The best boy on campus

Chapter 667 Brother Dafei, Our Place Has Been Broken!

Ten minutes later, Liu Zhenhai hurried back, and when he entered the door, he said to Liu Boyang with joy on his face: "Boyang, why don't you say hello to uncle when you're back, and want to give me a surprise?" Chen Yun stepped forward Go, smiled and took the coat he took off.

"Hehe, did you have to make a special trip to pick me up to say hello earlier? Isn't it because you are thinking about Uncle in your heart, and you were the first to see you when you came back?" Liu Boyang laughed.

"You kid, you're getting better at talking." Liu Zhenhai said with a relieved smile.

Liu Boyang is the only boy in the Liu family, he can be regarded as the only child of the next generation. People like Liu Zhenhai and Liu Zhenjiang really love him.

Liu Zhenhai sat next to Liu Boyang, holding the tea that Chen Yun had brewed a long time ago, chatted with Liu Boyang, and asked a lot of questions such as "How is it in G City", "Is life bitter", "Are you used to studying" and so on. Liu Boyang answered all the questions one by one, and finally Liu Zhenhai asked casually: "I just saw two cars below, the brand is from City G, did you drive them back?"

Liu Boyang nodded with a smile, and then recounted how he met Peng Qihai in the auto show center. Liu Zhenhai said with a smile: "Old Peng is a remarkable person, the business that your uncle and I do is nothing compared to others. There is no way to compare. You are really lucky to see him in City G. Don’t be embarrassed to accept the things he gave you. He is not an outsider to our Liu family. He'll feel better."

Liu Boyang nodded, and when he mentioned his grandfather Liu Tianlong, Liu Boyang asked: "Second Uncle, have you heard from Grandpa and Uncle these days? I always feel that they are not dead yet, did they really go to hide somewhere? Now? It’s been a long time since that incident, they should send a letter home!”

Liu Zhenhai smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know about this, they haven't contacted me, Bo Yang, we both know something, I don't want to say it, I understand your mind, in fact, I don't I would like to believe some bad things, but assuming your uncle and grandpa can't escape that night, you have to think about it..."

Liu Boyang took a deep breath, and said with a sad expression: "Well, I understand..."

Chen Yun next to him gave Liu Zhenhai a reproachful look, Liu Zhenhai stared back blankly, Chen Yun pulled his face down angrily, and remained silent.

"What are your plans when you come back this time?" Liu Zhenhai asked.

"I don't have any plans, I just miss you, come and have a look, and send Xiaoying and the others back by the way, Xiaoying went to G City to see me two days ago."

Liu Zhenhai nodded and said: "Well, your third uncle told me about this." He was a little bit uncomfortable, it seems that in the next generation, the relationship between his two daughters and Liu Boyang, the future head of the Liu family, is gone It's not as close as Xiaoying, it's not a problem that the distance between cousins ​​is becoming more and more unfamiliar.

"Then when do you plan to go back?"

"In the afternoon, I'll go to the school later. I miss the principal and my former head teacher. I will leave after greetings. This will make me feel better. I will come back at noon to talk to you, my second aunt, my third uncle and my third aunt. They and our family have a meal, and I can go back with peace of mind."

"You want to go to school to see...?" Liu Zhenhai thought for a while, and said, "That's fine, uncle read you right, you have a conscience, but you must be careful, after all, you are already dead in the hearts of many people .”

"I understand."

"What's more, don't worry about your third uncle and me. The impact of that incident on us is only temporary. Now my business has started again. Although your third uncle has not yet rectified, he is already the acting mayor. He No one can replace him, you just need to take care of yourself!"

"Hehe, Uncle, I understand."

"Want to see the teacher, right? Then you go now, go and come back quickly, I will call to arrange a place, and I will contact Zhenjiang by the way, and we will have dinner together at noon."


Coming out of Liu Zhenhai's house, Liu Boyang's heart was still warm, and the feeling of being reunited with his relatives was really indescribable, the warmth and happiness from the inside out.

This time, the three of them only drove one car. Gao Zhenfei drove Liu Boyang and Cui Guodong to Zhongzhong, and parked far away on the side of the road. , the leading few were all wearing black trench coats, but they looked a little embarrassed as they bowed and covered their stomachs. One of them cursed to the extreme, and angrily threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out with his feet.

"Isn't this those bastards? Why did they come to school?" Liu Boyang asked with surprise in his heart.

Gao Zhenfei immediately started the car, and slowly approached the car. Before the group of people entered the door, he rolled down the window and shouted to them: "Hey, stop!"

Those who took the lead turned back coldly, and said angrily, "Who the hell are you—Brother Da Fei!!"

The people who took the lead were Li Gui Hou Qiang, Lu Dong and Song Jinlong!

When they saw that Gao Zhenfei came back in a car with the license plate number of City G, they couldn't believe it. They rubbed their eyes and confirmed that this was their brother Da Fei, so they ran over ecstatically and shouted loudly: "Big Brother Fei!!"

"Brother Da Fei, are you back? Where are Brother Yang Lin and Brother Hu Zi? When did you come back?" Hou Qiang asked.

Gao Zhenfei glanced at them, and said calmly: "You just came back, what happened to your faces?"

Yang Lin and the other three went to look for Liu Boyang in City G, but they didn't tell Li Gui and his sincere brothers. After all, Liu Boyang was already dead in their hearts. just come back.

When Li Gui and the others heard Gao Zhenfei asking about their faces, they were all ashamed and angry. They were really embarrassed. Bleeding, Lu Dong held his arms up, obviously also seriously injured.Hou Qiang stood up with red eyes and said: "Brother Dafei, we are not up to date, and we have lost the face of our Jiulong Club. We have been beaten! Some of our venues in Huajie have also been picked!"

After Gao Zhenfei heard this, no anger could be seen on his face, he just said calmly: "Oh, who is so powerful?"

"Peng Yousheng! His name is Xin Baokai, and the two giants from the second grade, Li Zifeng and Ning Gaoning! The four of them have pulled together a large number of people, and together they will suppress us!" Song Jinlong swallowed. Blood, said angrily.

"You didn't call back?" Gao Zhenfei asked calmly.

"Fight!" Song Jinlong said angrily, "We fought them and today is the third match! But those guys are playing for real this time, and each one is more ruthless than the other! Brother Dafei, the four of us Well, Zhang Qiang was almost broken by them. He was hospitalized just after you left three days ago. Guo Xiao led people to fight with Xin Baokai in Huajie. Xin Baokai almost crippled him with a wine bottle! I went with my little brothers and didn't get any cheap, we are trying to find a way to get this debt back, and you came back just in time!!"

"Brother Dafei, lead us to find the place back! Our Jiulong club's brand can't be smashed like this!" Lu Dong said with a heartbroken heart.

Liu Boyang has been sitting in the back quietly watching Da Fei talk to them, and seeing these boys angry and unwilling, he is very relieved, they really regard the Nine Dragons Club as their belonging...

Chapter 660 Brother Dafei, our venue is ruined! @! !

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