The best boy on campus

Chapter 402 Pressing step by step!

As a matter of fact, no real underworld is willing to do this kind of business of ransacking the house and destroying the family. There is a saying in the Taoist circle, whoever provokes you outside the family, and whoever fights with you is inseparable. If you are really capable, just find that person to settle the score There is no need to be cruel and ruthless to drive out all other people's wives, children, and children. Being utterly scumbag is a scum that even your fellow gangsters are not ashamed of you. If you are too ruthless, who would want to deal with you?

Like Liu Boyang just said that he wanted to kill Director Du's family, it was just to scare him with harsh words, and he would never do that tricky thing. It's really hard to get rid of the hatred in his heart

After listening to his words, a group of younger brothers, all with bloodthirsty and greedy madness on their faces, Ulala rushed up the stairs, while Black Scorpion himself also sneered, and strode up the stairs.

Chen Baixiong's house

Originally, Chen Baixiong was holding his beautiful wife with one arm, smiling and watching the two daughters having fun, but suddenly Chen Baixiong's ears twitched, and his face darkened

Years of experience in gangsters and licking blood has cultivated his ability to hear and see. He quickly grabbed the TV remote control and turned down the volume of the TV in an instant, causing the whole room to fall into silence.

The two little lolita were hugging and frolicking, when their father suddenly turned off the volume of the TV, each of them blinked their big clear eyes and stared blankly at Chen Baixiong.

Chen Baixiong's daughter-in-law Guo Xiangyu also looked at him in shock, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Chen Baixiong listened carefully for a while, then lowered his voice and said: "Didn't you hear it? There is a voice"

"What's the sound?" Guo Xiangyu didn't recover for a while.

"The sound of going upstairs, many people are coming up." Chen Baixiong suddenly stood up and said

Guo Xiangyu was terrified by his nervous appearance, so she hurriedly stood up and listened carefully to the downstairs for a while, and sure enough, she heard a lot of voices going upstairs, she asked Chen Baixiong in amazement: "Who are they? We came up?"

Chen Baixiong glanced at her, made a silent gesture, frowned and said, "I don't know, but suddenly my right eyelid keeps twitching, as if something is about to happen."

"Old Chen, it's because you are too sensitive. You haven't offended anyone these two days, so no enemies should come to your door." Guo Xiangyu still didn't want to believe that so many people would rush to her house, but said softly Consolation Chen Baixiong

Chen Baixiong shook his head lightly, he never told the truth to his wife, especially in the past two years, he always lied to her that he was trying to find a way to clear the black money, and his business was gradually turning to the right side , less entanglement with the underworld, so he didn't tell Guo Xiangyu about the right to route with the black scorpion, so now Guo Xiangyu can't figure out the situation at all

Of course, Chen Baixiong himself was a little suspicious at this moment, did the other party really come after him?After all, according to the rules of Taoism, there is no particularly big blood feud, and the possibility of killing him directly at home is unlikely. After doing such a thing, you don't want to get along well. The premonition is getting stronger and stronger

Chen Baixiong's two daughters saw their parents as if they were on the verge of a formidable enemy. They stood motionless at the same spot, and they all walked over with little slippers. Among them, his eldest daughter who had just entered the fourth grade of elementary school bit her lip and walked up. Before him, he stretched out his tender little hand to grab Chen Baixiong's trouser leg, and said, "Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Chen Baixiong leaned over and patted his good daughter's head, sighed slightly, turned to Guo Xiangyu and said, "You take the two of them to the bedroom first."

Guo Xiangyu nodded solemnly, then held the hands of the two children one by one, and led the silly two of them directly to the bedroom. The two children turned their heads pitifully while being led by their mother. Looking at Chen Baixiong

But just when Guo Xiangyu led the two children into the bedroom door, suddenly outside the main entrance of the living room, there was a sudden loud knocking sound, and there were countless footsteps mixed in, which was extraordinarily frightening.

Chen Baixiong was shocked and unexpectedly made him guess that the other party was coming for him. How could this be possible? He hadn't done anything too extreme these days. Who did he offend?

Poor Chen Baixiong has always regarded himself as a good man and father at home. He doesn't even have a weapon for self-defense at critical moments. At this moment, he can't wait to see the door of his house being slammed open, so he can only act anxiously.

Guo Xiangyu poked her head out from the bedroom nervously, looked at the main entrance of the living room with a pretty face, and then looked at Chen Baixiong, casting helpless, astonished and fearful eyes

Chen Baixiong made a decisive decision and immediately gave his wife a wink, telling her to call quickly

Guo Xiangyu immediately understood and ran back, grabbed the phone with trembling fingers and started calling

And at this moment, the door of their house was finally opened by someone outside with a master key, and a large number of men in black rushed in in an instant, all of them looked at Chen Baixiong coldly with livid faces.

Rao Chen Baixiong, as the boss of the party, was so frightened that his heart raised his throat at this moment. No one in this era is truly not afraid of death. He took a few steps forward boldly and shouted: "Who are you and what do you want to do? Knowing that I am who?"

"What are you doing?" A gloomy voice suddenly came from behind the group of men in black outside the door, and then a domineering gangster with a big arm and a round waist and horizontal characters written on his face strode in, raised his chin and squinted. He squinted at Chen Baixiong and said with a sneer: "Why don't you know? The name you call your mother is not your Chen Baixiong's home. I haven't come yet."

Chen Baixiong saw that it was the black scorpion who led people into his house, and secretly thought that it would be bad. This kid has always been known for being cruel and merciless in Taoism. If he rashly brought someone to raid his house today, he must end badly

But as usual, he shouldn't be like this. Hei Scorpion is a bit ruthless, but the morality of the world has always been taken into account. After all, he is a straightforward and spicy Northeast man in his bones. Why can't he play out his cards today?

"Black Scorpion?" Chen Baixiong said in shock, "It's you? What do you want to do? There are conflicts and disputes in the road, and we can follow the rules. You brought so many people to my house, is it right? What's the meaning?"

Of course, Chen Baixiong also knew it in his heart, it must be because of that line that this guy came to find him, but he couldn't be so despicable, he came to search the house if he couldn't compete with him?Does he still need a face?If you spread it out, you won't be laughed at?

But he didn't know that at this moment, Hei Scorpion's belly was also full of anger, and he had already blamed him for everything, and it didn't matter who said anything.

"Pretend to be stupid? You don't know why I came here?" Black Scorpion broke his two iron fists and smiled coldly, walking towards Chen Baixiong step by step.

"You, what do you mean?" Chen Baixiong stepped back in fright. Looking at the bandit Hei Xiezi, he knew that he was definitely not his opponent. Not to mention the bad situation now, even if he was singled out, he would be able to tear himself apart.

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