The best boy on campus

Chapter 482 Big Misfortune!

As soon as Ma Junsheng heard this, his face sank immediately, and he said coldly, "What do you mean by that?"

Bian Zhengliang said in a low voice: "Master Ma Gang, please move forward and talk." After speaking, he stepped back a few steps.

Ma Junsheng followed him expressionlessly, followed by Liu Boyang who had a premonition that something was wrong, and suddenly followed him. Bian Zhengliang glanced at him and wanted him to retreat, but Ma Junsheng said impatiently: "If you have anything to say, just say it." , Don’t be a jerk! How is my daughter’s situation?! What does it mean to be mentally prepared?”

Bian Zhengliang had no choice but to turn to Ma Junsheng and Liu Boyang, and said in a low voice: "Master Ma, please put out the fire first, forgive me, it is useless for you to be impatient at this time! The current situation is like this, Ling Qianjin's back three Although all the bullets were taken out, two of them were pierced into the flesh and did not hurt the key organs, but the other one scratched the nerve center of her back spine, so... so even if she can survive If not, there will be a lifetime of sequelae..."

As Bian Zhengliang said, he carefully peeked at the expressions of Liu Boyang and Ma Junsheng!

Sure enough, when Ma Junsheng heard this, he immediately exploded, feeling as if a piece of flesh had been gouged out in his heart!He no longer cared about the majesty of the leader of the largest gang in G City, he grabbed Bian Zhengliang by the collar in a very rude manner, and said angrily in a trembling voice: "What did you say?!"

Bian Zhengliang's scalp was numb with fright, and he was crying incessantly. Zhang Huang held Ma Junsheng's steel-claw-like palm with both hands and begged for mercy: "Master Ma... Master Ma, calm down... Calm down...!"

From the moment Bian Zhengliang said those words, Liu Boyang suddenly had hallucinations in front of his eyes, as if a thunderbolt from the blue sky struck him mercilessly!It made him sour instantly, his whole body was numb and he couldn't move!

Liu Boyang only felt his ears buzzing, his soul seemed to be shelling out, and every nerve in his body was coldly grasped by a big hand!His heart was covered with frost all of a sudden, his two fists were clenched suddenly, and he stood still in place.

Behind Li Wanhao, Ren Xiaotian, and the heads of the Dragon Gang, including Bai Xuxin, saw Ma Junsheng's lightning attack, and they all wanted to rush up to ask what was going on, but suddenly Ma Junsheng gritted his teeth and looked back. Pushing hands, shouting: "Get out of here! Get out of the way! Don't even come up!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard his voice!What happened?What did the doctor with the glasses say?Why did the gang leader's voice become hoarse all of a sudden?

It was obvious that Ma Junsheng was furious this time!No matter how suspicious those gang leaders were, they didn't dare to act rashly and retreated decisively.

Ma Junsheng squinted his eyes and stared at Bian Zhengliang coldly for a while, then turned his head to look at the closed operating room door. Bian Zhengliang, who was pinched by him and was about to suffocate, looked at him in pain, and suddenly Ma Junsheng slowly let go Bian Zhengliang blushed and coughed a few times aggrieved.

"Tell me clearly, what will be the sequelae?" Ma Junsheng asked without a trace of warmth.

This time Bian Zhengliang could be said to have gained a lot of wisdom, so he hastened to finish his words, and he might torture him to death no matter how submissive he was!

"Horse Gang Leader, as I said just now, Ling Qianjinfu's life was fatal, and none of the three bullets was directly fatal. Fortunately, the three young men delivered them in time, so her life was saved! It's a pity! The bullet scratched a certain nerve center in her spine. According to the current observations, after she wakes up, the worse situation is... that is... she will become a vegetable..."

When Bian Zhengliang said this, Ma Junsheng's red eyes widened!Liu Boyang's whole body tensed up, his complexion changed drastically!

For some reason, Ma Ke'er, who stood behind and couldn't hear what they said clearly, seemed to have a good understanding with her sister, but suddenly raised her head and looked at Bian Zhengliang in shock and despair!

" finish the sentence for me! What is the better situation!!" Ma Junsheng asked in a trembling voice!

Bian Zhengliang gritted his teeth and said: "In a better situation, Ling Qianjin will still have consciousness, but her memory will fade, and faults and vacuums may appear!"

"Will she lose her memory?" Liu Boyang couldn't help asking.I hate cursing in my heart, what a fucking fuck!Can this kind of bad plot on TV really happen to me? !

Liu Boyang really wished he could tear his own body into pieces!If it wasn't for me, that angelic girl would have ended up like this?It was he who ruined her!

But Bian Zhengliang said in a low voice: "No... Maybe the situation is more serious than that! After she wakes up, she will definitely lose her memory. At least she will no longer remember the people and things she has come into contact with in recent years. But this is not the key point. The key point is that the nerve injured by Qianjin is the main nerve in the spine. This nerve is directly connected to the brain. If it is damaged, it will lead to brain damage. The most direct consequence is her intelligence. will also fall..."

Liu Boyang shivered and stood still.

In an instant, Ma Junsheng's angry face was replaced by the sadness of being a father!

This steel-like man has red eyes!He couldn't hold back his tears, frowned, gritted his teeth and asked, "How low can it go?"

At this moment, Ma Junsheng is no longer the leader of the horse gang, but just a poor father.

Bian Zhengliang sighed lowly, and said: "If the situation is optimistic, it will probably have an intelligence level of about ** years old..."

Ma Junsheng wiped away his tears, only feeling dizzy, and almost fainted after falling a few steps, Bai came up at some point, grabbed him by the arm, and persuaded with red eyes: "Guangzhu, you have to hold on!"

Liu Boyang's eyes were also red, but he never cried out loud, he clenched his fists tightly, as if he was stupid, and his heart was even more sour!Liu Boyang!You are so fucking damned!Damn it deserves a thousand cuts!Why wasn't you the one who got killed! !Death to a fool like you is not enough to atone for your sins! !

Liu Boyang groaned, and asked numbly like a wooden man: "Then can she be saved?"

Bian Zhengliang looked at the sad boy, and couldn't bear to say: "You mean fully recovered?"

Liu Boyang nodded, and two tears rolled down his face.

"Yes!" Bian Zhengliang said against his will, "As long as she takes good care of her and calms her down, as her body slowly recovers, her intelligence and memory should slowly recover!"

Liu Boyang smiled bitterly, but it was with tears in his eyes. He wanted to grit his teeth, but the upper and lower rows of teeth were chattering and he couldn't bite. He could tell that Bian Zhengliang was trying to persuade him because he was afraid of despair!Whether Nizi can recover is simply unknown!

His mind flashed back to Ma Xiaoyu's softly leaning in his arms when he arrived, and with the last obsession, he asked him the words: "Emperor Yang Qing... you say... a good man." ...really...will there"

Liu Boyang's tears burst out suddenly.

God, what do you want from me?

Chapter 480 Two Big Misfortune! @! !

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