The best boy on campus

Chapter 399 I want that line!

The road line that Black Scorpion and Chen Baixiong are competing for is a road that has just been connected to a county town on the border between the west of G City and the city below. &Book&

Originally, according to the above regulations, the transportation means for this road construction needs to be solved by the public. After all, there is too much oil and water in it. If it is given to a private person, it will inevitably cause a lot of unnecessary troubles. Those red-eyed wolves will not fight It's just a matter of life and death, but as the saying goes, there are countermeasures at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. Everything can be floated in the hands of the relevant leaders.

For example, when this regulation came to Director Du, he directly tampered with it, how could the sweetness of his mouth let it fly?If this road is privately owned, Director Du will definitely make a fortune from it, but if it is handed over to the public to operate, what can he earn?

Director Du, as the leader of the traffic police system in City G, happened to have this power, so he deceived his superiors and concealed it, and privately made the decisions on this road line, and contracted it to those more powerful local snakes. There must be people making trouble on the highway, and the contractor has no ability to fix them. Second, if the contracting rights are given to local snakes, ordinary people will not dare to say anything even if they feel dissatisfied. Talking about the underworld who kills people behind their backs?

The alliance of black and white has always been able to suppress public opinion and hinder the hearing of heaven

Because of this, the two local snakes in Shixi who first learned about this matter, the ax gang Hei Xiezi and Chen Baixiong, all took aim at this big piece of fat, and tried their best to win over Director Du in private, while Chen Baixiong Sending money earlier than the black scorpion, that's why tonight's grand feast

Now Director Du saw that everyone in the Jinsui mansion ran to the lobby and the flower pond to see the dead, and also heard that the proprietress of Jinsui had sent someone to call the police. He immediately knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. He has something to do with tonight's incident, and he also had dinner with the famous underworld boss in the west of the city, so his Ding Dai Wusha is over, and he might have to be invited to the police station for tea—a good man Take advantage of the immediate loss, withdraw

After all, Director Du is a money fanatic. Before he left, he never forgot to take away the 20 that Black Scorpion gave him. He held it tightly in his arms and sneaked downstairs. When no one around found him, he went straight out of Jinsui. The mansion is unimaginable, a fat belly like his, with two fat legs, is really not slow to run

As soon as he ran into his car, Director Du was so nervous that sweat was pouring out of his forehead, his chest heaved violently, and he kept panting heavily. He looked around carefully in fear, and saw that no one had noticed his sneakiness. I got into the car with peace of mind.

Quietly start the accelerator, drive the car away, turn into an alley that few people usually come to, and was about to take a small path to go home, but just after walking for less than 5 minutes, suddenly the road turned in a fork in the middle of the road Six or seven dark figures appeared, standing straight in the middle of the road, blocking his car with a human wall behind their backs

When Director Du suddenly saw this group of people, his hair straightened in fright, and his whole face turned pale.

At this juncture, in this dark alley where no one usually comes, suddenly seeing so many dark shadows that are not afraid of death, is it any different from seeing ghosts?

Fortunately, although Director Du was not disturbed, he slammed the car on the brakes at the critical moment, and his whole body leaned forward according to the inertia. With the help of the bright headlights, he stared straight ahead. Clearly, those black shadows are not ghosts, they are people but they are not very old, they seem to be a group of teenagers


But this group of teenagers is also frighteningly scary, especially the one standing in the middle, tall and big, with a broad waist and a round waist, he looks like a god of mourning

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Director Du boldly poked his neck out and asked, only to feel the sinister surroundings

I saw Liu Boyang, who arrived a little later, came forward with a smile. Under Director Du's astonished gaze, he directly opened the car door, and unceremoniously sat on the co-pilot's seat next to him.

Director Du's shock was no small matter, the director still had a bit of a temper, and shouted angrily, "What do you want to do?"

Liu Boyang said with a smile: "I'm sorry, it's really ashamed of your identity to ask Director Du to stop the car in this way and talk to you in this kind of place."

Director Du was shocked and said, "You know me?"

Liu Boyang said: "I didn't know each other before, but I did tonight."

Director Du looked Liu Boyang up and down for a moment, feeling that he was not a simple person, so he said again: "I have never seen you before, are you here specially waiting for me?"

Liu Boyang stretched his waist, leaned on the car seat and said, "It's a bit broken here, but it's easier to talk, isn't it?"

Director Du would feel sorry for him, and frowned, "What do you want to say to me? I don't know you. I don't think I can help you. I'm afraid you have found the wrong person." The first thing that comes to mind is to protect yourself wisely, no matter what, you should take precautions first

"Is that true?" Liu Boyang laughed.

"Yes" Director Du's tone is beyond doubt

"Director Du, it's a quiet night. You are in a hurry to go home, and I have other things to do. We don't have much time. Can you be more frank?"

When Director Du heard this, his face became even more ugly, and he said, "What do you mean? What do you mean by being honest? Do I know you? Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, I'm here to talk to you about that road line." Liu Boyang went straight to the point.

After Director Du heard this, his face turned pale. He only told a few people about the highway route, such as Hei Xiezi and Chen Baixiong, but he never disclosed it to anyone. How did this young man know?

"What road?" He was going to play dumb

"Hehe, Director Du, you really set up three defenses against people. Time is tight now, and I don't want to say anything else. In a word, I want that highway line, and I want to get your approval tonight I have no way out, and you have no choice, I hope you don't pretend to be confused anymore." Liu Boyang said lightly

Director Du realized that he could no longer pretend, his face darkened, and he said, "Young man, are you talking a little out of character?"

"Really?" Liu Boyang smiled uncertainly, "You dared to give that thread to Chen Baixiong and Hei Xiezi, why didn't you dare to give it to me?"

"You..." When Director Du heard that Liu Boyang knew this inside story, his whole body couldn't help shaking violently again. He re-examined him in disbelief, and asked in surprise, "You, how do you know this?"

"Comrade Director, don't always ask these stupid questions. I don't care how I know. I just need you to give me that line in the near future."

Director Du's face darkened, and he said: "You are so bold, young man, I admire your courage, but unfortunately, that line has already been taken by the black scorpion. You can go to him directly if you want. discuss"

Liu Boyang smiled lightly and said, "Bring him out to scare me?"

Director Du snorted and didn't speak.

"Director Du, who do you think would be responsible for those people slaughtered by Black Scorpion tonight?" Liu Boyang smiled lazily.

Director Du was stunned for a moment, turned his head, and looked at Liu Boyang in shock.

"You're a smart person, can we have a good talk now?" Liu Boyang looked at Director Du's extremely ugly face, smiled lightly, and winked at Lao Mao and Wan Ziliang outside the car. The two understood and left first

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