The best boy on campus

Chapter 57 2 Tigers Fight

ps: I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival

Ning Yeqi pretended to be calm on the surface, but in fact, her heart was also turbulent, and she looked at Liu Boyang with complicated eyes

"It's already listless, can you still stand up?" Liu Boyang said arrogantly to Si Kongling who was lying on the ground *bubble! book*

"Fuck you!" Si Kongling completely disregarded his image, and while covering his face and cursing, he staggered and stood up while gritting his teeth.

With his shrewdness, he didn't expect that he would fall into this situation. Liu Boyang was so capable of fighting. Be beaten to death, and never be knocked down

"Not convinced?" Liu Boyang sneered, rushed over and grabbed Si Kongling's shoulders and slammed down, and pressed his knees against his stomach, causing Si Kongling's entire handsome face to contort immediately, with bruises on his face All stick out

"Are you convinced?" Liu Boyang asked him coldly

"Fuck you!" Si Kongling said, swallowing the bloody froth that surged up

Liu Boyang's eyes narrowed, and he kicked again with his knee, causing Si Kongling to bow there like a shrimp, with blood overflowing from his mouth.

"Ask you again, are you convinced?" Liu Boyang said lightly

"Fuck you!" Si Kongling still gritted his teeth

Liu Boyang kicked with one knee again

"Are you satisfied?"

"Fuck you"

Grabbing his shoulders, Liu Boyang kicked with his third knee, which directly made Si Kongling's entire tense body go limp, and the veins on his forehead popped out, obviously in extreme pain

Liu Boyang still asked: "Are you convinced?"

Si Kongling was dazzled by his kick, his stomach felt as if his stomach had been hollowed out, he felt the world was spinning in front of him, and he couldn't tell the difference between east and west, north and south, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "I'll give you shit!"



"Are you satisfied?"

"Fuck you"


"Are you satisfied?"

"Admit you... damn it"



"Are you satisfied?"




The students in the class were all frightened, and some female students were so frightened that they shed tears. The scene in front of them was too bloody. They didn't know whether to worry about Liu Boyang's aggressive questioning, or for Sikong I admire Ling's willingness to die rather than surrender

Li Gui and the others couldn't say a word. They wanted to come up to help, but whenever they saw Liu Boyang's beast-like gaze, their calves trembled in fright and they couldn't even move. They watched Si Kongling being beaten to death. Personally, their hearts were tightened, and some even couldn't help but secretly wiped their tears. Boss, why are you so stupid?A man who is able to bend and stretch is a real man, you can save yourself a lot of suffering by saying "surrender"...

They will never understand Si Kongling's stubbornness and proud self-esteem as a boss. It is a belief that they would rather die than let go. This is why Si Kongling can be the boss, but they can only be the younger brother.

Si Kongling finally couldn't bear the beating anymore, and roared like a flashback, completely disregarding his own image, hugging Liu Boyang's waist and rushing up with his eyes shattered, trying to knock Liu Boyang against the wall

Liu Boyang was burning with anger, this kid still refused to beg for mercy even at this point, he is really a fucking character, when he raised his knee again, he did not know how many times he pushed against Si Kongling's lower abdomen, but this time Sikong Ling Blocking it with his hands, Liu Boyang was furious, and slammed his elbow hard, directly on Si Kongling's back. Immediately, Sikong Ling felt as if his whole body was electrified by 100 million volts of high-voltage electricity, and he could no longer move. , the eyes are dull

"I'll ask you one last time, are you convinced?" Liu Boyang asked coldly

Si Kongling was already on the verge of collapse, blood was continuously pouring out of his mouth, and his voice was barely audible, but he still continued to say intermittently: "I accept you..."

Liu Boyang didn't wait for him to finish speaking, he flew with a spinning leg, kicked Si Kongling out, ruthlessly rolled on the ground for several meters, and finally hit the wall with a bang, leaving a trail of bright red blood

"Brother Yang, please, I beg you, don't hit me. We are dogs, we are wrong. If you continue to fight, Brother Ling, he will die." Li Guizai couldn't stand it any longer, and ran over to kneel crying. Said to Liu Boyang on the ground

Hou Qiang and the others couldn't bear it, after all, it was their former elder brother lying on the ground, and each of them hurried forward to dissuade Liu Boyang, "Brother Yang, stop beating, that's enough, we are all classmates in the same class , you have to be forgiving and forgiving, let him go"

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