The best boy on campus

Chapter 65 Heroine!

In the food stalls on the side of the road, there are a lot of things like this kind of gangsters, especially "Xijia Lane", which is also a notorious place in W City, although its level of chaos is still incomparable to that of China Street , but it is also considered a paradise for the gangsters. If there were not one or two accidents every day, many people would feel uncomfortable. At this moment, the lobster stall is full of people watching the excitement, but few people dare to come forward to stop it.

People are secretly sighing. Originally, this Xijia Lane is not the place for a simple and honest little girl like you. She is so beautiful. It is strange not to be eaten tofu by those little ruffians who have nowhere to vent their hormones. You are still drunk now, and you are as soft as mud. Isn't it obvious that you are a lamb delivered to your door?no wonder they let you go

There were two elderly men who wanted to come forward and say something, but seeing the eyes of the tall man nicknamed Brother Wolf, they still didn't stand up after thinking about it.

Liu Boyang, who ran to the front to pay the bill, noticed the movement around him, and faintly heard Song Qianxia's ambiguous and helpless crying from behind. He turned his head and immediately guessed what happened. He was furious and took three steps in parallel Two steps, rushed over quickly

Which bastard of Ge Laozi is blind and dares to trouble Qian Xia

From a long distance, Liu Boyang saw Song Qianxia struggling in the hands of Brother Lang and the four of them. He was furious and grabbed a handful of empty wine bottles. These bastards dared to bully the girls he liked. It's not over

Brother Lang and the others also knew it was not good to procrastinate like this. The more people around, the harder it would be for them to leave. The four of them cursed and dragged Song Qianxia who was struggling hard, and stuffed them into the car desperately. After getting into the car, the girl let them play with her...

But at this moment, there was a sudden "pa", and a long and thin whip was swung over, directly on the back of Brother Wolf's head. Brother Wolf tore off a small piece of scalp

Brother Wolf suddenly felt numb all over his body, and then a fiery heart-piercing pain on the back of his head spread all over his body. He instinctively stretched out his hand and touched it. Damn, it was full of blood.

Brother Wolf immediately exploded, turned around and cursed: "Who the hell are you? Who beat me? I don't want to live anymore."

However, what responded to him was still a savage whip, swift and resolute, like light and electricity, and "snapped" like a swimming snake again, slamming on Brother Wolf's eyes, smashing half of Brother Wolf's face at once. A scarlet blood mark was drawn, and he didn't know if he was blind, and immediately he hugged his face and squatted on the ground, a heart-piercing howl of wolves

There was another "snap", and this time the whip was directly on Brother Lang's back, tearing a long tear in his clothes and flesh. It was scorching hot, as if someone had stabbed him alive on his back, it was nothing more than a life-and-death

"**The eighteenth generation of your ancestors is the sneak attacking Laozi who was forced to raise?" Brother Wolf roared wildly

As soon as he howled, there were more people watching the excitement around, and even Liu Boyang, who stepped on the table, froze in place, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief

The one who whipped Brother Wolf turned out to be a woman whose hair grew to her waist and looked extremely coquettish and charming. Although I could only see her back from my angle, the curve of her back and figure were described as "hot". None of the descriptions are suitable, and the description of "devil" is barely enough

Long hair like flowing clouds and waterfalls, a fiery red jacket with a snow-white neck exposed at the neck, a short black leather skirt on her lower body, two slender legs that dazzle people's eyes, stepping on a pair of high-heeled boots, slender There is a dark green bracelet on her tender white wrist. Except that she seems a little younger in age, she looks like a European queen in the Middle Ages, exuding a domineering aura all over her body

If you hadn't seen this scene with your own eyes, no one would believe that there is such a fierce and beautiful "shoe queen" in the world. People who whip people with a whip these days are really rare. This woman is just like making a movie. , but no one thought the scene in front of them was absurd, because from the three lashes of the whip just now, and the ruthless methods of whipping people, it can be concluded that this woman is definitely of very special origin and cannot be underestimated.

It is really rare for a woman to be so awesome, at least it is the first time Liu Boyang has seen such a sharp "female heroine"

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