The best boy on campus

Chapter 517 You Are Insincere!!

There is nothing false about Director Du's words, Liu Boyang knew it from his expression.Since Du Chenghua was so afraid of the Liu guy who was in the same family as him 500 years ago, he must not be a blown character. Do I really want to deal with him one day?Damn it, a small highway is so troublesome!

"Now do you know why I wanted to give that line to Chen Baixiong or Hei Xizi? First, in your words, both of them have a good reputation, at least they are not the kind of people who cross rivers and tear down bridges and eat people without spit out their bones." People, secondly, the reputation and influence of those two can be regarded as the best in this city, and they are on the same level as Liu Huimin, and they should have heard of each other's names, so I thought, if they get it right, can they do it well? Selling each other's face, no matter how bad they are, they can compete with each other, and then they made up their minds." Director Du paused, and then added: "Of course, now they are both finished, and they are all planted in your hands , This proves that you are stronger than them, I believe that you will not be worse than them after taking over that line."

When Liu Boyang heard Director Du's words of comfort and encouragement, he just smiled and said nothing.In fact, he could hear that Director Du had told him so much, and he was obviously still worried. Liu Boyang may not be inferior to the black scorpion Chen Baixiong in terms of ability, but what he lacks is the reputation on the road. No matter how fierce you are, Liu Huimin will also I won't be afraid of you, an unknown person, whoever should find fault will definitely find fault!

To be honest, the people Liu Boyang didn't want to conflict with the most in his life were his clansmen!He doesn't discriminate against ethnic minorities, let alone despise them, but Liu Boyang knows that once there is a conflict with the tribe, it will indeed become a troublesome matter.

It's not that Liu Boyang has never heard of the children's deeds in Liujiawan, County H. There is a sub-village in several counties around H County. I remember that once a Han Chinese had a conflict with a certain villager because he drank too much alcohol. pig head.As a result, the entire village was pissed off. More than a thousand people in the whole village, no matter men, women, young or old, all took the guy to the house of the drunk and troubled guy, and smashed him to pieces with shovels and shovels. Not even his wife and children were spared.

Later, when the incident became serious, the province directly mobilized armed police to suppress it, surrounded the village, and demanded that the villagers hand over their leaders. The two sides had a stalemate for a whole day and night, but in the end those leaders dared to rush out with shotguns. The armed police were finally caught because they were outnumbered.

So if you don't have to, don't make enemies with those people. A bunch of guys who don't even sentence the death penalty to murder, relying on the legal advantage to have nothing to fear, you can only suffer!Among the people Liu Boyang knew, there were only a few people who were not interested in the people, and that was the people from Hutoubaoshan who acted as the old man's right-hand man. The ruthless person, the real sturdy home!

"Okay, Director Du, I understand what you mean. I will remember Liu Huimin. If I really match up with him in the near future, I won't involve you in it. Although my surname is Yang, I don't have great abilities. , but it’s not enough to be scared by a guy and dare not go. If he is really capable, I really want to meet him sooner.” Liu Boyang laughed.

Cui Guodong and Lao Mao sat next to each other and laughed too. Indeed, as Liu Boyang said, the brothers of the Jiulong Club have dealt with all kinds of people. So far, they have only played two hands with the famous ones. What are you afraid of? I can't really talk about it, I just want to know if they are as awesome as the rumors say?

Director Du saw that Liu Boyang dared not take Liu Huimin, the leader, seriously, and wanted to explain something anxiously, but was interrupted by Liu Boyang stretching out his hand. Didn’t come? There’s no need to be afraid. I’ve always believed in soldiers coming to cover water and earth. I’ll wait until he’s really red-eyed. I’d like to ask one thing now. If you take over the buses eliminated by the state-owned bus stations you mentioned , do you need money?"

Director Du felt that this was a very idiotic question, and said: "Isn't this nonsense? They give it to you for free? Of course you need it! It's just a matter of more or less. After all, my face is there. They don't Those who dare to open their mouths to ask for a price."

Liu Boyang said truthfully: "But I don't have any money now! Do you think this is okay? I will take over the cars first and let them run on the road. When I make money, I will slowly fill in the money. This way ?”

Director Du was speechless when he heard Liu Boyang's silly words, which were no doubt like a fool's dream. He shook his head and said, "Impossible! There are no doors, so don't even think about it! You really think his car can't be sold. ? Lend it to you for no reason? Besides, who knows if you will admit it after taking the car? Don’t be too naive, can you? Think about it from a different position, if it were you, would you do it?”

Liu Boyang shook his head and said with a smile: "Although I know there is little hope, I still want to try because I really have no money right now."

Director Du was surprised and said: "You don't have hundreds of thousands? Let me do the math. I'll be able to lower the price for you for those few cars. I should be able to lower the price to tens of thousands of yuan. This is the bottom line. I’m sorry to ask you, but I’m sure they’ll be anxious to me! That is to say, as long as you can scrape together 10,000+ yuan, you can take over those cars! Or if you can’t, I’ll be an intermediary guarantor, and you can pay in installments Payment, part of the payment is fine! If you want to pay nothing, I advise you not to have this dream, it is absolutely impossible! Where is such a good thing in the world, don’t forget to tell me when you meet in the future One sound."

Liu Boyang shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "10,000+? Director Du, to be honest, I don't even have 100 yuan on my body now, so I really can't get it out!"

Director Du was so annoyed by Liu Boyang's rascal appearance, he was about to explode!what do you mean?I took such a big risk to hand over the highway to you, do you still want me to pay for you again? ——But this is at his home, of course he is not easy to get angry, but his face immediately darkened, and he said: "Brother Yang, you just said that I was not sincere, but I gave you all the sincerity, you Aren't you playing with me? You don't even want to invest a dime, you just want to make a lot of money, and the white wolf with empty hands can't be so outrageous! You are more unrealistic than expecting pie in the sky! After all, who are we? Not sincere?"

Chapter 510 Seven You Are Insincere!! @! !

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