The best boy on campus

Chapter 370 Dangerous things abound!

From the west of the city to the south of the city, the distance in a straight line is not too far, but it is troublesome to take a detour. The traffic planning of City G is very disgusting. There are all kinds of intricate small streets and alleys everywhere. The trail of Xuanji actually opens at an unimaginable fork, which is very big, and there are provincial and national roads that really lead in all directions. It is not that there are no urban areas, but there are very few pathetic *bubbles! Book*

Generally speaking, the urban roads of this coastal city are completely different from those of W City. Even Liu Boyang, who has an accurate record of events, doesn't know how many streets he crossed in a short time, which crossing he got into, and where he went. Somewhere popped out of nowhere, like playing hide-and-seek

But even so, he kept urging the driver to go faster, faster, as fast as he could

The driver said helplessly, "Little brother, why is it so urgent? If you hurry up, we'll be flying. I'm already working hard."

Liu Boyang didn't have time to talk to him, so he turned his head and looked at the unfamiliar street scenes that "swished" and disappeared, and at the same time called Lao Mao and Cui Guodong, asking them to rush to Jinshan Villa District in Shinan City, and the fire line rescued them. people

Fortunately, although there are a few red lights on this road occasionally, the delay is not much. After all, it is close to [-]:[-] in the afternoon, and many people have a rest in the afternoon. There are few people and vehicles on the road, and the cars will run more smoothly.

After spending more than 20 minutes, Liu Boyang was finally sent to the Jinshan villa area in the south of the city. The taxi stopped on a street outside the villa area that is usually used for morning markets. The people living in the district are rich and powerful, and they all have private cars, so there are very few taxis here.

Liu Boyang gave the driver 50 yuan, 20 yuan more, and he didn't give change. First, the uncle accompanied him through a lot of red lights to express his gratitude, and second, he really didn't have that time right now.

Liu Boyang got out of the car, took out his mobile phone to read the text message, searched for it according to the map, and quickly searched for a red European-style villa with distinctive features

This Jinshan community is actually not a unified community. There is no common property. To put it bluntly, it is just a residential area designated by the rich. But Liu Boyang stood on this street and looked around for a long time, but he didn't find the villa mentioned in the text message.

He had no choice but to run quickly along the morning market street, looking for

It's a pity that it's been a while since the morning market was withdrawn, and even those small vendors and vegetable vendors who had been sleeping from five to five hours in the middle of the night had withdrawn their stalls. Ask about the whereabouts of the European-style villa in vain

But as I was walking, suddenly there was a call in my ear, it was the voice from not far in front of me across the road.

"Help!" - a familiar female voice

Immediately, Liu Boyang's eyes turned cold, and he strode forward, suddenly saw a girl with disheveled hair running out in panic, her face was pale and her eyes were red, on the fork in the middle of several rows of small villas on the opposite side of the road. It was obvious that she had cried, her upper body was torn off by someone, her legs became weaker and weaker as she ran, and she staggered and almost fell, but she still managed to hold herself up and continue running, crying "Help" as she ran. , only knew to run away instinctively, and didn't even have time to see the road ahead, but at this time, there were several sharp roars of motors behind her

In an instant, two gray vans rushed out like devils, and a person in the front one opened the window, pointed at Ma Xiaoyu, who was running more and more powerless, and shouted: "Boss said, no matter what, you can't do it today." Let her go and kill her if she can't catch her."

Someone behind shouted: "You're crazy"

"You're fucking crazy, she's alive and we're all going to die, and the boss is going to suffer. If you want to survive, you have to do it like this. Fuck, you ran and ran over her so fast." The man in front shouted hysterically

Crying to the point of despair, Ma Xiaoyu coughed up her trachea when she heard this, covered her neck with one hand and tried to breathe, her legs continued to run desperately, and she looked back in a panic at the two vans behind her that were getting closer and closer. Frightened, his face was pale and his whole body was trembling. He clearly wanted to unleash the last potential of his body and run down with all his strength, but unexpectedly, he ran slower and slower. His feet were so sore as if they had been filled with lead, and he felt dizzy, dizzy, and shaky.

How could she pass two cars when she failed in sports since she was a child?The reason why I ran out just now was because the car was not fast because of the narrow fork in the road. Now that I accidentally ran onto the main road, the two cars were unambiguous. They slammed the accelerator and followed directly, trying to hit her with a dead hand. Rats run like wolves

Seeing a van suddenly pick up behind him, it was getting faster and faster, and it rushed behind Ma Xiaoyu with an extremely murderous aura and strong wind.

Ma Xiaoyu could even feel a chill in the back of her heart, and her whole body was numb from head to toe as if she had been hit by an electric shock. She was so tired that she couldn't run anymore, her throat was about to catch fire, and her feet went limp. He lay down on the ground, bowed his body in despair, tears streaming down his face, full of remorse and panic in his heart, I'm afraid no one would believe me if I said it, the daughter of Ma Junsheng, the boss of the Dragon Gang, one of the three powerful forces in G City, was going to be bumped to death up

The driver of the van in front saw that Ma Xiaoyu couldn't run anymore, he was overjoyed, stepped on the gas pedal again, and the van ran over to the thin and small Ma Xiaoyu like a steel beast

Seeing that tragedy is about to happen

A generation of stunning beauties are gone

However, at that critical juncture, suddenly a desperate figure rushed up like lightning, turned into a black streamer and rolled past, picked up Ma Xiaoyu's limp body and rolled out directly, just as the two of them wiped each other. In an instant, the black van that just stopped at the place where Ma Xiaoyu stopped suddenly ran over, and a gust of wind blew their hair up with a "shua" sound.

"Grass mother" the person in the car in front was furious, the ghost knew that at the critical moment, Cheng Yaojin would come out and save the girl

Once his car rushed past, it would be difficult to turn around in a short time, and the bread in the back also became ruthless when it saw this, where did it come from to be nosy?It immediately followed up and rolled up

Liu Boyang and Ma Xiaoyu didn't have time to think about it. They hugged Ma Xiaoyu, who was already dazed, and lay down in an instant. His body was pressed tightly against her body, and his head was also on her neck. Liu Boyang made precise calculations at this critical juncture, and after the second van rushed up like lightning, it also missed a hole. Liu Boyang hugged Ma Xiaoyu and said that it was a coincidence that he took advantage of the loophole, and it was firmly between the two rows of wheels. For a moment, Liu Boyang's entire back, back, and scalp felt numb, and he felt as if he had brushed against death.

However, the back of the spine was protruding a bit after all, and was hit hard by the bumper of the van. Liu Boyang lowered his head and let out a muffled groan. He almost passed out from the burning pain. , eyes red, blood surging

But at this moment, the van realized that it had hit an empty van and refused to give up, spun the tires violently, reversed sideways, and ran over two people who were in danger

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