The best boy on campus

Chapter 34 Pretending to be a fool?

While everyone was chatting and laughing, the school gate suddenly opened, and then the principal Zheng Yuanlong in plain clothes rushed out with a group of teachers. From the time they received the news to gathering the manpower, and then rushing over, I don’t know how much was delayed Time, when I came to the school gate, I found that the group of people who were fighting had almost dispersed, only the blood stains on the ground proved that the students who tipped off the news were not lying

"What's going on? Who gathered a crowd to fight here just now?" Zheng Yuanlong walked up to Liu Boyang and the others with a serious face and asked.

He Juxiong followed behind Zheng Yuanlong, put on a domineering look, and looked at a group of students in a pretentious manner. Just now Zheng Yuanlong wasted so much time just to wait for him. After all, there were students fighting on a large scale in the school, so he should be invited. It is more suitable for people with underworld background to come forward

However, at that time, He Juxiong was pulling a coquettish beauty in the third year of high school to do something in the toilet, and Zheng Yuanlong found him when he came out after the incident, and the group of people came late

"What are you looking at? Are you deaf?" Who is He Juxiong? He thought that with his own strength, he didn't need to pay attention to these gangsters at all.

"This teacher, you are so majestic, but why are you so arrogant?" Seeing He Juxiong's rude words and his virtuous behavior, Cui Guodong immediately exploded, and stood up to confront him.

Who are these brothers of Liu Boyang?When did someone dare to yell in front of them?Don't say that you are a pretending criminal, even if the real underworld comes.

"Damn it, you dare to talk to me like that? Little bastard, do you know who I am?" He Juxiong was furious. This little bastard dared to smear him in front of so many people, revealing his true nature all at once.

"Who are you? I know who your mother forced you to be? How about scolding you? I still want to beat you up? What did you scold just now? Let me hear some more scolding. Are you fucking looking for death?" Cui Guodong and others originally said It's the lawless master, what's wrong with the teacher?What's wrong with the director?What's wrong with black people?Damn, I'm annoying

He Juxiong became furious when he heard it, and scolded: "I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, I think you have lived enough."

"Really? If you have the guts, try it. I have to teach you a lesson today. You have a chain around your neck, so you dare to come out and scare people? Stupid, I stopped playing this kind of thing ten years ago." Cui Guodong proudly Without fear, he straightened his back and scolded. What I don't like the most is this kind of fake tiger's prestige. Our man's mantra is to pretend to be coquettish, and put them all down.

Hou Qiang and other younger brothers heard Cui Guodong and He Juxiong scold each other, their faces were tense, but they were already happy in their hearts. Usually, the surname He used to rely on his position as the director and the background of the underworld to dominate the school. Fu, clean up the boys and fuck the girls, today he finally met a hard nail, and Cui Guodong also gave everyone a bad breath

He Juxiong was so angry that he swung his hands and slapped Cui Guodong with a slap. Cui Guodong smiled coldly, bent down and was about to dodge, his fists for counterattack were ready, but suddenly he found that the movement of the surnamed He suddenly stopped. Living

Cui Guodong raised his head to see that it was Liu Boyang who caught the big stupid bear

"Director He, please open your eyes and see clearly. Now you are outside the school, not in the school. This place is not under your control. Please pay attention to your own words, otherwise it will be difficult to explain what happened." Liu Boyang said lightly

"You little bastard again? How dare you threaten me?" He Juxiong cursed and directly changed his strength, wanting to transfer this punch to Liu Boyang for free, but he twitched his hand and couldn't move at all

"I don't like to say the same thing twice, but you are almost 40 years old and you are not sensible, so I have to make an exception once. You are ashamed in school, don't go to the street to imitate a dog Calling, be careful, if you fail, you will die so ugly." Liu Boyang squeezed He Juxiong's hand hard, and immediately distorted He Juxiong's face. He couldn't believe it even if he was killed. His strength, his hand was almost cut off by him

He Juxiong just has a stubborn mouth and is embarrassed to beg for mercy in front of so many people. In fact, he has suffered a lot.

