The best boy on campus

Chapter 453 Killer!!

Ma Xiaoyu is an unpredictable girl. With her background and identity, let alone a foot injury, even if she has a slight cold or discomfort, she should be born and raised at home.The daughter of Ma Junsheng of the Dragon Gang, even if she doesn't have the temperament of a young lady and the disease of a princess, she should still have a naturally delicate temperament.But the current situation is that she obviously has a serious foot injury, but she still staggers slowly upstairs, wanting to go back to the classroom.

But is this girl unable to let go of her studies?Still can't stand the attachment in your heart and want to see your sweetheart?

Liu Boyang frowned, walked over and couldn't help but gently hold her slender arm, Ma Xiaoyu felt shy, and said in a low voice, "I can walk by myself."

Liu Boyang glared at her, and Nizi immediately lowered her head and dared not speak.No matter how proud and delicate a girl is in front of the boy she loves, she will be psychologically weak.

"Didn't you ask for leave? If your foot is injured, you should take good care of it in the hospital. It's not like you can't make up for a few days of study. Why do you have to go to school to suffer?" Liu Boyang asked her, turning his head.

Ma Xiaoyu didn't know what to say, she couldn't say that I came here because I wanted to see you!A sense of resentment and grievance immediately surged in her heart, and she said in a low voice, "Oh."

Seeing her so cute and pitiful, it directly made Liu Boyang's dick hurt, so he didn't know what to say when he helped her.

Ma Xiaoyu is really pitiful, the chasers can obviously form a strengthened company, but in the end there is not even a boy who protects her and takes care of her. Of course Liu Boyang also knows that the "culprit" of all this is himself.But there is no way, we really accidentally broke into her heart.Recently, the daughter-in-law came to G City with no complaints and no regrets, and then met this silly girl who was silently obsessed with herself. Just now, she also learned about a crazy woman who was willing to be a whore. Liu Boyang really has a big head. Is it really fun to play Huashuong?It's not that I have nothing to do, how can I deal with it.

Liu Boyang looked at Ma Xiaoyu's weak appearance, and wanted to say that she couldn't even say a few words, your sister knew that I was soft-hearted, and really knew how to grasp weaknesses.He said in a masculine tone: "Oh what, what about you, what are you insisting on when you are in such pain? Listen to me, go back to the hospital to recuperate or go home and lie down, and come back when you are done!"

Ma Xiaoyu puffed her cheeks and said timidly: "No, I don't want to miss the course." He said something against his will, but his heart was very sweet. Does he feel sorry for himself?

"Mao! Is it important to study or the body? I, who don't study, know that the body is the capital of the revolution. Stop talking nonsense and get someone to pick you up. Where is your sister? Where are you crazy? She really dares to leave you alone. Come?" Liu Boyang became increasingly displeased with the frizzy Ma Ke'er.

"Sister, she..." Ma Xiaoyu tried to explain.

Liu Boyang waved his hand and said: "Come on, you don't need to say anything, I know I shouldn't expect anything from her. It's almost time for class, and I can't get out without a leave at the gate. Why don't you go to the class first, Go back to the class break, and I will send you home."

Ma Xiaoyu was still cowardly and submissive, and was quite disappointed that Liu Boyang didn't say that he would send her home in person, but she still didn't dare to disobey him, and said in a low voice, "Oh."

Liu Boyang had no choice but to help her into the classroom first, and met such a girl who didn't play cards according to common sense, what do you think you did?

The classroom of Class [-], which was originally noisy, fell silent in an instant. Everyone looked at Ma Xiaoyu who staggered in and Liu Boyang who was supporting her with amazed eyes.Ma Xiaoyu's face turned red, but she endured her shame and walked to the seat to sit down.

It can be seen how much persistence she has put in for Liu Boyang.

Liu Boyang took a sneak peek at his wife, Ning Yeqi was sitting on the seat and reading a book obediently, when she looked up she was startled, but then she didn't see any sign of anger, she was just so tepid and silent, Quietly watching her husband help another girl to sit down.

Liu Boyang didn't intend to explain anything to her. He was fine at first, and there was nothing embarrassing about it. The more he explained, the more guilty he seemed.When he returned to his seat, Ning Yeqi just tilted his head and glanced at him, then continued to read by himself as if nothing had happened.Liu Boyang smiled and pinched her pretty face. Nizi pouted her mouth in protest and dodged, and even gave him a charming wink. She was very sensible and obedient, neither angry nor jealous nor mischievous nor troublesome.

A class time passed quickly for Liu Boyang, anyway, he didn't attend the class, just sat there thinking about his thoughts and the time flew away.During the big recess time, ordinary students have to go down to do exercises, but Liu Boyang doesn't need it.In any middle school nowadays, skipping drills to smoke and hang out are the privileges of "bad kids". Not to mention the sports committee members in the class don't dare to take care of them, even the teachers turn a blind eye.

Including his daughter-in-law Ning Yeqi, the students in the classroom gradually lined up and went downstairs. Liu Boyang called Li Bing and Lu Fei to stop, and was going to let them send Ma Xiaoyu home. body.

But when Ma Xiaoyu walked to the back door with the support of Liu Boyang and the escort of Li Bing Lufei, the people in the corridor were almost gone, but Liu Boyang looked up and suddenly saw two strange people at the end of the corridor. The figure was walking towards him with unhurried steps, one was fatter and taller, while the other was short and thin, never seen before.

For some reason, when he saw these two people for the first time, an instinctive premonition of crisis rushed into Liu Boyang's heart. He always felt that something was wrong, so he stopped abruptly. At the same time, the two unexpected guests His eyes were fixed on him too.

Ma Xiaoyu was puzzled, raised her head and asked Liu Boyang blankly: "What's wrong?"

Liu Boyang stood still, and looked around deliberately disapprovingly, but the corner of his eyes was always on those two people.

He suddenly discovered an abnormality! !

After staring at him for a while, the fat man and the short and thin man suddenly looked up at the house number of the back door of their class!

Who is Liu Boyang, and how many times he has been on the front line of life and death, he already has a sense of danger, and immediately realizes that something is wrong, so he decisively pulls Ma Xiaoyu away and says, "Go in!"

"What?" Ma Xiaoyu was only thinking about her own thoughts, and didn't understand for a while.

"Go in!!" Liu Boyang grabbed her hand violently and walked in the door, kicked the back door shut with a "bang", and then said to Li Bing and Lu Fei who were standing stupidly behind: "Close the front door! Hurry up! Use the table Block it!"

Li Bing and Lu Fei didn't know what happened, but they always obeyed Brother Yang's orders and rushed over to close the front door decisively.

But it's too late!




【...Chapter 450: Killer!! 】

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