The best boy on campus

Chapter 631 Miss Song Jiajin!

Years ago in County H, among the four elders, Liu Tianlong, Cui Bajuan, Yang Tinglei, and He Jiuxiao, in terms of resourcefulness, Liu Longwang was definitely the superior, but in terms of single-handed combat, Yang Lin's grandfather, Yang Tinglei, was the one who stabilized the three.

Mr. Yang is actually a martial artist. He was able to fight and fight hard before he became famous as Leiber in County H. He became a figure on par with the Dragon King Jiushu Baye. He is very good at fighting, and even the rare skills such as Tiangang hand, Disha leg, four-door heavy hand, cover hand fist, Jiugong catch and drop hand, etc., are also used in the room, so it is said that Mr. Yang is the experience of Liu Boyang and other Jiulong Club brothers. The most genuine martial idiot ever!

Yang Tinglei may not be as perverted as the Laughing Buddha or Lan Cripple in close combat, but if there are less than a few dozen people, don't even think about getting close to him. Back then, when he went to Tokyo to help Liu Tianlong with his punches, those ninjas who drove him ran all over the street Tiger people.

In a word, Liu Boyang Laomao and others can have such invincible one-on-one skills today, all of which are inseparable from the beating and fighting practice of Mr. Yang when he was a child. At that time, all the brothers worshiped Mr. Yang and followed Yang Tinglei every morning. Putting up frames and building foundations, taking pictures of cats and tigers, so each of them has a good foundation. It was only because Yang Tinglei had no intention of training them to become little martial idiots that he didn't pass on the real boxing skills to them. The old cat admitted that what he was playing was "Ye Luzi", that is not without reason.

It's just that although Liu Boyang's brothers have never learned real boxing skills, they are miscellaneous and take advantage of each family's strengths. When they are mixed together, they are awesome. Therefore, Liu Boyang and his group can say that they don't know how to fart, and they can also say that they are all real. The Yeluzi expert!

It is also because of this that when Jiu Wenlong put on a fight, Yang Lin saw the way of his kung fu.

But when Jiu Wenlong was going all out to play with the old cat to the end, and the old cat was also concentrating on guard and ready to go all out, suddenly there was a soft shout from the door, which immediately disrupted the evenly matched killing atmosphere in the lobby, and everyone gathered together Shushua cast his eyes over, Liu Boyang frowned heavily, how could it be her?

"Uncle Long! You just promised me not to fight!" Song Jiayao strode over with a neither humble nor overbearing expression.

Jiu Wenlong took a look at his young lady, the sternness in his eyes dissipated a lot, he put away his fists, and said calmly: "Miss, these boys are too crazy, if I don't beat them today, I'm afraid I will be able to fly to the sky in the future went!"

"They are my friends." Song Jiayao looked at Liu Boyang intently and said seriously.

The old cat clasped its fists with a smile, and said to Song Jiayao, "Hehe, beauty, we are destined to meet again!"

Song Jiayao nodded slightly, but her beautiful eyes were fixed on Liu Boyang. In other words, she was not staring at Liu Boyang, but the two super beauties behind Liu Boyang, who were charming and vicious.

At this moment, Song Jiayao looked at them obediently standing behind Liu Boyang in their revealing clothes, and their small hands were holding Liu Boyang's clothes tightly... Song Jiayao suddenly felt pain for no reason, followed by an indescribable sourness...

In fact, she didn't blame Liu Boyang for having three wives and four concubines, but she was very angry that Liu Boyang came to such an unclean place...

"Your friend?" Jiu Wenlong's face became even more ugly, "Miss, why do you have such friends? When did you meet them?"

As I said before, Song Jiayao was raised by Jiu Wenlong. Jiu Wenlong himself has no children, and has always treated the daughter of this sensible and beautiful boss as his own. He never allowed Song Jiayao to contact any "bad guys" ", but Song Jiayao actually knew Liu Boyang, a group of "little ruffians"?

"Yes!" Song Jiayao nodded, she didn't dare to look at Liu Boyang's intimate appearance with those two "fairies", and she couldn't tell what it was like, anyway, she was very uncomfortable, and said: "I think this may be a misunderstanding, Uncle Long, I know what kind of people they are, they won't bully others casually, it must be Uncle Long, your people offended them. Be an uncle today to save my face, don't make things difficult for them. "

Liu Boyang has been looking at this slender and charming rich daughter quietly. It was only at this moment that he realized that Song Jiayao was really unfathomable. It was ridiculous that he had dealt with her twice, but he didn't notice it at all. He could only say This girl is too low-key...

"Miss, since you said that, I don't mean anything else, count them as lucky." Jiu Wenlong looked at the old cat Liu Boyang and others with a cold smile, turned around and strode away.

The old cat shrugged his shoulders and smiled indifferently, what he said was really sweet, who is afraid of you...

Liang Zi's unwilling voice came from outside the door: "Brother Long, let's forget about this?"

What responded to him was Brother Long's slap, directly sending Liang Zi flying in the air several times, and fell heavily on the ground, Brother Long pointed at his nose and said coldly: "Things that are not enough to succeed are more than failures! I don't even bother to clean you up with my own hands! You wait for the paw to come back, and I will let him think about it for you!"

After talking about Jiu Wenlong, he strode into the Cadillac, and Feng Bo, who was driving, was lazily staring out of the car window in a daze, not looking at, listening to, or paying attention to everything around him.

"Beauty, thank you, I owe you a favor again." Liu Boyang came out and said with a smile.

Song Jiayao said lightly: "It's okay, it's my uncle's people who are causing trouble for you, I will let my uncle discipline his subordinates properly in the future."

Liu Boyang was rather surprised. How long has it been since the two met last time? Why did the attitude change so much when they spoke, like a stranger?Liu Boyang scratched his head, he had nothing to offend her?Could it be was her brothers who beat her younger brother for the first time, and the people under her "uncle" for the second time, which really made her unhappy?

But Song Jiayao didn't give Liu Boyang a chance to ask clearly, she turned around and left after she finished speaking, the moment she turned around, she pouted softly, and gave Liu Boyang and Diao Chan and the noble concubine behind him a meaningful glance, her pale pretty face There was a blush on the face, the heartbeat accelerated, and I couldn't do it wronged, so I lowered my head and walked away quickly...

Liu Boyang was puzzled.

At this moment, only Yang Lin, who is an outsider, could see it. Seeing Song Qianjin's sad eyes, it was clearly a sign of jealousy for Brother Yang...

But Yang Lin is a smart person, smart people are the best at pretending to be stupid, the second child smiled and touched his nose, as if he didn't understand anything...

The extended version of the Cadillac came aggressively, but it drove away in such an anticlimactic manner, Jiu Wenlong was aggrieved enough, relying on his own ability, he didn't even call anyone when he came over, thinking that he could single-handedly kill Liu Boyang and his group , who would have thought that the old cat would be devastated by him alone, so he lost his face and identity...

Jiu Wenlong left, Liang Zi was miserable, Hu Zi saw the small guy got up from the ground with his face covered, and said with a sneer: "This little guy is fine, he dares to call someone back, he is brave enough If you don't have eyes, then don't blame me for opening his eyes!"

Chapter 630 The daughter of the Song family! @! !

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