"That's enough Director He, now it's a public place, please pay attention to your image." At this point, Zheng Yuanlong had no choice but to speak. On the surface, what Liu Boyang said just now was scolding He Juxiong, but in fact it was scolding at a deeper level It's him, the principal, who scolds him for letting others be virtuous and relying on He Juxiong, a villain with superficiality.

Although He Juxiong was still angry in his heart, once he heard the headmaster say that, he had to give him face in front of so many people, so he said bitterly: "Let go, I don't know as much as you, a junior."

Liu Boyang smiled faintly, "It's fine if you said that earlier? It will save the brothers from getting angry."

"Let me ask again, who gathered here to fight and fight just now? Is it you? Or, did you participate in it?" Zheng Yuanlong asked

Although Zheng Yuanlong is not considered a positive person, it can be seen from his appointment of people like He Juxiong, but on the surface, he still has to do enough work. As the head of a school, he can't be too bearish, can he?

"Fighting? Principal, when did you see someone fighting? Did you see it?" Liu Boyang turned his head and asked his younger brother


"I didn't see it, when did it happen?"

"Principal, are you being cheated by others?"

A group of younger brothers cooperated very well, shaking their heads with innocent faces, acting as if they didn't know anything

Zheng Yuanlong is so angry that his teeth are itching, pretend to be me?How dare you argue with all the blood on the ground?

"Okay, why don't you say yes? I won't make it difficult for you all to go in for class now. I don't believe that I can't find out. If you don't tell me now, when I find out by myself, it will not be as simple as punishing you."


"I'll give you another chance, will you say it or not?"

Liu Boyang saw that the principal was really angry this time. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, if his group of people didn't let him step down, anyone would be unbearable, not to mention that he is an old man over fifty years old with status and status

Liu Boyang didn't want to fall out with the principal. After all, Lao Mao and others had to rely on him to transfer schools. If he offended him to death today, even if the director of the Education Bureau came, he refused to agree to transfer. You can't do anything about him, Liu Boyang thought. After thinking about it, I had no choice but to come up with a next plan, winking at Huzi

Huzi immediately understood, stood up and said, "Principal? Don't make things difficult for them. I led someone to do the thing just now. It has nothing to do with them. You can't make things difficult for them."

It is the best way for Liu Boyang to let Huzi take care of everything on him. After all, Huzi and Gazi will not come to S Middle School in the future, and they don't need any garlic from Headmaster Bird.

Of course, this obvious anti-big head behavior can't be hidden from a group of teachers, who are all good people, who can be fooled by such things?Do you want to save a group of people after taking care of things alone?Is there such a good thing in the world?

"You? Who are you?" The old headmaster squinted his eyes and looked Huzi up and down for a moment, then asked

"You don't care who I am, anyway, I'm not your student, you don't care about me, you heard what I said, I picked what happened just now, you don't need to embarrass them anymore," Huzi said

"You are very heroic, do you think I will believe your words? Why do you make me believe you?" Zheng Yuanlong asked with a disdainful expression

"I don't believe you. Just ask someone later. As for why you believe me?..." Huzi smiled slightly, took a few steps forward, and whispered by Zheng Yuanlong's ear, "Just because you are smart people"

The old principal's face changed, and then he pretended not to hear anything and said: "Then why did you bring someone to beat my students?"

Anyone who knows how to read words can hear it. The old principal's words are based on retreat. He didn't admit that this matter was done by a tiger, but now he said that, it is undoubtedly a tacit consent

Liu Boyang smiled faintly in his heart, he knew that Huzi's matter had been settled

"I can't help it. It was your students who provoked me first. You also know that we are in the society. The most important thing is morality. If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, I have to get my place back. So, old man Principal, what you have to do now is not to teach me here, but to go back and take good care of your students," Hu Zi said

"How should I discipline my students? You don't need to worry about it. Then why are they gathered here?" The old headmaster pointed to Liu Boyang and others and asked

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