The best boy on campus

Chapter 677 All resolved!

But suddenly there was a "bang", and the man flew forward before he could chop Lu Dong, and plunged into the water with a scream. Inserted into the mud, could not be pulled out...

It was naturally Liu Boyang who saved Lu Dong's life at the critical moment. He stood up expressionlessly, turned his back to Hou Qiang and said indifferently: "You take good care of Qiang Zi, Li Gui Jinlong, and leave the rest to us. ()"

Lu Dong gritted his teeth and nodded, looked at Hou Qiang who was unconscious in his arms, and then at Li Gui who was lying on the ground bleeding, his heart was full of remorse and regret, Song Jinlong in another place also lay down two people at this time, The price was three blows. If Gao Zhenfei hadn't rescued him in time, he would have been chopped into meat paste...

"Peng Yousheng, I'm not a ruthless person. I don't want to kill innocent people easily. People don't offend me, and I don't want to deal with others casually, unless that person is in my way. But today you violated a big taboo of mine. Do you know what's going to happen?"

Liu Boyang said with a blank face while walking towards Peng Yousheng unhurriedly.Gao Zhenfei and Cui Guodong rubbed their wrists and followed behind him silently, like two demons!

"Stop bluffing there!" Peng Yousheng said angrily.In fact, his heart was already a little chilly, the cold and oppressive air emanating from Liu Boyang's whole body made him suffocate, and the surrounding ground was full of his people!

He didn't dare to rush up just now, he hid aside and saw the three brothers Liu Boyang's skills with his own eyes, he was like a fucking pervert, beating seven or eight by himself was like playing for fun!This is not making a movie, is there any reason? !

"Since you dare to come, don't go back today!" Liu Boyang said with a sinister smile.Suddenly grabbed the machete snatched from someone else's hand, and killed Peng Yousheng!

"Damn it, I'm afraid of you! Brothers, give it to me!!" Peng Yousheng's pupils were terrified, but he raised his machete and shouted loudly for courage!

At this time, there are only people number [-] and [-] left around him, and only [-] motorcycle is still driving. The fight was too fierce just now, Liu Boyang, Gao Zhenfei, and Cui Guodong have already done a lot. To be honest, this group of rotten shrimps is not enough. The three brothers Liu Boyang fully exercised their hands and feet. If they hadn't been distracted to help Hou Qiang and the others just now, Peng Yousheng would have fallen faster!

It's all right now, although Hou Qiang and others are miserable, they have relieved the worries of Liu Boyang and the others, and can fully play with them!

Liu Boyang really exploded at this time, this group of people chopped off four of his confidantes in a row, what is the difference from chopping off his hands and feet alive? !He ran for his life, swung the machete and rushed to Peng Yousheng in the blink of an eye, and the knife struck down without any muddy water. Peng Yousheng's calf was so frightened that his calf softened, so he quickly raised his knife to parry. Folded, even if he was killed, he would not believe that Liu Boyang, who looked extremely thin, had such great strength!

Liu Boyang caught Peng Yousheng's blade and knocked it down with an elbow. Peng Yousheng let out a muffled cry, clutched his neck and dropped the knife and staggered back. The two brothers on his left and right wanted to chop Liu Boyang to death, but Liu Boyang sliced ​​it first and directly killed one of them. The neck was off, the blood was bursting, and he fell on his back!

The other one was shocked when he saw it, and turned his head and ran away. Cui Guodong's Juan Ba ​​Dao flew towards him like a broken bamboo, and it went straight into his lower back, and he lay on the ground with a howl.

Peng Yousheng saw that something was wrong. Although he had a large number of people, he didn't have an advantage at all. The three of them, Liu Boyang, were like fierce wolves, while his side became a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

"Quick retreat!!" Peng Yousheng shouted at the top of his voice.At this moment, no one ran faster than him. He jumped onto the back seat of a motorcycle and slapped the brother driving hard on the back of the head: "Hurry up! Drive!"

The man hurriedly started the car, and it was too late to turn around in such a short time, so he slammed the accelerator and slammed into Liu Boyang, trying to break a road by bumping into someone, Peng Yousheng was overjoyed, and said: "Okay! Hit them to death!!"

But just as the man drove up to Liu Boyang, before he could get out, his neck was strangled by a powerful big man. Liu Boyang showed them what it means to be able to grab someone's neck and get him out of the car out of thin air. Pulling it down, the man's Adam's apple was crushed with a "click" in mid-air, and Liu Boyang threw the man to the ground with his protruding eyes, kicked him far away, and rolled into the river...

Peng Yousheng was dumbfounded, no one was driving the motorcycle and rushed straight forward, Liu Boyang rushed up with the machete at three points and slashed out, directly smashing into Peng Yousheng's back, the boss Peng fell off the car with a scream...

At the same time, Cui Guodong also won the battle. Three strikes, five cuts, two cuts, and five or six cuts. The eight-fold knife is the most suitable for cutting people. The sharpness of the knife is as sharp as the bone, and the blade will not be stained with blood... …

A few guys were scared and wanted to run on their motorcycles. Gao Zhenfei stepped on the wall and rushed over. He kicked a guy away, and his head hit the wall of the back alley, and it was smashed into pieces. Others were frightened and cried for their fathers and mothers, but they couldn't escape their bad luck. Gao Zhenfei was the best when it came to killing people...

Soon, in the open space between the back alley and the Sewage River, a large group of people were lying there, all of them brought by Peng Yousheng. Only a few of them did not die on the spot, and were still weakly twitching. All others were killed on the spot...

Just in response to the colloquial sentence, the corpses were all over the ground, and blood flowed into rivers...

At three poles in the sun, Liu Boyang Gao Zhenfei and Cui Guodong killed so many people in a row, there was no fear at all, but he felt a little tired, the three of them were sweating, Liu Boyang took a deep breath, and walked slowly to Peng Yousheng, only to see that this guy was still breathing , staring at Liu Boyang with white eyes, his chest heaved violently, and blood flowed all over his back...

He never expected that he brought so many murderous people here today, but he was the one who got hurt in the end!

"Now you know the fate of offending me?" Liu Boyang sneered.

Peng Yousheng was about to lose his sanity, but he still couldn't help but tremble instinctively. At this moment, Liu Boyang was really a devil!

Liu Boyang pulled out the tip of the knife, stabbed it into Peng Yousheng's chest, and sent him on his way...


"Brother Yang, so many people have died, what should we do?" Cui Guodong asked Liu Boyang, looking at the mess on the ground.

Liu Boyang said indifferently: "What are you afraid of? This alley is the site of our Jiulong Club. It's easy to handle. Just find a few people and bury them later. It's not like I haven't killed people here before." Dare to act, kill Don't panic, this is Liu Boyang's courage as a boss!

"Brother Yang—" Lu Dong suddenly shouted over there: "Hurry up and call an ambulance, otherwise Qiangzi and the others will really die!"

Chapter 670 The seventh chapter is all solved! @! !

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