The best boy on campus

Chapter 611 The Single Chapter!

p: Today is Singles' Day, Qingdi wishes all the brothers who stick to the single camp a happy holiday, Qingdi is also a bachelor, and now he is alone in the dormitory, very lonely and sad, and he will go out to drink to relieve his sorrow at night .I am in the same mood as everyone, but I hope that everyone is better than me, and can find the destination of their love as soon as possible, and be with the girl they love, Prime Minister Bai.And brothers who already have girls, Qingdi also wishes you happiness and happiness every day.


After cleaning up the blood and wreckage at the scene, Liu Boyang led a group of people from the Battle Soul Hall back home. On the way, they received calls from Lao Mao and Wan Ziliang.

It turned out that when Liu Boyang led his brothers to wipe out the Chain Gang and the Qinglong Gang, Lao Mao and Wan Ziliang led several other brothers to hunt down Fei Sihai who had slipped through the police.

The old cat and Wan Ziliang found Fei Sihai in a hidden grass nest. At that time, Fei Sihai heard the police car's bell and it had gone away. He thought he had escaped a catastrophe. The sharp-eyed old cat spotted him as soon as he took the lead, and without a word, he chopped up with a kitchen knife, and Wan Ziliang also came up with a machete to help out!

Fei Sihai and the backbone of his subordinates squatted in the grass nest for a long time, their feet were numb, and they were weak. How could they parry the old cat Wan Ziliang, these two fierce tigers?The few of them were chopped down by Lao Mao and Wan Ziliang like chopping melons and vegetables. The poor leader of the "Black Moon Gang" in the west of the city died for no reason.

Bringing Lao Mao and Wan Ziliang with them, a group of people from Zhanhuntang rushed back to Shixi after a complete victory.

Since this is a complete victory this time, it is necessary to strike while the iron is hot. After entering the urban area, Liu Boyang ordered Gao Zhenfei and Huzi to go to Cao Tiande and Han Junliang's house to "take money" and set aside a small portion for those who were smashed this morning. Those few occasions can be regarded as making up for the bosses.

In addition, Yang Lin and the mayor Zhao Shuangmei must talk on the phone. This time, Cao Tiande and others came to the door by themselves. By accident, they helped Yang Lin realize the agreement he and Zhao Shuangmei secretly reached, which really saved Yang Lin a lot of trouble. , The city west gangsters suddenly became quiet today, Zhao Shuangmei is enough to explain to the provincial leaders and the people of the city, so she will not pursue too much the leftover cases left by the War Soul Hall's extermination of the Ax Gang some time ago, and say hello to the public security organs , Some things are passed by turning a blind eye.

As for Cui Guodong Lao Mao and others, they were all sent by Liu Boyang to take over the places of the Chain Gang, the Qinglong Gang, the Black Moon Gang and other gangs. Their places, plus what Liu Boyang now owns, almost covered the entire west of the city. Liu Boyang killed them. The leaders in the west of the city are already in the top position, and they are already qualified to stand up to the three major gangs in city g, and the War Soul Hall has faintly become the fourth largest gang in city g!

Of course, whether Zhanhuntang can gain a foothold in the four-legged situation in G City depends on the struggle and efforts of Liu Boyang and his brothers in the future!

After this battle, Liu Boyang's famous name in the G market has spread, the young hero, the hot-handed tiger generation!An outsider, but slaughtered the entire Black Forest in Shixi in an extreme time, and was proud of Shixi!But his scheming and murderous intentions are also well-known in the city: such a ruthless young man, it's not worth calling the police to arrest people, but he also killed all the other villains that the police can't do anything about!What kind of evil spirit is this!

In the battle of Xiangziwu, Liu Boyang's victory was not glorious, but it was absolutely beautiful!Four 500 people in one pot!But these days, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Once the overlord leaves his name, Liu Boyang will be added to the history of g city!


After separating from his brothers, Liu Boyang walked alone on the west street of Shixi. It was around ten o'clock in the morning. On both sides of the street, add some vitality to this lonely street.

Liu Boyang won today, and he won very decisively and simply, but he was not at all relaxed, on the contrary, he had a lot of things on his mind.

This victory came so quickly, Liu Boyang thought that he would have to fight for at least a few more months before he could become the uncrowned king of Shixi, but in just over an hour of fighting, he crushed those old Jianghu and came to the top.

The boss of Shixi, it sounds like he has a lot of glory, but behind this name is more responsibility, and the burden on his shoulders will become heavier and heavier in the future!

The path of the underworld is getting deeper and deeper, when can I breathe a sigh of relief?

The next level of dealings will be higher. Is he going to talk to Mr. Hongmenhong, Lou Ying Li Gubai, and Longbang Ma Junsheng so soon?

That would be more troublesome than the battle to the west of the city, because those people are inextricably linked with him. Mr. Hong is Lao Mao's master. How embarrassing is it that Lao Mao is caught in the middle if he really wants to stand up?Li Gubai is Li Wanhao's elder brother. Although he keeps saying that he doesn't want to see his elder brother, but they are of the same blood, two brothers in the same life, broken bones are still connected, if they really want to fight with Lou Photography, how will Li Wanhao choose? ?

Then there is the Dragon Gang, these are the two words that give Liu Boyang the most headache, because Ma Xiaoyu and Ma Keer...

Thinking of Ma Xiaoyu's pretty face, Liu Boyang suddenly felt uncomfortable, should he go see her again?

But when I think about it carefully, I don't seem to take good care of the girls around me, Ma Xiaoyu is not the only one who is ashamed!Needless to say, Ye Qi ran all the way to Shixi to find her without hesitation, but besides making her worry all day long, he didn't even have time to spend with her...

Not to mention Qianxia and Xiaorou...

Thinking of Sun Xiaorou and Song Qianxia, ​​Liu Boyang felt even more lost. He took a deep breath, turned his head, and saw that the hottest movie of the moment, "33 Days of Broken Love", just announced on the food stall on the opposite street!

Liu Boyang suddenly knew what he should do. Poor Xiaorou Qianxia and the others, whoever you pick out is a first-class beauty. If you are chased by any other boy, you have to hold her in the palm of your hand like a princess!But I didn't even fulfill the basic responsibilities of a boyfriend. I have been with them for so long, but I haven't watched a movie with them, and I haven't held their hands under the flower tree of Yingfei in November. Take a walk!

Liu Boyang blamed himself so much that he dialed Sun Xiaorou's phone number. After the call was connected, Sun Xiaorou's first words were: "Husband, are you done with your work? Are you all okay? I have been very worried about you..."

Liu Boyang asked seriously: "Where are you now?"

"Oh, we are in the Central Commercial Street, and we are queuing up to draw prizes. Stupid husband, today is Singles' Day! Hehe, you are so busy that you forgot. There are so many people in the mall today. Xiaoying just drew a big doll Woolen cloth"

Liu Boyang smiled apologetically, and said, "Xiaorou, you and Qianxia don't draw the lottery, and come to Shixi by car. I'll wait for you at Xihua Street, take a taxi and tell the driver, they will know."

"Xihua Street? Okay, let's go there right away, hehe, what's the matter? Miss us?" Sun Xiaorou asked sweetly.

They are all very coaxable girls, even a word of thinking about them will make them feel very happy.

"Let's talk when we come." Liu Boyang said softly.

Chapter 610 Singles' Day! @! !

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