The best boy on campus

Chapter 596 The Evil Enemies Enter!

There were dead bodies all over the forest, bloody and messy, and many policemen didn't rest in peace because they still held guns in their hands. Unfortunately, they didn't even have time to pull the trigger, and they were fatally shot by the enemy.

The autumn night is extremely cold, blowing in this mysterious woods, it looks very strange.The hazy black clouds in the sky also exaggerated the tragedy and gloom!

Xiaoying came along with Liu Boyang, and accidentally saw those messy corpses, she screamed in fright, put her hands on her face and hid behind Liu Boyang, Liu Boyang quickly reached out to cover her sister's eyes.

Ma Songren and his group were concentrating on investigating the scene, when they suddenly heard Xiaoying screaming, they turned their eyes over in unison, this time Ma Songren's face looked ugly, and said: "Who told you to come here? Hurry up and leave!"

Immediately, several armed police officers went over to separate Liu Boyang and Liu Xiaoying.

Liu Boyang heard Ma Songren say to the people beside him: "Hurry up, call the forensic doctor!"

Liu Boyang thought for a while, and always felt that the dead bodies in the forest were strange, so he said loudly: "Several leaders, anyway, we have already been here and seen it. It has no other meaning, just to help you! You may as well let I'll go in and take a closer look, maybe I can find out some tricks!"

Ma Songren frowned and said, "What method can you see? Are you sure?"

Liu Boyang smiled lightly: "I'm sure I dare not say it, but let me try anyway!"

Ma Songren pondered for a while, anyway, this is a mystery case, there is no other clue, it is better to let this young man come in to try his luck, a dead horse is a living horse doctor, he waved his hand, and asked those armed policemen to make way for Liu Boyang, not cold Not hot: "If you are not too scared, you can come in, but be careful, don't destroy the scene!"

When Liu Boyang stepped forward, Xiaoying grabbed his clothes tightly and didn't speak, but her big eyes were full of fear.

Liu Boyang patted her little head with a smile, and persuaded: "Xiaoying, don't be afraid, brother will come as soon as he goes!"

After entering the woods, Liu Boyang came to the first dead body under the gaze of a group of armed policemen and several senior police leaders, squatted down, and carefully observed this unfortunate patriarchal policeman. His mouth was open when he was dying. Yes, it seemed that he wanted to shout something but he didn't. There was a shocking scar on his neck, which flowed down in the shape of a fan, and it had solidified and dyed the whole neck red.

"There's a flashlight here!" A police deputy came over and said.

Liu Boyang took the flashlight and shone it on the neck of the deceased, only to see that the fatal scar was caused by a sharp knife, and the strike was so ruthless that the neck was cut off with one knife.

Liu Boyang gently stretched out his hand to touch the neck of the deceased, and suddenly someone around shouted: "Don't destroy the traces of the scene!"

Liu Boyang smiled lightly, and a little blood sticked from the neck of the deceased. Sure enough, the blood was fresh and thin. Liu Boyang closed his eyes, and he could probably guess the scene when the policeman was stabbed to death at that time!

His face turned cold in an instant!

Seeing something interesting, Ma Songren stepped forward and asked, "What do you see?"

"What's your name, please?"

"You can just call me Commander Ma."

Liu Boyang nodded, and said coldly: "Commander Ma, if I guessed correctly, this person was killed by Japanese ninjas and members of the Red Flower Society!"

"Safflower Club?" Everyone present's face changed instantly when they heard the name, and some young policemen who had never been police officers directly took a deep breath!

Because from the first day they put on their police uniforms, they have more or less heard about some famous and difficult organizations in the world, and the Japanese Red Flower Association will bear the brunt!

In the early years, there were mysterious and unsolved cases caused by ninjas sneaking into the country and making trouble in major cities in Z country. It was extremely difficult to solve, and some cases have not been closed yet!It has left an indelible nightmare for many people in country Z!

But the Japanese ninjas have been silent for many years, and have not acted in country Z for a long time. How could it be them this time?

If what Liu Boyang said is true, not to mention city g, even the entire province, and even the entire country z must be taken seriously!

"It's nonsense! You watch too much TV? Why do you believe that the Japanese ninja did it? Do you have any evidence?" Ma Songren had a sullen face before speaking, Song Jianfeng stopped and asked.This is City G, where Song Jianfeng ruled in terms of law and order. If something happened to the Red Flower Society killing people on his land, his career in the future would be in danger!

Liu Boyang said calmly, "Because there is only one kind of people in this world, or only one kind of organization, whose knives are faster than guns! That is the ninjas of the Japanese Red Flower Society!"

"Look at this man's neck, it was obviously cut off by a knife. If you look closely, you will find that at the moment of his death, because the knife incision was too small, there was no blood spurting from his neck at all. After his death, these Blood came out!"

This is indeed very strong evidence. You must know that when we ordinary people use knives to cut other people's necks, blood will spurt out wildly, and it can even burst your face, and only knives that are extremely fast will cut you to death , your blood slowly oozes out.

Song Jianfeng was speechless, because he suddenly felt that what Liu Boyang said made sense, but he didn't want to admit this reality...

"If you can't be sure just by the knife wound, you should look at this person's eyes." Liu Boyang squatted and took a few steps, and came to a female policeman with wide-eyed eyes, pointing at her dilated pupils and said: "See that white thing up there?"

It was only then that everyone discovered that the eyeballs of the dead policewoman were covered with a white substance, a bit like slaked lime. It was obvious that someone had blinded her eyes with something before she died!

"Is this lime?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Not at all. In the words of the Red Flower Society ninjas, this thing is called Hyakkimaru, and the main material is lime. Their function is to explode unexpectedly, and then spray out a very lethal mist. If the defense is not in time, the last The direct result is that the eyes will be blinded, and after being inhaled into the lungs, the toxicity will directly cause people to die immediately!"

After Ma Songren and the others heard Liu Boyang's words, their expressions turned cold. They carefully inspected the corpses at the scene, and found that there were actually a few uninjured and unmarked, obviously poisoned to death!

Liu Boyang stood up, glanced at the corpses all over the ground, smiled coldly, and said: "It seems that he is still a high-level ninja, and ordinary ninjas are not qualified to wear a hundred ghost pills, at most they can use thunderbolt pills! Commander Ma, the situation is obvious now, Someone from Japan must have sneaked into City G to make trouble, and there are also elites from the Red Flower Club among them!"

Ma Songren said: "What you said is clear and logical, but I want to ask, how do you know these things? How do you have such a deep understanding of those ninjas of the Red Flower Society?"

Chapter 590 Six Evil Enemies Enter! @! !

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