The best boy on campus

Chapter 560 I've never seen such an arrogant person!

Cui Guodong is still very skilled in driving, and the Great Liberation drove forward quickly and steadily. As Guo Yongbo said, when the car drove out of the darkness, it soon ushered in the dim lights, and houses could be seen on both sides of the road, and there were increasingly dense trend.

Liu Boyang leaned against the car window, looking at everything outside. To be honest, he killed 11 people in a row just now. He didn’t have any troubles in his heart. On the contrary, he was full of thoughts. According to Liu Boyang’s original thinking, he didn’t want to kill Guo Yongbo’s group. Yes, if I can really make friends with them, it will be far more beneficial to me than destroying them. It will be easier to walk on this road in the future, but unfortunately...

Before Liu Boyang could think about it, Guodong suddenly slammed on the brakes, and Liu Boyang shook violently. He straightened up, only to hear Guodong pointing in front of him and saying, "I'm stupid! Brother Yang, what do you think is that?"

Liu Boyang Laomao and others sat up straight and looked forward. They saw a long iron rod erected out of thin air on the road, just blocking the middle of the road, and beside it was a strange thing like a big black and rusty iron felt, connected to the road. That iron rod enables it to turn a ninety-degree angle from top to bottom. What's even more ridiculous is that there are three decent traffic lights on the big iron felt?

When did the traffic police of Country Z have such high technology...

Liu Boyang suddenly remembered what Guo Yongbo said before, someone set up a private toll booth on this road, could it be this thing?

As soon as Cui Guodong turned off the car, he suddenly saw four people coming out of the woods behind the big iron felt. The first one was a black-faced lame man who walked and twisted, but his appearance and movements were really not good. The one coming up from the steel pipe smashed the window with a "bang bang", and Cui Guodong said arrogantly to the inside: "Get down for me!"

"Grandma Rita!" Cui Guodong was furious, "Look at this guy's appearance, could it be that he is robbing again? I'm so fucking convinced, it's really not quiet to drive in the middle of the night!"

A girl at the back knew that Liu Boyang and the others were here for the first time, and she took the initiative to explain: "It's a private toll booth, and the guy with the steel pipe is called Black Cripple, and he's in charge of this area..."

Another girl added: "He has a very good relationship with Guo Yongbo, you better not let him see any clues..."

When Cui Guodong heard that the gangster outside was with Guo Yongbo, he got angry and said to Liu Boyang: "Brother Yang, I'll go down and cripple his other leg too!"

As he said that he was about to leave, Liu Boyang pressed him down and said to the whole car: "You all sit in the car and don't move, I'll go down and have a look!"

"I'll go with you!" the old cat couldn't help but open the car door.

Seeing two people getting off the car, the black-faced cripple looked at Liu Boyang and asked, "Where did you come from?"

Liu Boyang said with a smile: "It's the first time you're traveling from other places, and you don't know the rules, so please help me."

The black-faced cripple said, "Fuck you shit! The driver up there is blind, didn't you see that I turned on the red light just now?"

My day!The old cat can't laugh or cry, Heibi, how dare you say that?You can say that all the sneaking things are aboveboard, why are you so confident in setting up tollbooths privately?

Liu Boyang thought this guy was a little cute, rubbed his temples and said with a smile, "I'm sorry big brother, my brother has bad eyesight in the car, maybe he didn't see clearly."

The black-faced cripple said: "Laugh, laugh! Stop talking nonsense, and pay me if you think about it!"

Behind him, his three brothers each carried a wrench and surrounded him, looking at Liu Boyang arrogantly.

"Hehe, how much do you want, brother?"

"Four hundred!" The black-faced cripple thought for a while, then suddenly spread four fingers and gestured in front of Liu Boyang.

The old cat was furious. There were countless people who were forced to raise them. He clearly remembered that Guo Yongbo said that he would pay only two hundred. Could it be that he wanted to kill a lot of money when he saw that there were few people and big cars?

What are the things on this road?Why do all of them have the stink of lions opening their mouths?

"Cripple, you are more severe than the regular traffic police! Have you got any points?" The old cat sneered, "How can I have so much spare money for you?"

The black-faced cripple hates people calling him cripple the most, so he immediately picked up the steel pipe and was about to swing the old cat, but suddenly Liu Boyang held him back with one hand, and persuaded him with a smile: "Brother, my brother can't talk, don't mind, it's only 400 The yuan is indeed a bit more, this is the first time we have taken this path, can you accommodate us?"

The black-faced cripple sneered in his heart, because I killed you for the first time you left, it was so cold at night and it was easy for a group of people to squat for so long?Waiting is you fat sheep!

"No! Whatever you say is as much as you want! Don't bargain with me! Don't think about leaving without taking the money! Second child, go! See what he has in this car!" said the black-faced lame man.

The guy behind him was about to walk over to search for the car immediately, Liu Boyang's face changed, but he quickly returned to normal, and said with a smile: "Success! Four hundred is four hundred! Just be my little brother and I will make friends with big brother. I have five hundred here." , buy the extra wine for elder brother and brothers, it’s my kindness.”

As Liu Boyang said, he took out five hundred-yuan bills from his pocket and handed them over.

The black-faced cripple was quite surprised. He took the banknote and looked at it with the flashlight of the younger brother behind him. After confirming that it was true, he put it in his pocket, his face softened a lot, and said: "It's not too bad! You're still sensible!" Son, wouldn’t it be okay to do this earlier?”

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "Yes! Yes! Hehe, can we go now, big brother?"

The black-faced cripple didn't talk nonsense, he took the three younger brothers back a few steps, raised his hand, and there was another person on the big iron felt slowly opened the iron bar, and then let Liu Boyang and others pass by.

When the car was far away, the black-faced cripple took out the four banknotes again, frowned and said, "Do you think that kid is an idiot?"

The guy who was called the second child was actually smarter than him. He came over and slapped his head and said, "Brother Hei, we've been fooled! That kid is so generous, there must be ghosts in the car! Otherwise, he would be willing to be slaughtered? "

The black-faced cripple immediately regained his senses, glared at him and said, "Didn't you fucking say it earlier!"

"I just wanted to come here too! And I seemed to see a woman in their car just now! She's a beautiful one!" said the second child.

"***! How dare you fool me! Call the third child and ask him to cut them off from the front, let's chase after him!" After the black-faced cripple finished speaking, he quickly ran into the roadside field and pushed it out. A motorcycle, get on the accelerator and chase after the Great Liberation.

And his four younger brothers each rode a wrench and chased after him.


In the car, Liu Boyang thought that he could avoid disaster with a little bit of money. Seeing the old cat sitting next to him sullenly and suffocating, he smiled and pushed him, saying, "Why, are you upset?"

The old cat said frankly: "Brother Yang, I know that you have your reasons in everything you do, but I really don't know why you gave them the money this time, so many of us are not afraid of him. Dare to kill people like this, it is a typical lack of clean-up!"

In the innermost part of the carriage, the white and tender woman who had been carefully observing everything looked at Liu Boyang incredulously. She realized that she could not understand Liu Boyang. He is obviously the one who can kill Guo Yongbo completely, but why is he afraid of the dark? What about the cripple?

Note to readers:

Brothers, here are bricks, tickets, and flowers!

Chapter 560 I've never seen such an arrogant person! @! !

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