The best boy on campus

Chapter 60 The toilet is delicious!

Si Kongling's disturbance in the classroom was quickly suppressed by the school. Old man Zheng Yuanlong is probably going crazy. Liu Boyang has only been here for two days, and he has caused him so much trouble one after another. What is annoying is that this Huo'er can't take it to him by himself, but the backstage of these little bastards is stronger than his, and the most painful thing in life is this...

Zheng Yuanlong personally came to Class [-] to quell the incident, and asked a few boys to send Guo Jianguo to the infirmary. Some compensation was necessary, and then he spoke in a dignified manner in the classroom. One, that is: what happened today, you should not see

And then he called Liu Boyang out, and gave him a few symbolic "trainings", which was actually complaining: Don't make trouble for me, you boy, can you restrain yourself? ...Finally, when he wanted to ask Si Kongling for a question, he realized that he had no idea where that guy had gone for a long time. In desperation, he had no choice but to give Si Kongling the punishment of "persuading him to drop out of school", but he didn't expect that Unfortunately, Si Kongling never came to school again.

Liu Boyang defeated Si Kongling, and once again set off a whirlwind in the school, no matter whether he admits it or not, Liu Boyang is now the real boss of the entire first grade, many people are curious about this person, What is his background? In less than two days, he unified the entire first year of senior high school, and even leveled Ning Gao Ning, the second year of senior high school. The important thing is that the school clearly knew that this series of incidents were caused by this person. but did not punish him in the slightest

There are various indications that Liu Boyang has a backer and is also very tough. He is a person who cannot be trifled with

When I was in the second class, in the toilet on the fourth floor of the second grade, the door was closed tightly, and the girl's comfortable and comfortable moans could be faintly heard, mixed with the heavy gasping of a boy when he was aroused , except for the fourth compartment, there is no one in the whole toilet. There are two boys squatting outside the door, smoking cigarettes to keep the wind out.

Suddenly, a man with a cigarette in his mouth, bowed his waist and walked with a figure of eight walked over with several people. The two people who were squatting on the ground looked up and were startled, "Boss Kai, why are you here?"

The person who came was Xin Baokai. If it is said that Liu Boyang always has a faint smile on his face, then he has a narrow head, bowed waist when he walks, and splayed steps are Xin Baokai’s signatures.

Accompanying him at this moment is the bald head who was kicked by Liu Boyang and almost ate shit last time, and the capable confidantes who shouted loudest in front of Liu Boyang back then

"Is Li Zifeng in there?" Xin Baokai asked lightly

"Yes, our boss is talking to Sister Nana..." A younger brother was a little embarrassed. Li Zifeng had told them that no one was allowed to disturb him for any reason when he was doing business, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

"Open the door," Xin Baokai said impatiently.

"But Boss Kai, Brother Feng said..." The little brother was still trying to explain something, but suddenly he was punched in the face by the bald man next to Xin Baokai, and his whole body hit the wall and bounced back, lying heavily to the ground

"***, you dare not listen to Brother Kai's words, are you tired of living?" The bald man stepped on the back of the guy's head and said viciously

Although that guy fell badly, he was still conscious, but he didn't dare to say a word. Even if you give him ten guts, he won't be able to offend him

"Forget it," Xin Baokai waved his hand and said, "He's a younger brother, so don't make things difficult for him, the second child. I never thought that Li Zifeng had such an obedient younger brother under his command. Hey, boy, here you go!" This is an opportunity, would you like to follow me in the future?"

The younger brother was taken aback, Xin Baokai dared to openly poach Li Zifeng's person, if it was in the past, it would be fine, but now the two are in an alliance, isn't it a bit...

"Little guy, what did Brother Kai ask you? Are you deaf or dumb? If you can't speak, do you need me to teach you?" The bald man said while rubbing his head with his feet.

"Uh...uh...Kai...Brother Kai...I'm with you..." The little brother said in pain

"It's enough to say no earlier, and save me a lot of effort." After the bald head sneered, he took his foot away

That little brother just got up tremblingly, his face was covered with dust and dirt, and he cursed inwardly, your mother forced a bald man to take advantage of others, remember the beating I gave today, and sooner or later I will pay you back ten times

"And you, I'll give you a chance too, who will I be with in the future?" Fox pretended to be a tiger with a bald head and pointed at another younger brother with an ugly face.

"Brother Kai... I... I will follow you from now on" the little brother was forced to say nothing but to Xin Baokai

"Haha, it's pretty much the same, don't worry, there's no harm for you if you follow me, that guy Li Zifeng fucked up inside and let you guard the goal here, he doesn't treat you as human beings, since you've followed me, I guarantee that you will all have Women fuck" Xin Baokai said with a smile

"Thank you Brother Kai" the two younger brothers said happily

Relatively speaking, Xin Baokai's method of combining kindness and power is much more clever than that bald head who pretends to be a tiger.

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