The best boy on campus

Chapter 407 This is a beast!

At the moment when it entered Guo Xiangyu's body, the black scorpion was immediately excited, the pores all over his body swelled comfortably, and he felt like he was in a trance

Guo Xiangyu is indeed a superb woman. With this body structure, I don’t know how many women she has been fucked by the black scorpion before. Just the first time, the black scorpion almost exploded.

Black Scorpion took a deep breath, panted heavily, and then began to move normally

Guo Xiangyu was pinned down by him and couldn't move at all. She cried bitterly because of her grievances. An unprecedented sense of shame and filth filled her whole body from the depths of her heart. At this moment, she really wanted to die.

Chen Baixiong watched his beloved daughter-in-law being ridden by an animal. With a roar of "ah", he used the last potential of his body to push away the group of younger brothers who beat him violently, and pounced on him. Tore up the black scorpion, but just after running three steps, a ruthless younger brother grabbed his leg, raised a sharp knife in his hand, and ruthlessly inserted it into his calf. Chen Baixiong let out a miserable cry, and collapsed in an instant

Black Scorpion, while enjoying the fuck, pointed to the bloody Chen Baixiong on the ground and said, "I'll break his tendons."

"Yes" the group of younger brothers immediately responded, and rushed up, ignoring Chen Baixiong's hysterical struggle and stubborn resistance, directly pinned his hand on the floor, and several people came up to press down together, starting with the one who used the knife. The little brother cut off the knife, found the right direction, and slashed Chen Baixiong's wrist fiercely. The movement was smooth and neat, and he cut off the tendon of Chen Baixiong's right hand. Blood gushed out, and Chen Baixiong's painful hair exploded instantly , grinned and howled heart-piercingly, but unfortunately, Wensi was tightly suppressed and couldn't move,,

One of his hands is just useless

Guo Xiangyu, who witnessed this scene with her own eyes, was heartbroken, crying hysterically with red eyes: "No"

She didn't know that the tenseness of her body caused by the intense tension made someone behind her feel better. The strong black scorpion immediately let out a sigh of satisfaction, and after tasting the sweetness, he shouted again: "Keep picking"

Those younger brothers were all as mad as he was, they were all addicted to the smell of blood, and regardless of Chen Baixiong's pale face, they grabbed his other hand and stabbed him again...

The skin at the corners of Chen Baixiong's painful eyes was about to split open, but it was too late to withdraw his hand with lightning, and he let out another miserable scream...

"No..." Guo Xiangyu was crying so hard that she couldn't make a sound. She dragged her breath so long that she buried her head on the ground. She couldn't bear to see her husband suffer so much. She beat the ground with her hands and couldn't even cry. Come

Next, Chen Baixiong screamed one after another in the whole room. In the end, he was in so much pain that he couldn't speak. His blood flowed all over the place, his tendons and hamstrings were cut off, and he lay in a pool of blood twitching and moaning, his whole body shivering. trembling...

And Guo Xiangyu's heart has been numb after being stimulated by the tragedy of her man, her mind is blank, and she can't feel sadness and despair, she is like a vegetable, unconscious

But even so, Black Scorpion didn't let her go, he carried her to the coffee table, on the sofa, and played hard in various positions, every inch of her delicate body was spared, and finally looked at this woman No matter what he did, he silently endured the silent dementia, and the black scorpion himself felt boring. What's the difference between this fucker and a zombie?

Finally, after a couple of sprints, he pulled it out. Panting, the black scorpion said to the red-eyed boys who had already sharpened their guns and were eager to try: "Wait a minute? I'm comfortable enough, it's your turn."

As soon as the group of younger brothers heard this, they immediately became extremely grateful to the boss, cheered "Thank you boss", pounced on him, grabbed Guo Xiangyu's body, took off their clothes one by one, pressed on him one by one...

What no one noticed was that Guo Xiangyu, whose body was shaking violently, had slightly tilted her head to look at Chen Baixiong, whose eyes were about to bleed to death, when everyone was venting her madness. A trace of desolate and desperate ice tears shed...

After the black scorpion had fun on Guo Xiangyu's body, it didn't spew out, but directly held the flagpole high, and walked towards Chen Tiantian, who was looking at him with eyes full of horror and hugged her feet.

Hei Scorpion walked up to her in a few strides, squatted down with a smile, grabbed the delicate chin of the delicate little Lolita with his big hands, and said with a smile: "Little beauty, are you scared?"

Chen Tiantian shook her head in panic. In fact, her situation is not much better than that of her mother. Just now, she saw her father's tendon cut off with her own eyes.

Her younger sister, Chen Rongrong, who is only in the top class of the kindergarten, has already fainted in the bedroom

"Hehe, don't look at your mother's screaming just now, she is actually very comfortable. Uncle didn't hurt her, he let her enjoy it." Black Scorpion laughed.

Chen Tiantian shook her head in panic again, but she still couldn't break free from the salty pig's hand that grabbed her soft chin

"You haven't seen this kind of 'game' yet? It's very exciting. Oh, it's okay. Uncle will let you experience it today. Of course, you are still too young. It may hurt a little later. You have to hold it back." Ah..." Hei Xiezi looked up and down at this little girl who was carved with jade, with great interest, such a young girl, he had never tasted what it was like before.

"No," the little loli dodged and cried

"Hehe, if you don't want it, come here and make uncle happy." Hei Scorpion couldn't help but say, ignoring the stubborn resistance of the little Lolita's crazy kicks and slaps, he directly embraced her with both hands, picked her up from the ground, and took a few strides. Throwing it hard on the bed, the little Lolita uttered a horrified cry, and was almost stunned by the fall, and then she found out in horror that the evil uncle really ignored her usually invincible crying with pear blossoms and rain, and ruthlessly She tore off her nightgown and threw it on the ground. It didn't take much effort to peel her into a lamb...

Black Scorpion looked at this petite body that had just begun to develop, and the more he looked at it, the more he was satisfied. He groped his chin for a moment, nodded, and then directly pressed down heavily. Unable to dodge, he let out a mournful cry...

And the younger brothers in the living room who have not yet been ranked to fuck Guo Xiangyu, seeing that the boss really did something to a little girl who has not yet grown up, all of them really admired and sighed, the boss is still mighty, The boss is still playing

After a while, little loli's pitiful screams came from the bedroom, crying to the heart, and those who heard it felt sad

Her young physique has just begun to develop, and she doesn't know anything about this kind of thing, but the inhuman black scorpion really got her wish, corrected her position, and ruthlessly attacked her like a crazy beast.

The kind of pain that tears the soul can never be imagined by anyone who has not experienced it personally. Little Lolita only feels like burning and being stabbed by a knife in her lower body, and the torment is like the nineteenth floor of hell. She is only a little old Age, the pleasure of having a fart, only endless pain...

But the black scorpion who has tasted the sweetness doesn't care about this, he only cares about panting comfortably and shaking desperately...

Looking from the back, it looks like a big black bear is pressing on a soft little rabbit. Chen Tiantian's two pink legs are spread wide like frogs, and the blood that is likely to be shocking is flowing down the fleshy white legs. ...

This night will be her eternal nightmare

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