The best boy on campus

Chapter 3 Spicy Sister

"Everyone, this is from our class...Student Liu Boyang, I hope everyone can become friends with him in the shortest possible time. Classmate Liu Boyang, the teacher also hopes that you can integrate into the big group of Class [-] as soon as possible. Please introduce yourself." The beautiful [female teacher said, she stepped aside with a smile on her face and took the lead in applauding.

"Fuck, what's wrong with Teacher Fang's face? Is it swollen?"

"What happened? Did you fall or was someone slapped?"

"Fucking nonsense, such a beautiful woman, who would be willing to slap her..."

Below is a burst of low voices from boys. Liu Boyang smiled lightly. As expected, it seems that the beautiful teacher is really popular in this class. no wonder

Liu Boyang didn't mind at all that the students present below gave the beautiful teacher their attention. He still smiled and walked to the front of the podium, and introduced himself: "Everyone, everyone, this is the first time we meet, please take care of me, Liu Boyang, from h County, I am very honored to be in the [-]th class and to come to this brand-new group.”

On some occasions, Liu Boyang has always paid attention to his diction, no matter his expression or his words, give people a very friendly feeling. Liu Boyang has never thought of acting arrogantly in front of his classmates, because in his opinion that It's not such a thing as ability, he's already tired of playing

"Day, what did he say? County H?"

"Isn't that a den of the underworld? What's the background of this kid?"

"Grass, look at your bear-like appearance, just hearing the name, your face turns pale with fright, no matter how powerful H County is, it doesn't necessarily mean that everyone is a gangster. Looking at this kid's ordinary appearance, he is probably an honest student." , you are afraid of the hair"

"Who, who is afraid, can't you just ask?"

Liu Boyang couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard the boys' comments below. It seems that his hometown really didn't have a good reputation.

Fang Yuyan, who was standing on the side, was also a little surprised. Her family is from other places, and she came to W City only to find a job. She has never heard of the name of H County, but judging from the reactions of the students below, it seems that it is not easy.

Underworld den? ... No wonder Liu Boyang didn't take Director Fang seriously in his tone just now. I really don't know if it's a blessing or a curse to have this student in my class. , her mind suddenly became very complicated

"Student Liu Boyang, you came late, and the seats in the class have already been adjusted. In this way, you sit in the back first, and after a while after the exam, I will rearrange the ranking according to the results, okay?" Fang Yuyan said

"Okay." Liu Boyang smiled brightly, nodded to the beautiful teacher, and walked straight to his seat and sat in the back. Anyway, I didn't come here to study from the beginning.

"Wow, he looks average, but he has a bright smile." The voices of the nympho in the class began to ring out

"Look at your nympho, you don't intend to find him as your boyfriend"

"Don't talk nonsense, I already have a sweetheart, okay, just talk about it casually."

"Sweetie? Are you talking about Si Kongling? You'd better stop thinking about it, he's my prospective boyfriend."

"Nonsense, how could Si Kongling fall in love with you?"

"If you don't like me, can you still like you?"


These words were naturally heard by Liu Boyang, Si Kongling?Looks like a person, I have a chance to meet him

"Fuck, did you see just now, the kid who came over smiled so obscenely at Teacher Fang, he probably wanted to impress Teacher Fang, mother, don't know the rules, if you want to chase Teacher Fang, you can't take your turn to him"

"That's right, I don't like watching it, I have to teach him the rules after class."

This class is a history class. After Fang Yuyan helped Liu Boyang finish the introduction, she left the classroom and left the class to that old-fashioned pedant in her 40s

class continues

Liu Boyang came to his seat, but found a girl lying on the same table, sleeping soundly. This girl has dyed yellow hair, silver studs on her ears, and a short blue dress on top. A camisole top, revealing most of the snow-white skin on the upper body, underneath is a pair of shorts that are not much longer than the boxer pants, two white and round thighs are exposed, on the feet are a pair of pink sandals, and the slender and beautiful feet are full. Hold, the whole person exudes an indescribable temptation and beauty, but the perfume on her body is too strong, and the posture of lying on the table is not ladylike at all, she is probably the type of a little girl

Liu Boyang smiled faintly. When I was in County H, there were not a few girls like this around me. On the surface, all of them were very delicate, but in fact, it was not just for warming my brothers. Yanfu, is it time for God to compensate me?

He pulled the bench casually, and Liu Boyang sat beside the girl. Through the short blue suspenders, he could clearly see half of the girl's round and full breasts, and even the two spots of vermilion on the front could be vaguely seen. He couldn't help but I lament that the girls in this high school are well developed. They are already so hot when they are less than 20 years old.

Liu Boyang took the book out of the drawer and placed it on the table. The sound woke up the sleepy fellow at the same table. She straightened up a little uncomfortably. Just as she was about to lose her temper, she found that she was sitting next to a strange face.

"Who are you?" the little girl asked coldly

"Liu Boyang, hehe, here you come." Liu Boyang explained with a smile. At the same time, he found that this young lady is really pretty. Beautiful, fair and delicate skin, beautiful and pleasant facial features, it is that expression that exudes an unruly taste

It is a different type from the beautiful teacher Fang Yuyan. The former is suitable for housekeeping, while the latter is suitable for warming [Liu Boyang, who made up his mind to create a big harem here before the bed came to the s. best candidate for

The little girl nodded faintly, "Speak softly, don't delay my mother's sleep." After finishing speaking, she continued to bury her head on the table

"I haven't asked the beauty's name yet..."

"I told you to keep your voice down so I didn't hear you." Before Liu Boyang finished speaking, the little girl suddenly turned her face and cursed

Suddenly, the class fell into a moment of silence. All the students turned their heads in unison, and even the history teacher looked at him in astonishment.

"Look, that idiot has provoked Sister Ting, now he has a good fruit to eat"

"Damn it, that guy must have the guts to take advantage of Sister Ting, idiot, no one in our class dares to provoke Sister Ting except Si Kongling."

"Look, he's dead"


"Old ghost, the lover of your dreams has been provoked by others, can you bear it?"

"Damn it, wait until after class to see if I can't kill him"


Here, Liu Boyang's face is not red, his heart is not beating, he still looks at the little girl lightly, the corners of his mouth are raised evilly, this girl is hot enough and has a taste

"Your mother [forced] what are you still looking at? Isn't it you? Don't accept it, can you fix it?" The little girl continued to scold

"Xiao Xueting, shut up, it's time for class now." The history teacher finally couldn't bear it anymore, and stopped her with words

"You fucking shut up my mother, be careful that my mother finds someone to chop you up" the little girl named Xiao Xueting scolded angrily

The history teacher's chest was about to explode, but he was a very responsible person, knowing that this Xiao Xueting had contacts with those shameless scum in the society, and he couldn't afford to offend her, so after thinking about it, he was still stiff I held back my breath, but my old face was flushed red

Liu Boyang sighed silently, stood up slowly, and said lightly: "This beauty, she gets angry casually, but she will grow old very quickly."

It seems that I want to stop today, but I can't

Note to readers:

Collection, smashing bricks, hehe

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