The best boy on campus

Chapter 352 A Quick Glimpse!

In the following day, nothing unexpected happened. Liu Bin's life was still the same as usual. He missed class and played with Zhao Feng and others after class. Time passed by in a hurry

However, at the moment of evening self-study, that is, around nine o'clock in the evening, the time for evening self-study in middle school is short. When Liu Bin and his group returned to the dormitory together, they almost walked to the dormitory building, but Liu Bin suddenly remembered that his mobile phone and wallet were all left behind in the classroom

What's strange is that he clearly remembered that before the last class ended, he had reminded himself no less than ten times that he must take all his mobile wallets with him before going back, but recalling it now, it seems that something happened during that time. Such a vacuum, he can't even recall why he finally forgot

In fact, Liu Bin himself knows better than anyone that he has run into evil today. Although nothing happened during the day, it does not mean that he can calm down at night. He understands better than anyone else that he must not be left alone. Alone can be fucked

But I don't know if it was a deliberate joke or something, but it just made him have to leave alone

It's almost time to arrive at the dormitory, and none of the other roommates are willing to accompany him to the teaching building, even Zhao Feng, who sleeps on his upper bunk, is unwilling.

And we know that in the county town and the countryside, middle school students know how to cherish and understand the importance of money better than the spoiled children in the city. You can't take this risk and let them be left alone in the classroom. If someone picks them up, he will end badly

So he had no choice but to bite the bullet and ran back to the teaching building with all his might, non-stop, and kept persuading himself to come down after getting his things. Not all leave school, this is a great opportunity, as long as you don't end up alone

He rushed up the teaching building all the way. Although he saw fewer and fewer students coming downstairs, and his heart was already tense, he still held back his energy and ran directly to his classroom, frantically from the drawer. He copied out his mobile phone wallet, and then rushed out of the classroom with a smoldering voice without stopping. Just as he was about to go straight downstairs, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

Because the moment he ran out of the classroom, the lights in the classroom behind him suddenly turned off by themselves

At the same time, the entire corridor, the entire teaching building, and even the lights of the entire school outside the window were all dimmed at the same time.

Liu Bin almost cried in fright, stumbled to the stairs in the dark with a pale face, and was about to run down the stairs desperately, but he had just descended the three steps, and suddenly he was frozen in place and did not dare to move, because he borrowed In the pale moonlight outside, I can clearly see that although the stairs below are empty, there is a black shadow walking up on the white wall, no matter the hairstyle, clothes or outline, they are exactly the same as himself

The most frightening thing is that the shadow on the wall is still holding a knife in his hand

Liu Bin was almost paralyzed with fright, tears welled up all of a sudden, it would not be an exaggeration to describe him as a shit, he immediately turned around and ran for his life, fortunately there are two stairs in the teaching building, he was hysterically heading towards the other staircase run to the mouth

But as he ran, the clothes on his back were drenched in cold sweat, and he wanted to cry without tears

Because he could clearly hear the sound of running "tat-tat-tat" behind him, and when he looked back by the moonlight in the corridor, it was clear that there was nothing there.

But there was a dark shadow on the wall, quickly chasing him with a knife in his hand

Liu Bin was so frightened that his soul was about to go out of his body. Seeing the black shadow getting closer and closer to him, his legs were so weak that he couldn't run anymore and was almost paralyzed. When the black shadow was less than three meters away from him, he In a hurry, he took out a pen pinned to his shirt pocket, and frantically threw it towards the black shadow.

Between the calcium carbide sparks, the black shadow disappeared

The only sound left in the entire corridor was the "crack" sound of the pen falling to the ground, and it rolled far away.

Liu Bin saw the black shadow disappear, but it was even scarier than seeing it himself. Who knows where it went, it might be behind him...

As soon as Liu Bin thought of this, all the hairs on his body stood on end, and his scalp exploded, because out of the corner of his eye, he realized that the black shadow appeared behind him at some point, and raised the knife to stab him.

Liu Bin was so frightened that his face was wet, and he couldn't tell whether it was sweat or tears. He ran forward desperately, trying to shout for help, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and the slightest sound could not be heard. I can't say it, I can only retch like a dumb "ahah" and can't make a sound

He exhausted all his life's strength, running wildly under his feet, and finally ran to the original staircase. I jumped down desperately, I didn't care about anything else at the critical moment. Every time I landed, I felt my internal organs were shaken, my bones were aching, and the soles of my feet were so hot that they fell numb.

But he still staggered, rolled and crawled all the way, and finally managed to get downstairs, but when he ran to the door leading to the outside of the building in the hall on the first floor, he found that the door had already been tightly shut

Liu Bin cried and slammed on the door, begging for mercy, and the door slammed with a bang, but in the end no one was able to rescue him at this critical moment.

He turned around desperately, leaning against the wall with his limbs limp, hearing the sound of a footstep in front of him running closer and closer to him, almost rushing towards his eyes, he vaguely felt a sharp murderous aura head on come

And there was no moonlight in this hall, and he couldn't see clearly who and where the other party was, so just as he was about to resign himself to his fate, a hand suddenly made a "snap" unintentionally. , accidentally turned on the light in the hall

The sudden intense white light made him unable to open his eyes, and he instinctively covered his eyes. Through his fingers, he vaguely saw a security guard in uniform standing in front of him at some point, faintly Ask him: "It's so late, why haven't you left yet? What are you doing here?"

With a dry voice, he said tremblingly: "Uncle, I'm coming in to get something, can you let me out?"

The security guard didn't speak any more, and really opened the door to let him run back

On the way back, Liu Bin's spirit was always in a daze, he always felt that something was wrong, and he had lingering fears, always worried that there would be that black shadow behind him rushing up to stab him

But fortunately, after leaving the teaching building, people in twos and threes can be vaguely seen on the campus. They are all student couples who fell in love with each other out for a walk to cultivate their relationship. Now that they are popular, Liu Bin is naturally relieved a lot. Weary body returned to the dormitory

He walked relatively slowly. After returning to the dormitory, it was not far from the time to turn off the lights. He didn't say a word to his roommate. He washed his face and changed his clothes, and then lay back on the bed in a daze.

Seeing that he was lying down, the head of the dormitory took advantage of his privilege and said, "They are all back, so should I turn off the lights?"

No one said a word in the dormitory, so the head of the dormitory stepped on the light switch with his foot

But at that moment, Liu Bin who was on Zhao Feng's lower bunk suddenly sat up from the bed, and let out a heart-piercing scream: "Ah!"

The whole dormitory was shocked, Zhao Feng almost rolled off the upper bunk

No one knew, just after the head of the dormitory turned off the lights, at the moment when the room was on and off, Liu Bin suddenly recalled the appearance of the security guard: there were no feet under his trousers, he was floating lightly in the air, his face was livid, his eyes were turned out, his tongue Scarlet, when looking at him, there was a dark sneer on the corner of his mouth

Note to readers:

Today is the ghost festival, hey hey, happy ghost festival everyone

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