The best boy on campus

Chapter 458 My name is Liu Boyang!

Text] Chapter 450: My name is Liu Boyang! ——

The two mn guards were stunned by Li Wanhao's scolding, and it took a while to recover. One of them nodded hurriedly and ran in to turn on the electric mn. What happened, Li Wanhao rushed up and slapped him away, pointed at his nose and scolded him to get out, don't get in the way!

Now is the critical moment in which every minute and second is in a hurry, and there is no delay in the slightest!The ghost knows whether Ma Xiaoyue was in danger one second, and whether he would die in the next second. Life and death are always just a matter of thought!

That mn guard almost fell out and fell, trying to stand upright, watching the three of Liu Boyang rushing past him with a look of astonishment on his face, the stern expressions of the three made him dare not even fart even if he was gasping One, honestly stood aside and confessed.

It happened to be a coincidence that at this time there were two students at the MN gate of the school. For some unknown reason, Liu Boyang and the three left the school one step at a time. They stopped a taxi when they were rushed over by Liu Boyang and the three. The two students Seeing Liu Boyang's ferocious blood-stained appearance scared him, he opened his mouth to say something, but Li Wanhao and Ren Xiaotian yanked him to the back one by one, and he didn't care what happened to him.

"Go to the hospital!" Ren Xiaotian quickly pulled the back of the car for Liu Boyang, helped Liu Boyang to help Ma Xiaoyong to sit in, and himself sat on the other side.And Li Wanhao jumped into the passenger seat and said to the driver.

The driver turned his head to look at Liu Boyang, then lowered his head to look at Ma Xiaoyu, and asked while starting the car, "What's wrong with her?"

"Tell you to go to the hospital!!" Li Wanhao said angrily.

The driver was kind enough to be a donkey, and reluctantly, he put his mouth in gear while he was in gear, and driving was called a moji. Of course, he had tried his best, but at the moment Liu Boyang and Li Wanhao looked like a foreign worker, Li Wanhao Angry, fuck you, driving a car is so slow, don't you know that human life is at stake?

Li Wanhao plucked the driver's hair, kicked his ass violently, and kicked the short and thin man out of the car, bumped into the driver and flew out on his stomach. He got up and pointed to Li Wanhao who turned the car to speed up and said, "My car...!!"

Li Wanhao sneered: "If you want a car, just wait here, and someone will come back to return it to you!" After speaking, he played a spin and drove away at a high speed.

The driver couldn't catch up even if he wanted to. He squatted on the spot and was so anxious that he wanted to call the police, but found that his mobile phone was not brought out in the car...

Li Wanhao is definitely an expert when it comes to playing cars. He may be a few grades behind Liu Boyang Laomao and others in fighting, but you are not his opponent in general speeding gangsters. Chasing the wind and running like a sharp arrow all the way, the sides outside the car window were like lightning slides, only s-colors remained, but he had skills, and no one pretended to be rampant.

"Brother Yang, shall we go to the Central Hospital? It's a little farther than the People's Hospital, but the technology there is better, and they are better at rescue and other things!" Li Wanhao didn't dare to make decisions about matters involving human life, so he turned around and asked Liu Boyang.If the two hospitals choose the wrong one at the moment, it may cause irreversible consequences.

Liu Boyang just looked down at Ma Xiaoyu, without making a sound.

Li Wanhao gritted his teeth, stopped talking nonsense, and continued to shift gears. The car flew like flying, and rushed towards the city center hospital.

Lying quietly, Liu Boyang was pale, and the blood gushing from his back soaked Liu Boyang's entire chest, but it was still flowing, flowing continuously...

Liu Boyang gently caressed Nizi's pretty frail face, with thousands of swords piercing through his heart, as if he was suffocating, a tear dripped onto her face uncontrollably.From childhood to adulthood, when Liu Boyang cried, he didn't have the habit of making a sound.

I don't know if the legend that the prince can wake the mermaid princess with tears in the myth has come true, or if Ma Xiaoy, who had just experienced crazy running and bumps, was snatched back a little consciousness, and she opened the door slightly like a flashback. A pair of clear eyes.

Liu Boyang thought he had lost his sight before, but when he opened his eyes and took a closer look, he realized that Nizi had really woken up. Excited, he immediately hugged Nizi tightly in his arms, with one hand flustered Unscrupulously wiped off the blood on her face, and asked her choked with sobs: "Are you awake? How do you feel? Is it still hurting? Just hold on for a while, we'll be able to go to the hospital in no time! You must hold on !"

Hearing Liu Boyang's sudden words, Li Wanhao turned his head and glanced back in disbelief, and was extremely surprised when he saw Ma Xiaoyu!

And Ren Xiaotian, who was sitting on the other side of Ma Xiaoyue, immediately tore up his coat, and used scattered cloth strips to help Ma Xiaoyue roughly seal and bandage the bloody red wound from behind.

Ma Xiaoy smiled with a pale face, weak like a ball of cotton, hugged by Liu Boyang, with a contented smile on his face, but tears gleamed in his eyes, weakly said: " No trouble...Yang...Qing Emperor...thank...thank you..."

Liu Boyang cried in a low voice: "Why are you thanking me? I am the one to thank you. Can you listen to me? You must persevere, you cannot give up, I will not allow you to give up!! You just talk to me like this , don’t fall asleep, don’t close your eyes! We’re going to the hospital right away!!”

Ma Xiaoy- tried her best to hook the corners of her mouth, and l- showed a reluctant smile, looking deeply at Liu Boyang, that kind of persistent eyes seemed to see through Liu Boyang's soul, but the focus of her eyes had begun to lose focus again, just now Suddenly I couldn't remember what I wanted to say, and I just muttered to myself: "Emperor Yang Qing... you... said... a good man... really... will there be... good... repayment? "

"Yes! Yes! I will definitely! I dare not tell others, but you will definitely!" Liu Boyang said with red eyes, encouraging her desperately.

Ma Xiaoyue's eyes were dull, she let out a silly "oh", then her body began to shake again, Liu Boyang hugged her into her arms, stroked her back and said, "Talk to me! Don't sleep! Listen! Have you arrived yet? Do you know that I still have a secret that I haven't told you?"

Liu Boyang burst into tears, because the girl in his arms had lost her voice.

Liu Boyang cried and stroked her cold hair, crawled into her ear and tremblingly said: "Sorry, I lied to you, my name is not Emperor Yang Qing, I am Liu Boyang!!"


"Can you still hear me?"


Ren Xiaotian's previous efforts were in vain, no amount of cloth strips could stop Ma Xiaoyin's gurgling blood, his eyes were red, he couldn't bear to look any further, turned his head to look out the window, he, who had never been associated with kind boys, actually shed tears.

Liu Boyang yelled at Li Wanhao under his throat: "Hurry up!!"

Li Wanhao got the order, and pretended to put gears on the fuel mn, but he knew that this was already the limit...

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