The best boy on campus

Chapter 304 Blind Bear, Oil Smuggling!

"Who is it?" Li Wanhao asked

"Boss Du," said the younger brother

"Oh please come in"

After getting permission, a short and fat man with big arms and round waist came in outside, with a hypocritical smile on his face. When he saw Liu Boyang and others, he rubbed his hands with a smile and said, "Why, are you guys in a meeting? I didn't bother you. you?"

"It's okay, just after the opening, is Boss Du okay?" Liu Boyang stood up and asked him with dignity

"Oh, sit down, brothers. Just sit down and don't disturb you. I'll just find a seat myself." Boss Du is really a shrewd person. Yes, he smiled and asked Liu Boyang to sit down, and then he himself found a seat next to him and sat down

The old cat looked at this guy's hypocritical face, and he just wanted to sneer in his heart, "Damn, when I was looking for you last night, I still had that look of contempt and neglect on my face, now I ran over to show my favor, this is not a bone ?

As expected by the old cat, Boss Du touched his hands as soon as he sat down, and smiled with a friendly expression: "Hehe, little brothers, don't get me wrong, I'm here specifically to say hello to you, Last night I was really dizzy, and I was a little rushed when I talked to my brothers, and now my old Du is apologizing to my brothers."

Liu Boyang gave him a step down, and said with a smile: "What is Boss Du talking about, we will be eating and drinking in your place from now on, so please take care of us."

"Oh, brother, kill me, kill me too, hehe, it's my old Du's blessing that I can leave it to the little brothers. You guys are more benevolent and righteous than that bastard Sun Jiushan. That bastard thinks about it all day long." Squeeze me, I hide from him every day and dare not see him, how is it now, you 'drive him away', and I can finally sleep soundly." Boss Du laughed

Liu Boyang was calm, old fox, you didn't say that last night, and now you must have received the definite news that Sun Jiushan and the "Huozhu Gang" were completely destroyed, so you came here to express your goodwill

I remember last night, Liu Boyang Laomao and others divided into three groups. After destroying all the living forces of the "Fire Rafter Gang", Zeng Bing joined together and specially touched "Honeymoon Paradise", "Moon Hotel" and "See you soon" "The homes of the three bosses, discuss with them about the takeover of the venue

At that time, Yang Jie, the proprietress of "Moon Hotel" and Tian Xinghong, the proprietor of "Honeymoon Paradise", both showed shocked expressions on their faces when they heard Liu Boyang and others say that the "Fire Rafter Gang" had been wiped out, but they were both extremely smart. Seeing Liu Boyang and the others taking the lead, with dozens of unkind-faced youngsters behind him, they broke into their home directly. They expected that what they said would not be false, so they acted decisively and expressed their willingness to take care of the place. The rights were transferred to Liu Boyang et al.

But only Du Laoliu, the owner of the "see you or leave" ballroom, when Liu Boyang led someone into his private villa, this guy was lying on his honest maid, venting madly, and was caught in the end. The old cat kicked open the door, almost wilting in fright, and in a panic, he even picked up his maid's skirt and put it on, that was a joke

Liu Boyang first explained to him about the extermination of the "Huozhu Gang", but Fatty Du didn't believe it. When Liu Boyang asked him for the right to take care of the venue, he just talked about him, hesitated and refused to agree. Liu Boyang knew what he meant. He didn't believe that he and others had put out the Huozhuan gang. He was afraid of offending Sun Jiushan, so he didn't dare to promise.

In the end, since the discussion failed, Liu Boyang stopped talking nonsense and asked the old cat to overturn the table at his house, then pointed to his nose before leaving and said: "The surname is Du, remember it for me, are the grandpas here today?" I was discussing with you because I came to give you a notice. After that, your place will be covered by us. Whether you believe it or not, Sun Jiushan is over. From now on, if you give me a penny less, don’t blame me. Set fire to your house from top to bottom."

After Liu Boyang finished speaking, he led the people away amidst Du Laoliu's hateful expression. Finally, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Fatty Du's face had turned purple with anger, and he was trembling with anger.

But now seeing his active approach to flatter him, Liu Boyang guessed that he had probably already confirmed the news that Sun Jiushan fell into the hands of himself and others, so he immediately acted on the wind and came to show his face.

"Boss Du is serious. Hehe, you came just in time. I have something to ask you." Liu Boyang laughed.

"Oh, little brother, don't call him 'little brother', I can't bear it. You guys are young heroes, so if you don't mind, just call me Old Du." At this moment, Du Laoliu finally knew the boss of this gang of teenagers. Who is it, the seemingly ordinary boy who is talking to him in front of him? So he dedicated all his attention to Liu Boyang, and asked with a flattering smile

"Hehe, where, Brother Du was joking," Liu Boyang said with a smile

Du Lao Liu, who called "Brother Du", was really relieved, even his eyes were narrowed, and he immediately said courteously: "Brother, what's the matter? Just ask, as long as Du Ge knows, you must know." Know everything, say everything"

"Brother Du, you have been in the society longer than your younger brother, do you know where there is a 'recovery'?" Liu Boyang gradually put away the smile on his face, and asked lightly

"Collect oil?" Who is Du Laoliu, upon hearing Liu Boyang's words, he immediately guessed what Sun Jiushan was doing behind the scenes. In the hands of the young man, even the goods he scooped up were snatched by him?

"That's right, take the oil." Liu Boyang said lightly this time, Du Laoliu really guessed right this time. The oil that Lao Mao and Ren Xiaotian snatched last night has not been resold until now, and even the oil trucks have all stopped under Ren Xiaotian's hands a younger brother's home

The little brother lives in the outskirts of the city. It’s okay if it’s remote. There’s a dilapidated house and no parents. There’s only one blind grandfather. If it wasn’t for him and a more powerful second uncle to help him, he wouldn’t be able to go there at all. Ren Xiaotian from North x Middle School parked his car at his home where no one cared about him, it was the safest thing to do

"I do know this. We don't have a place to collect oil, but we don't have it in City G, but after driving to the west of the city and walking for dozens of miles, there is a place called 'Dagao' on the side of City K. There is a one-eyed man named Xiong Haibin, nicknamed Xiong Blind, who makes 'private oil' every day. If you can contact him, the oil will naturally be sold," Du Laoliu said in one breath.

"Big Gao? Xiong Xiazi?" Liu Boyang asked with a frown

"Yeah brother, Brother Rong shouldn't have asked. Did you snatch your oil from that guy Sun Jiushan? Hehe, the person surnamed Sun used to send it to him often, so I know something about it, brother." "Du Laoliu laughed.

"Hehe, that's the way it is. That's fine, thank you, Brother Du, I see." Liu Boyang smiled and made up his mind, let Lao Mao and Guodong pour the oil over as soon as possible tomorrow, so that the big oil can be drained as soon as possible. trouble to let go

Bear blind?Listening to this nickname, it doesn't look like an ordinary person. Since you will have to deal with people in the future, you might as well meet him in advance.

However, Liu Boyang didn't know that this seemingly simple "delivery of oil" could cause big trouble later on

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