The best boy on campus

Chapter 329 Overcoming the Wall and Entering the Hospital!

"Which one is it? Show me." Liu Boyang directly pulled him up, patted the back of his head and asked

"That, that house" said the thin man tremblingly pointing to the most dilapidated earthen house in the distance

"Well, if you're a smart person, when you wake up, just pretend you didn't see anything and had a dream," Liu Boyang said lightly.

When I wake up?

Before the skinny man could react, Liu Boyang had already punched his stomach in an instant, and immediately made the skinny man arch into a shrimp, his eyes burst into bloodshot eyes, and before he even had time to scream, he hugged his stomach and hugged him. fell down

Liu Boyang didn't even look at him, said "Let's go", and strode straight towards the dilapidated house

Lao Mao and the others looked at each other, didn't say anything, didn't look at the adulterer on the ground, and followed Liu Boyang in stride.

To say that the adulterer and adulterer are the villagers of this Xiaoma Village, the adulterer Wang Guiying is a foreign daughter-in-law married from a place poorer than Xiaoma Village, and she looks ordinary, but in this desolate and backward Pony Village, she is already the most juicy and beautiful woman, her status is no less than that of Shih Tzu

The reason why Xiaoma Village is desolate and dilapidated, and the people in the village are getting more and more empty, is precisely because the young and middle-aged people in this village have run away. These days, no one is willing to stay at home except for the old, weak, sick and disabled who cannot walk. Farming, a man like this Wang Guiying just went to G City to open a bicycle repair shop that can barely make ends meet

In this way, his daughter-in-law, who had been in the house for less than three years, was naturally left out in the cold, and Wang Guiying happened to be lazily targeted by a skinny, bachelor man in the village, who ran to her door every three days to stay. The purpose is to peek through the slit of the simple window to see Wang Guiying taking a bath or taking off her clothes. Finally, one day when Wang Guiying splashed the water to wash her feet, she found out. , on the contrary, as if it was premeditated, Humei pulled Lan Qiang into the house, and had a good time

Lazy and lazy, lazy and lazy, but the work on the bed is really not covered. It is the first time I meet a woman at such an age, and she is the most slick girl in the village. Like a tireless animal, Wang Guiying does it every time. Wang Guiying felt that he was much better than her man wearing a cuckold

Until they were blocked by the Wang Guiying man who came back suddenly at night, they almost didn't break their lazy legs. From then on, they didn't dare to hide in the house to do errands, and ran to the barren cemetery that people least want to come to at night Li Shutan, anyway, if it was haunted, it would have been haunted long ago, and it wouldn't wait until today

They deserved their unlucky luck today, and they were caught by the angry Cui Guodong old cat and dealt with them severely.

"Brother Yang, let's forget about those two?" Ren Xiaotian walked quickly to Liu Boyang and asked

Liu Boyang smiled, "Otherwise, what else do you want?"

"I'm afraid that if they tell us about us tomorrow, it will be bad," Ren Xiaotian said worriedly

Liu Boyang said with a light smile: "Don't worry, they won't think that we are here to fetch things, not to kill people."

Li Wanhao also came up and said: "Old Ren, don't worry about it being useless, he ran to this kind of place for two nights to play wild sex, wishing that no one else knew, he would only speak out when he was an idiot."

Ren Xiaotian thought about it and nodded: "Yes"

Several people turned around the old locust tree with a crooked neck that had gone through many vicissitudes, and finally came to the extremely dilapidated house.

The old cat looked around the room. Outside was a brick-and-earth wall, forming a small yard. There was a block in the middle of the wall, and a large wooden door whose wood was about to rot was embedded in the yard. Inside there are two dilapidated main houses, a black house and a black yard, obviously they have been out of business for a long time, and no one has been here for a long time

The old cat was really worried that a single rain would wash away the dilapidated house, so he frowned and asked Liu Boyang, "Brother Yang, do you want to go in?"

"Come in, go inside and find out if there's a latrine or something like that" Liu Boyang said in a heartbroken heart, Sun Jiushan is really talented, he can figure out such a hidden place, hiding the "guy" here, even the king of heaven and I can't find it come out

But at this moment, there is uncontrollable excitement and excitement in my heart. I think that Sun Jiushan has hidden things so secretly, and he will not be aimless. The things buried here will definitely give himself a "surprise".

After the old cat Cui Guodong and the others responded, they didn't intend to smash the door open, but just climbed up the wall with quick hands and feet. Cui Guodong only borrowed his strength once and jumped up. He used to do too many things like this in County H.

Although the old cat is fatter, he climbed over the wall unambiguously. He was only one step slower than Cui Guodong, and he climbed up like a dexterous big gecko.

The two showed their hands neatly, stepped on the wall as if they were walking on the ground, and looked at the dark yard below.

Ren Xiaotian, Long Tianyang and others stood behind and looked at their backs, they could only sigh and groan, they couldn't accept it, these two heroes were much better than the guys like me who had been in the city since childhood, such a high earthen wall, They didn't even have a decent point of leverage, and they were able to climb up without any effort

This is not the wall behind the school, it is nearly half higher than it. Although I and others can climb up, it will never be so easy. Far

Liu Boyang is not surprised by this, the eight brothers under him have always had their own special abilities and are good at the battlefield, such as climbing walls, the most powerful one is not Cui Guodong, but that guy Huzi

That is to say, even if it is a wall made of two glass walls, as long as there is an angle between them, no matter how large or small the angle is, no matter how high or steep it is, Hu Zi can climb up it with bare hands and stretch out his hands and feet, and the speed will dazzle you. And there is no slippery

The old Jiuyou Longjian is very capable. Thirteen iron locks of different models are arranged in a row according to the size. Pry it open for you, and the lock doesn't even have any damage

"Grass mother, it's dark, where can I find the latrine?" The old cat's huge body stepped on the dirt wall, the ground fell off under his feet, and he turned around and said, "Old Ren, bring me the flashlight."

Ren Xiaotian hurriedly handed him the flashlight, and then Lao Mao and Cui Guodong jumped into the courtyard wall one after the other

Liu Boyang did not hesitate, and went into battle himself. The third one went up the wall lightly, without even stopping. He supported the edge of the wall with one hand, and jumped in with his feet floating. Li Wanhao and others were speechless for a while.

In the end, they also tried their best to climb up, it was a strenuous effort, and they were sweating all over their bodies, and they managed to climb up two of them, including Ren Xiaotian and Long Tianyang, who climbed up three times without success, secretly thinking that climbing the wall was also their own. Mom is a technical job

The grass inside the yard was about the same height as the outside. Liu Boyang took Cui Guodong's flashlight and took a look at the black corner diagonally opposite the main house, and sure enough, he saw a shed with an open roof.

"It should be there, let's go and have a look," Liu Boyang said

The old cat ran over first. Although the shed could be seen as a hut at first glance, it didn't smell any peculiar smell. No one came for such a long time, and the filth inside would have evaporated long ago.

"Brother Yang, don't we just dig here?" The old cat turned around and said depressedly.

Liu Boyang thought for a while, and the beam of the flashlight shone on a big rock next to the hut, and said, "I guess it's here, look for a shovel and stick in the yard, and dig it out to see."

Note to readers:

Alas...sorry for being late today, the power outage has lasted until now...

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