"Hmph, it's good that you know, I'm almost mad at you, I know you're dishonest, but can you restrain yourself? Don't let me hang around you all day long." Fang Yuyan looked at him resentfully. Talking Bubbles-Book_)

"Haha, I don't want to either. I want to stop, but others won't let me." In front of the beautiful teacher, Liu Boyang completely pushed his own responsibility, and continued to tease: "But since you said so, teacher, then so I……"

"Then what are you going to do?" Fang Yuyan asked, tilting her head

"Then I can't stop, haha, there are not many opportunities for the teacher to circle around me." Liu Boyang laughed.

Fang Yuyan's face turned red when she said it, she was so angry, this kid is really the disaster star in her own life, she glanced at him angrily, and said, "Hmph, you think beautifully, I won't care about your affairs from now on. Already," he said angrily and walked ahead.

Liu Boyang smiled slightly, put his hands in his pockets, followed behind and said: "Beauty teacher, I'm just joking with you, hehe, actually I don't want to cause you any trouble, please rest assured, I will take care of things as soon as possible "

"..." Fang Yuyan looked at this kid speechlessly. He was still smiling just now, why did he suddenly change his attitude?I really don't understand him

Liu Boyang saw the beauty's unbelievable appearance, changed the subject, and asked with a smile: "Teacher, did the surname He bother you again?"

Fang Yuyan came back to her senses all of a sudden, blushed, and said in a low voice: "No, no."

"Well, that's good." Liu Boyang smiled in satisfaction, walked to the front with his hands on his pillow, and left a sentence: "I can go to the principal's office by myself, and you don't have to accompany me, beautiful teacher, hehe, I guess that's the case." It’s no good for the old man to find me.”

Leaving Fang Yuyan standing alone in a daze, what kind of person is this kid...?Although it's a little naughty, but deep down, there is an unexpected thoughtfulness in his heart. He suddenly changed his attitude just now. Was it out of consideration for his own feelings, afraid that he would really be angry?

Looking at Liu Boyang's lonely back, Fang Yuyan suddenly felt sour for no reason.

Standing at the door of the principal's office, through the door, Liu Boyang could hear the sound of commotion inside, nothing more than "Principal, how do you educate students? Look at how that Liu Boyang beat my son. ", "That's right, principal, if you don't handle this matter properly, I will report it to the Education Bureau and ask the bureau leaders to uphold justice for us." Do you know that your son almost disfigured the principal?"...

This sounds like the group of parents who came to the school to make trouble for themselves

Liu Boyang stood outside the door with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. Damn it, I haven't said anything yet. You villains complained first. Think I'm a soft persimmon, right?However, even though he thought so, he didn't kick open the door and go in to show off to those ignorant parents. He wanted to see how the headmaster would deal with this matter first.

"Quiet, everyone, please be quiet, listen to me, regarding this student fight, our school will deal with it in accordance with the principle of fairness and justice, and will never easily favor a certain student, but what I want to say Yes, everyone, don't just listen to your children's one-sided words. As far as I know, this fight seems to be caused by your children's fault first. You first went to find Liu Boyang's unhappy one. Later, the group fight failed, and you were beaten by others instead. In the end, it was their own fault for not living up to expectations. Liu Boyang was just defending himself. Even if he made a mistake, it was a small mistake. You can’t blame him at all,” said the principal, Zheng Yuanlong.

Liu Boyang smiled evilly, as expected, the old man really helped him, but this made him more suspicious, why did the old man help him like this?

"Hey principal, you still said that you don't protect the students. You said that to criticize that Liu Boyang, and he actually said that our son first troubled that Liu Boyang. Does this make sense?" shrew parent screamed

"That's right, we have so many sons, why can't we beat that kid alone? What you said is too false..." Another woman echoed

The entire principal's office suddenly became uproarious, nothing more than saying that the principal was unfair and partial to students. According to the law that one woman is equal to [-] ducks, Liu Boyang guessed that the old principal must be going crazy with these annoying flies.

In the end, the principal said impatiently: "Anyway, I have already told you the facts. Believe it or not is up to you. Of course, the school is also obliged to protect the safety of the students. For those students who were injured, the school will give With appropriate compensation, you can rest assured that if any of you are dissatisfied with my decision, you can go to 110 to deal with it or report it. I have nothing to say and invite you out now. I still have business to do.” order

When a group of girls heard what the principal said, their voices suddenly became quieter. They belonged to the level of street shrews, otherwise they would not have taught a son who was a gangster in school. After paying the medical bills, their goal has been achieved, there is no need to fight for reason any longer, each of them continued to swear despite not admitting defeat, but they walked out of the principal's office wisely

When they came out, they saw an ordinary-looking boy in white shirt standing outside the principal's room, looking at them and a group of shrews. They were a little surprised at first, but then they walked away cursing in a low voice, killing them all. Unexpectedly, this unattractive boy was the culprit who beat and disabled their son

"Is it Liu Boyang? Why are you still standing there when everyone has left? Come in." The old man's voice suddenly came from the office.

Liu Boyang smiled lightly, the old man's eyes are sharp enough

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