The best boy on campus

Chapter 640 Arguing, Awkward

Sun Xiaorou raised her chin and smiled triumphantly: "That's it!"

Liu Boyang stretched out his arms to hug Sun Xiaorou, and hugged Song Qianxia who was behind him as well. The two sat on Liu Boyang's lap respectively. Song Qianxia hesitated for a moment, and asked Liu Boyang, "Husband, after we leave this afternoon, are you in 'Honeymoon Paradise'?" What are you doing here?"

"I didn't do anything, I just took a bath and discussed things with the manager inside." Liu Boyang thought again and again, but he still didn't dare to speak out about the imperial concubine and Diao Chan. It would be better to infiltrate slowly in the future.

"Nonsense! Hmph, do you think we don't know what's going on there? You didn't sneak in?" Sun Xiaorou pushed him and asked with pouting.

"No... yes! You really think I'm an iron man! I just vented on you twice this morning, so how can I have the energy to find another woman?"

"Liar! You still don't admit it honestly, we have already asked Cui Guodong and Lao Mao, and they both recruited! You obviously went in to find a woman, and you still want to deny it?" Sun Xiaorou said angrily.

"The two of them made a move?" Liu Boyang asked with a frown.

"Yes!" The two women pretended to nod seriously.

"Damn! If the two of them do it, I'll jump from here right away!" Liu Boyang pointed to the window and laughed.

What kind of people are Lao Mao and Guodong brothers, Liu Boyang still can't figure it out?They wouldn't say anything that was unfavorable to Liu Boyang even if they were beaten to death, but Xiaorou Qianxia was so narrow-minded, she still played tricks on herself!

"You...!" The two girls gave him an angry look, and beat him on the chest a few times angrily. This guy is the worst, and his brothers are not good. Tonight, Xiaorou and Song Qianxia threatened and lured him Cui Guodong and Lao Mao resorted to many means, but they couldn't pry their mouths open. Regarding the matter of the afternoon, the two refused to reveal a word. Liuliu ran back to their own room, making Xiaorou Qianxia so angry that she was half dead.

Sun Xiaorou blushed, and said seriously to Liu Boyang: "Husband, if, I mean, if oh, you want... that, Qianxia and I are willing to give it to you, you must not go to that kind of place to find women, no Clean."

When Liu Boyang heard what Xiao Rou said, he didn't know what to do. He could only be thankful that he didn't tell the truth about the imperial concubine and Diao Chan just now, otherwise it would be a bad end.He smiled perfunctorily, "Don't worry, it won't happen."

"That's good!" Sun Xiaorou leaned her head into Liu Boyang's arms and said, "I'm doing this for your own good. Even if Qianxia and I go back and are no longer by your side, there is Ye Qi, she can also satisfy you." Oh! Husband, although we have no objection to you having other girls, but you don't always mess with women, it's not good for your own health, I hope you can understand our intentions."

Liu Boyang held her little hand and said, "Don't worry, I understand."

Lying in Liu Boyang's arms, Song Qianxia and Sun Xiaorou looked at each other, and finally decided to let Sun Xiaorou speak: "Honey, we want to discuss something with you..."


"Qianxia and I have thought about it carefully today. We don't want to go back. We want to stay here with Yang Lin and the others, by your side. Can you...?" Sun Xiaorou raised her pretty face and asked seriously.

Sun Xiaorou and Song Qianxia came to G City to visit Liu Boyang, firstly, because of the relationship between weekends, and secondly, they all took a day off, and they would not be able to take any more time. Fang Yuyan, the head teacher, refused to approve, that is to say, they finally I'm going back to W City tomorrow night.

But Xiao Rou and Qian Xia didn't want to leave, and finally reunited with Liu Boyang, how could she be willing to leave?

"You...don't leave? Do you want to stay here?" Liu Boyang asked in surprise.

"Hmm! Can you see if you can help us transfer our school status? Just let us go to the school you attended. Every day, we are like Ye Qi, accompanying you to and from school..."

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "I understand your intentions, but in fact I am also reluctant to part with you. It is not easy to see you once!"

"That's right! Then we can stay..." Song Qianxia hurriedly said.

Liu Boyang firmly held her small hand like warm jade, and said earnestly: "Qianxia, ​​Xiaorou, listen to me, I know that you are all attached to me, in fact, I really don't want to part with you, but you want to stay now, maybe not the right time yet."

When Song Qianxia and Sun Xiaorou heard what Liu Boyang said, their eyes immediately became moist, they hesitated to speak, and looked at him full of disappointment.

Liu Boyang's heart was not in a good mood, he was in a mess, seeing the pitiful appearance of the two daughters-in-law, he was really sad and annoyed, the sad thing was that he couldn't keep them to stay together forever, and the annoyed thing was that he had no ability to even I can't even keep my daughter-in-law.

He gently wiped Xiaorou Qianxia's tears away, and said: "Don't cry! You misunderstood, I don't mean anything else, it's not that I don't love you, the main reason is that I am not stable here, I really don't know How should I arrange you. I haven't even settled on a place to live, so I can't let you drink northwest wind with me!"

"With you, we'd be happy even if we drank the northwest wind!" Sun Xiaorou said stubbornly with red eyes.

"You guys are happy, but I can't bear it. My dear, do you still remember the promise I made to you when I came to G City? It won't be long before I come back like a dog, and then I will stand in front of you like a dog. Hug you on the tallest building in City W. For our promise, you and I must endure and fight for it!"

Song Qianxia said: "Didn't Ye Qi stay here too? You just have the heart to let her suffer with you?"

Liu Boyang sighed softly, and said: "Ye Qi is different from you, from the moment she ran to me without hesitation, she cut off her own back, and if I don't keep her, she won't be here." Where can I go, that girl is stupider than you two, I feel sorry for her! If you were me, is there any other way besides keeping her by your side?"

Hearing what Liu Boyang said, Sun Xiaorou couldn't take it anymore, she pushed Liu Boyang hard with red eyes, jumped out of his arms, wept bitterly, and said hoarsely: "Liu Boyang! You are biased! Ye Qi can do it for you!" You have no hesitation, you think Qianxia and I can't?"

"Since I came here, I have noticed that you have changed. You are no longer the 'Brother Yang' in W City! You have become so selfish and domineering. You are not as good as before to me! I have not What did you do wrong, I missed you every day that day, in exchange for you treating me like this?"

This is the first time that Xiao Rou has lost her temper with Liu Boyang. Liu Boyang was a little stunned for a moment, and asked dumbfounded: "What are you talking about? Do I have any?"

"Yes! Yes! You think about it for yourself, do you dare to say no? I'm not jealous that you accepted Ye Qi, but after you accepted her, you didn't even say hello to Qianxia and me. You think we are What? Do you really care about our feelings? We are human too! We agree with you three wives and four concubines, it is out of love for you, and we are willing to tolerate you! But what about you? What do you understand by this? What did we get in exchange? The result of our tolerance is that we are gradually alienated by you, and you like the new and dislike the old!" Xiaorou cried out, the more she spoke, the more sad she became.These words seemed to have been held in her heart for a long time, once vented, they were out of control.

Chapter 640 Arguing, making trouble @! !

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