The best boy on campus

Chapter 562: Blind Bear!

But the three girls were powerless, and they didn't know how to express their feelings. The girl who walked up first said: "Brothers, you have driven for a long time, aren't you tired? My place of work is Up front, do you want me to invite you in to take a break and have a drink?"

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "No, it's important for us to go on our way. I understand your intentions. You don't need to be too grateful to us. You can't do nothing under such circumstances.) If possible, I hope you can Forget what happened tonight, it's not a pleasant memory after all, just treat it as a nightmare!"

"Yeah!" The girls nodded with red eyes.

"Brother, what's your name? Can you leave a contact information? If there is a chance in the future, we will repay you... contact you." A girl finally plucked up the courage to ask.

Liu Boyang just smiled.

The girl looked at Liu Boyang in disappointment, lowered her head timidly, and had no choice but to say: "Well, if you don't want to talk about us, you don't have to force it. If you still come in the future, you can go to the rose wine in front to find us , we've always worked there."

"Okay!" Liu Boyang nodded in agreement.

After delivering the three reluctantly beautiful girls, Liu Boyang remembered a key person. He turned his head and saw the white and tender woman who had been silent before, standing behind him in a white dress.

In the night, this is the most beautiful scenery!

Perhaps it was Liu Boyang's hallucination, he actually felt a faint refreshing fragrance coming from her body, which was particularly intoxicating. Could this be the legendary beauty's body fragrance?

"Return the clothes to you." The white and tender woman stretched out a pair of slender and tender hands, and handed back Liu Boyang's coat to him. This was the first sentence she said to Liu Boyang.

Liu Boyang took it with a smile, and said very considerately: "Don't worry, we won't mention to anyone else what happened tonight, anyway, the surname Guo is dead and there is no proof, your reputation can still be preserved as long as you don't want to talk about it yourself. You go back and just make up a lie to deceive that "living Yama". Don't say that you were arrested, he probably won't investigate thoroughly. As long as you can treat what happened tonight as a nightmare, I believe that your future life will be the same as before, and it will not change."

The white woman seemed to have gotten used to Liu Boyang's gentleness and thoughtfulness, even though he was so gentle that he even thought about what to do next, she didn't show much emotion, she just asked: "We will Will we meet again?"

Liu Boyang made a sloppy look and said with a smile: "Yes, how do you say something? If you are destined to meet thousands of miles away, if you don't have the destiny to meet you face to face! See you again if you are destined."

The white and tender woman showed a shy smile for the first time, stretched out a white and tender jade hand and said: "My name is Xue Qingcheng, if you don't mind, I hope I can make friends with you."

Qingcheng, Qingcheng.

"Of course. There is no such thing as disliking or disliking, you think too much." Liu Boyang smiled and shook hands with him and her.

"I will repay you." Xue Qingcheng said something that Liu Boyang didn't understand the significance of.

"No, as I said just now, it's fate that we meet tonight, you can thank God, he is more open-minded." Liu Boyang laughed.

Although the way of acquaintance with Xue Qingcheng is quite special and unimaginable for ordinary people, the way of parting is still very common. It can be seen that Xue Qingcheng is a person who usually doesn't like to talk, and he only spoke a few words with Liu Boyang. People go their separate ways.But the more unremarkable the difference, the more twists and turns will be involved in the unforgettable story.

Liu Boyang and others went back on the road. Just as Guo Yongbo said, it took them nearly 10 minutes to cross the night market street, and then fell into a desolate area with few scattered houses. The bustle disappeared, and the night wind became cold again .

Liu Boyang looked at the sky that was getting darker and darker outside, and he could only sigh in his heart. It seemed that he was going to disappoint his wife again this time, and he promised to go back to accompany her early, but Xiong Xiazi had already delayed so much before he saw him. It takes a lot of effort, if you really want to rush back, you may not know how long it will be delayed, what a day!

Liu Boyang was somewhat irritable. He had just finished calling his daughter-in-law Ning Yeqi to report his safety when he suddenly heard a "squeak" sound coming from the front. Liu Boyang immediately lifted his spirits, and Guo Yongbo said that as long as he drove west of Shiqiao for less than 5 minutes, he would enter Xiong Xiazi's village.


It was already late at night, around 10:30 midnight, and most of the villagers in Haojia Village had already fallen asleep. The whole village was pitch black, and you couldn’t see your fingers. Occasionally, only a few scattered houses were still lit.

This place is really remote. Originally, Dagao was a small county on the farthest edge of the city, and Haojia Village was the most remote place in Dagao. There were dead branches and weeds everywhere, and there was not even a decent crop land, so the young and old in this village Ercai tried his best to make a living by other means, and most of them were engaged in shady activities. It is an ancient truth that troublesome people come out of poor mountains and rivers, and it is most suitable for Haojia Village.

Blind Xiong's real name is Hao Haidong. He has many brothers in his family. He is the largest family in Haojia Village. He was a well-known bully in the village in his early years. The enemy has provoked a lot of deeds. The fiercest one once ran into his house alone in the middle of the night, blinded him in one eye, and poured sulfuric acid on his wife's face. Since then, the crazy Hao Haidong has become more brutal and domineering. Whoever wants to fall into his hands will ask for good fortune!As a result, the name of Xiong Xiazi in Haojia Village gradually spread.

Xiong Xiazi's house is the largest in the entire Haojia Village. It is too big to be described as a "house". It is located at the westernmost end of the village, built next to the small river, and behind it is a site similar to an abandoned factory. , where Xiong Xiazi installed miniature oil pumps and other machines, and there was even a private oil well that he had drained long ago.

Xiong Xiazi is not sleeping at the moment. He has always been a night owl, because some of his big clients like to visit him at night.

People in Dagao have the habit of eating barbecue and drinking spicy wine. At this time, in the huge yard of Xiong Xiazi's house, a big fire was set up in the middle, and two dogs were roasted on it. The coveted meaty aroma wafts throughout the courtyard.

Blind Xiong and some of his most confidant brothers were sitting shirtless in the yard playing cards, shouting and drinking, and suddenly a boy with a mohawk walked in, leaned into Blind Xiong's ear and said, "Brother Xiong, there are people outside. coming!"

"Who?" Xiong Xiazi was addicted to gambling, squinting his eyes while holding a cigarette butt in his mouth.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before, they are three little dolls, and they just said they are looking for you!"

Chapter 560 The second blind bear! @! !

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