The group of second graders were completely scared out of their wits. They all took a step back and made plans to run away. *Bubble! Book*

Just kidding, facing such an evil star, who would dare to go up and fight?That's living courting death

"Fifth, put the knife away, what do you think this is? There are so many people watching, don't kill anyone," Gao Zhenfei said lightly

"Come on, listen to the fourth brother, just these bastards really dirty grandpa's knife." The old cat sneered, put the kitchen knife in his waist again, and rushed towards the second grade like a tiger descending a mountain. a group of people

The group of second graders didn't expect such a tall and powerful person to move so fast, the first two didn't react immediately, they felt a strong wind blowing towards their faces, and the next moment there was a burst of burning on their faces. In severe pain, I was slapped by the old cat's palm like a fan for more than three meters. One of the heads hit the curb and there was blood on the spot.

The old cat didn't care about this, and rushed to the front after a few big sprints, its elbows and elbows were like windmills, like wind and clouds, like a powerful harvester harvesting a wheat field, a monkey was quick, and it turned over a lot in a few strokes, the second grade A group of people saw that this hero was so fierce, he belonged to a fucking hob, they were so frightened that even the bile flowed out, they all yelled and turned around and ran away

run?Where is your mother forced to run?

The old cat is a bit fatter, but his skills are definitely vigorous. If he only has brute force, he can't be the fifth child of the Kowloon Society

With a "snap", another unfortunate guy was slapped unconscious by the old cat. He picked it up and threw it aside. The old cat twisted his neck and glanced at the other second graders with sinister eyes. One glance, looking for the next target

In the blink of an eye, the old cat knocked over seven or eight people at a jaw-dropping speed, and none of them were slightly injured.

Halo, is there still a fight with this one?also makes people unable to live

The other passers-by, including the rich lady Ning Yeqi who was sitting far away in the car, were frightened by this hero's resolute means. Apart from being shocked, they also had a faint sense of enjoyment and venting their anger

They finally saw the legendary hunk today. He beat dozens of people with his bare hands and dared not fart.

There are more and more people stopping to watch on the street, there is no way, this is much more exciting than martial arts movies, many men have their long-suppressed blood in their hearts, many women's eyes are burning, and they all burst into that kind of love for heroes. longing and anticipation of blood

Concierge is just one word, the young man in front of me is really too fierce

A good guy doesn't suffer from immediate losses, the group of second graders are completely frightened and run away in a hurry. At this moment, I only hate my parents for losing two legs. Whoever runs behind will die.

"Why are you all running? Are so many of us afraid of him alone? Stop for me." Ning Gaoning shouted angrily when he saw that he was going to do something bad.

"If anyone runs away again, don't blame me for turning my face and denying me, is Ning Gaoning's little brother just so useless?" Ning Gaoning is still trying to arouse the fighting spirit of the younger brothers

But at this moment, who can still listen to his words, goddamn boss, you go eat shit, you are louder than anyone else, why don't you?Do you think we are all two hundred and five?

The anger in Ning Gaoning's heart, his prestige was gone at this moment, he was just about to say something when he suddenly felt a wall appeared in front of him, followed by a gust of wind

Looking up, my mother, I saw the old cat was looking down at him like a giant spirit god, with a cat-playing-mouse smile hanging from the corner of its mouth

"You brat, you're screaming loudly, and you're the boss?" the old cat sarcastically said.

"I'm your mother." Ning Gaoning was furious, and he threw his fist at the old cat's face

The old cat squinted his eyes and didn't talk nonsense. He took out an uppercut and hit Ning Gaoning's stomach directly before Ning Gaoning's. Immediately, Ning Gaoning's movements froze in mid-air, and his mouth slowly opened. Boss, his eyeballs are more than three times bigger than usual, and the viciousness just now disappeared all of a sudden

The most vulnerable place of a person is the dantian. Lao Mao's punch is the most ruthless. This Ning Gaoning will not even want to stand up and walk in two or three months.

With a scream like a pig being killed, Ning Gaoning was kicked up by the old cat's punch. When he fell heavily on the ground, the old cat stepped forward and broke one of his legs without hesitation. calf

Ning Gaoning yelled, and the severe pain shot through his body like a current, and finally his eyes went dark, and he passed out directly

Ning Gaoning's little brothers saw this scene and ran fast, their boss was finished, dead and motionless, whoever stood here with him would be an idiot

The [-]-meter runners are not running as fast as them at the moment, they are running like flocks of sheep

"Huzi Guodong, don't let the old cat waste time, you guys come too, don't let one go today," said Gao Zhenfei

"Just wait for fourth brother's words." The two of them were smiling, and Cui Guodong jumped into the car, started the accelerator and drove the car forward, watching the group of second graders The one running ahead was faster than a rabbit, Cui Guodong opened the window and shouted loudly: "Stop the fuck for me, who the fuck dares to run again, I hit him with a car and killed him"

The second graders felt a little weak when they heard this. Some of them didn't believe in evil and wanted to continue running, but when they saw Cui Guodong's cold eyes, they gave up. They had no other choice but to surrender. How many people are more fierce than one?

Here, Ma Feng saw that something was wrong, and wanted to slip away with oil on his feet. Who would have thought that Huzi would grab his hair by the hair and pull him back abruptly, almost tearing off his scalp, The pain made him cry like father and mother

Huzi gave a wicked smile, grabbed his head and smashed it on the ground, which immediately knocked Ma Feng down, his face was covered in blood, and he couldn't make a sound anymore.

Huzi grabbed his hair again, Xiexie asked: "Are you dead?"

"Woo... woo..." Ma Feng's mouth was covered in blood and he was speechless

"I asked you something, woo woo!" Huzi said angrily

"Woo... woo..." Ma Feng was still delirious and speechless

"You kid, are you trying to pretend to be dead? All right, I'll set you on fire." Huzi then took out the lighter from his pocket and pointed it at Ma Feng's hair.

"Don't...don't order...I...I'll be honest..." Ma Feng hurriedly said with the last of his energy

"Brother Yang wants to send you down by himself, come here." Huzi dragged Ma Feng's body like a dead dog to Liu Boyang, threw it on the ground, and waited for Liu Boyang's release

"Woo...Yang...Brother Yang...I was wrong...Brother Yang...let" Ma Feng begged

"It's very difficult for me to kill you in such a large crowd," Liu Boyang said with a light smile

"Then...then I thank Brother Yang...thank you Brother Yang...Your adult doesn't care about villains...I..."

Liu Boyang didn't wait for him to finish, he stepped forward and stomped on his hand, and crushed it hard, crushing all the bones in his left hand, and Ma Feng let out a cry like a crying father

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