let's see how my brother can stretch your muscles for you..." The old man The cat Chiguoguo "threatened" with a smile

Liu Boyang interrupted the two pairs of live treasures with a wave of his hand. If they continue to quarrel, they will lose their heads. He said with a smile: "I have a plan in mind about this. If I want to mix in society, I have to get rid of some taboos that shouldn't be there. Don't look down on them. Prostitutes, don’t dislike those who take drugs, they are all sources of money for us, and no one has trouble with money in this day and age.”

Seeing that the other five people were all attentive and listening carefully, Liu Boyang said again: "I think so, just like what the old cat said, 'Honeymoon Paradise' must be used well, there is no man who does not love the gentle country Yes, we are short of funds now, so we should discuss it with the boss over there, Wang Hai, and help him find ways to restore the business of 'Honeymoon Paradise', which will be of great benefit to us."

According to the rules of the road, entertainment venues like "Honeymoon Paradise" need to give [-]% of their monthly turnover to its "protection gang". Now that Liu Boyang and others have become its protective umbrella, it is natural to collect this money , so the better the business of "Honeymoon Paradise", the better for them

However, after the random killing incident last night, the reputation of "Honeymoon Paradise" has been greatly reduced, and the source of tourists has run away in fright. business in heaven

"Brother Yang, you said just now that we are short of funds, so you discussed with Fatty Wang about reviving the business, then if we have capital..." Li Wanhao asked with a knowing smile

"That's right, once we have established a firm foothold in the west of the city and have a certain gang foundation and capital, then we will accept 'Honeymoon Paradise' and let those surnamed Wang get out," Liu Boyang said with a smile

When the rest of Ren Xiaotian Laomao and others heard it, they secretly praised Liu Boyang's long-term thinking. When he and others only focused on the present, he had already thought about the long-term and short-term ways

"Huang, let's just start with 'Honeymoon Paradise', or wait two days before knocking down the 'Mermaid' Footwashing City, these two places are enough," Liu Boyang said

"Mermaid" Footwashing City is the one opposite to "See you or leave" ballroom and "Moon Hotel". At that time, after Sun Jiushan fell from upstairs and fell to his death, a frightened girl ran out of it. confessed

"Brother Yang is still thoughtful, if we really make these two venues come alive, then the money won't come in the same way as tap water," Ren Xiaotian said excitedly

"Hehe, I'm sure Huang will stop here. Since we want to grow big, we have to engage in every aspect of Xiaotian, Lao Li, and Tianyang. The three of you have stayed in City G longer than us. Have you ever I've heard that, where does white powder come out in this city g?"

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