The best boy on campus

Chapter 565 Intersection! !

Xiong Xiazi was stupid. If Cui Guodong's thin body can climb up the beams, how did this fat man get up?Can you fly up with long wings?

"Boy, are you trying to scare me?" Xiong Xiazi has lost his mind, Cui Guodong and the old cat are aiming at his head alone!But he wasn't so useless as to wag his tail and beg for mercy like a black-faced cripple, and asked ferociously. )

Liu Boyang shrugged his shoulders and said with a light smile: "Absolutely not, but since your blind brother likes to talk in this way, I have no choice but to play with you, little brother—if you think your life is as valuable as mine, you are willing to die together , might as well let your little brothers shoot and try!"

Blind Xiong's face turned livid: "Are you bluffing me? Think I dare not?"

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "No, but the two brothers above me can't do anything else, they just have good marksmanship. You can let them stand like that. I'm afraid that if the gun goes off accidentally, it will be bad if the blind man's head is blown. .”

Xiong Xiazi laughed angrily: "Fuck your mother's little bastard! How dare you threaten me?! At worst, I will go all out today, and I will play with you to the end! What is I afraid of? Eat this meal and put life and death aside, I will change my life." Your eleven lives are worth it! Eighteen years later, you will be heroes again!"

Liu Boyang pretended to be surprised, clapped his hands and applauded Xiong Xiazi under forty or fifty bullet holes, and praised: "Blind brother! You are worthy of being the most fierce man in Dagao! The words of such a mighty man are really admirable to me. !"

With a sound of "bang", Cui Guodong on the beam of the house suddenly fired a gun, directly hitting Xiazi Xiong less than a few centimeters in front of his toes. Xiazi Xiong and his younger brothers around 50 suddenly looked up at him!

"One-eyed dragon, I'm sorry, grandpa said that the gun went off and it really went off. It didn't hurt you? But it didn't hurt you just now, it doesn't mean the next shot won't hurt you! I don't like killing people, but the gun doesn't hurt you. How can you be obedient?" Cui Guodong said sarcasticly while standing on a high place.

The old cat also raised his voice on the other side and added: "I have a hunch, my gun is about to go off!"

Xiong Xiazi's face turned black and white, not to mention how ugly it was.

Liu Boyang thinks it's time, a super bully like Xiong Xiazi can properly kill his vigor, but don't force him too hard, it really makes him anxious, it's not impossible to jump over the wall twice in a hurry Come out, Liu Boyang is not afraid of death, but it is not worth dying in this kind of place.

"What about blind brother, do you still think I'm joking with you now? If you don't want blood to flow into rivers and we both die here, can we have a good talk now?" Liu Boyang laughed.

Xiong Xiazi squinted his eyes and smiled coldly, staring at Liu Boyang and said: "Interesting!" He raised his hand and said to the back: "Put down the guns!"

The four NO.50 people immediately put away their pistols.

"You can let them go out." Liu Boyang smiled.

Xiong Xiazi was also really courageous, and ordered: "You all go out!"

"Brother Xiong..." Several brothers came up to persuade him.

"I'll let you all go out!" Xiong Xiazi said coldly.

The group of people stared at Liu Boyang angrily, and all retreated one by one, and the younger brothers behind Liu Boyang walked over and closed the door.

Blind Xiong glanced at Lao Mao and Cui Guodong on the beams on both sides, and Liu Boyang smiled and said, "Brother Blind, don't worry, I won't let them move around, you will always be safe."

Xiong Xiazi snorted coldly, and stretched out a curved index finger to Liu Boyang.

"What do you mean?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile.

"In nine years, you are the first!" Xiong Xiazi suddenly grinned, "You are the first person who can play with me to this extent! Even 'Living Yama', 'Zhuyeqing', 'Nine Thousand Years' Those guys are no good! You are just a little younger, otherwise I would really like to have a glass of kowtow with you and worship my brother!"

Liu Boyang didn't think he was joking. To be honest, he also felt that Xiong Xiazi was indeed a courageous, resourceful, tough man and pure man, but his way of dealing with people was a bit harsh. Liu Boyang laughed and said, "I'm sorry , I don’t dare to take it for granted. You gnawed even a bite of your dog meat just now. How dare you talk about friendship with your peers? Blind brother, it seems that you didn’t welcome me from the beginning today, and I don’t want to be that annoying Well, I'm here today to discuss business, and you're interested in what I brought, can you give me a good word?"

Xiong Xiazi laughed, and said: "Masters, it's not up to you to worry about such a small matter. If you want to eat dog meat, I can give you a car instead! I'm not joking with you. In Dagao these days Is there anyone who is blind to me? Does 'Living Yama' dare? Does 'Nine Thousand Years' dare? 'Zhuyeqing' gives her ten guts, does she dare? Can't see me? I still have to make you my friend today Now, how much oil do you have in your car? I will keep all of it, [-] a barrel!"

Liu Boyang froze for a moment, why did he feel more and more unpredictable about this guy's temper, let alone the next six younger brothers, who were too nervous to be courteous for nothing, rape or steal, this guy Xiong Xiazi wouldn't know what to play again Trick?

"Are you serious?" Liu Boyang asked with a slight frown.Even if he doesn't understand oil anymore, he also knows that the can is not worth 3 yuan at all, and it will cost [-] to [-] yuan.

Xiong Xiazi didn't talk nonsense, clapped his hands, and a group of gunmen rushed in from outside the door, stared at Liu Boyang coldly, and asked, "Brother Xiong, what's the matter?"

"Bring 25 in cash!" Xiong Xiazi looked at Liu Boyang and smiled.

The younger brother was taken aback for a moment, puzzled and said, "What, what?"

"If you tell me to take it, you can take it!" Xiong Xiazi said.

"Yes!" The younger brother didn't dare to say anything else, filled with hatred towards Liu Boyang even more, and slipped out of the door in desperation.

Liu Boyang said: "Why did you do this?"

Xiong Xiazi smiled and said: "I told you that you are interested in me. I am old enough to be your father, so I don't have the cheek to beg you. If you are in urgent need of money, I have a lot of money here. Just use it first, but Don't expect me to give it for nothing, my brother doesn't have that much face to let me give money to others for nothing. In the future, if you think that I can barely communicate, you can send it to me when you have oil, and you can ask me for a drink whenever you don't Two cups, we don’t have delicacies from mountains and seas, but the barbecue with spicy wine can still fill you up!”

Liu Boyang finally understands why Xiong Xiazi can become a giant in Dagao, and has been notorious for more than ten years. With his temper, it is difficult not to make a life-threatening friend!

If a person wants to grow up alone, it’s not enough to be cruel and ruthless. You have to be righteous when it’s time to be righteous, otherwise, who is willing to work hard for you, who is willing to spend their heart and soul with you?Xiong Xiazi is such a sturdy figure who is not pleasing to the eye, the king of heaven, and Lao Tzu, who is pleasing to the eye and has no complaints. Can Sun Jiushan, Guo Yongbo, the black-faced lame, and those people compare?Can't compare!

Liu Boyang laughed and said, "Who says it can't be done? The ancients had the saying that they were close friends. I also misjudged my younger brother earlier, and please bear with me when I did something wrong. You are older than me, so I am a high-ranking person. In the future How about calling you big brother?"

Chapter 560 Intersection! ! @! !

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