The best boy on campus

Chapter 692 I Won't Let Her Leave Me! (3rd more

Ning Mengnan was not too polite, she directly opened the door and got into the car, sitting next to the man, said coldly: "Turn around, follow the direction I said!"

"Listen to her. (net))" the man smiled and said to the black-clothed driver in front.

"If you really help me, I'll be yours tonight." Ning Mengnan was very open, and said directly when she came up.

"Hehe, I think you have misunderstood, beauty, I am not trying to help you with your body, I really want to get to know you." The man smiled.

"Know?" Ning Mengnan frowned slightly while fanning her little hands to cool herself down.

"Yeah, don't you think it's a kind of fate that we met in this vast crowd?" the man asked.

In peacetime, when Ning Mengnan heard a man talk to her like this, she almost wanted to beat him up. What annoys her most is a big man who is hypocritical and polite. No matter how gentleman he pretends to be, isn't his essence the same?When it comes to bed, it is the master who devours voraciously!But when the same words came out of this man's mouth, Ning Mengnan couldn't find any sullen feeling, but made her feel that he was a gentleman.

"Want to pick on me? Heh, then we have to wait until you vent your anger for me first!" Ning Mengnan said ungratefully.

"Yes. Hehe, hello, my name is Li Gubai, nice to meet you." Li Gubai stretched out his hand and smiled gently.

Ning Mengnan hesitated for a moment, but still shook his white hand.


"Ye Qi won't agree!" Liu Boyang said calmly while sitting lazily opposite Hou Peipei in a branch of Shangdao Cafe.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter whether she agrees or not. I have the final say on this matter! I have already arranged everything for her, and you will never see her again in three days!" Hou Peipei said coldly.

Just now, Hou Peipei revealed a news like a bolt from the blue to Liu Boyang. She actually helped Ning Yeqi complete the passport and procedures for going abroad, and she wanted to send Ning Yeqi abroad in just three days!

This is really bloody!All the plots written in vulgar low-grade novels can actually happen in reality!Whenever the parents of rich and noble families disagree with their daughter's association with the boy they despise, they will cut off their relationship by sending them abroad!

When Liu Boyang heard the news from Hou Peipei just now, he was instantly furious!His fingers made two marks on the sandalwood chair, but because the other party was Ye Qi's biological mother, he didn't vent his anger!

"I told you, Ye Qi won't go with you. You can't take her away with me!" Liu Boyang lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

"What's your attitude!" Hou Peipei was angry.

"On this matter, I have this attitude! If you want to take Ye Qi away from me, unless she volunteers, it won't be easy for me to talk to you!" Liu Boyang slowly raised his head and said.

Hou Peipei stood up suddenly, and shouted angrily: "Liu Boyang, do you know that I have endured you for a long time? Do you know that I suppressed the fire all the way? You actually talked to me in such a tone?"

"You don't have to listen to it if you don't like it, but I'm not joking with you. You see that you are Ye Qi's mother, so I respect you three points. Otherwise, even my current attitude will be polite." Liu Boyang said unmoved.

"Why are you so selfish? You don't want to go to school or go to school when you kill my girl, just because you came to this place with no relatives and no reason. Do you still want to kill her future? What the hell are you doing?" How long will it take to kill her?!" Hou Peipei said with red eyes.

Liu Boyang lowered his head and said: "Ye Qi separated from you in a different place, it is indeed mine, isn't it..."

"I don't need your apology! I don't want to hear it! Anyway, Liu Boyang, I've made it clear. When Ye Qi comes, you'd better not cling to her like a stalker. I will Tell her everything! Her plane is at [-]:[-] noon the day after tomorrow, and I will take her back to City W tomorrow! If you really like her, the best choice is to let her go and bless her well. You and I are fine, save yourself from tearing your face!"

Although Liu Boyang was full of anger and wanted to refute Hou Peipei, but when Hou Peipei really said that he had booked Ye Qi's flight ticket to leave, he suddenly felt a cold and real crisis!It seemed that Ning Yeqi might really leave her!

"I told you, Ye Qi won't go with you! It's impossible for you to take her away! Don't force me!" Liu Boyang stood up and said coldly.

All the customers drinking coffee around turned their heads to look at these two people in surprise, and even a few waiters stopped and watched in bewilderment.

"Whoever forced me didn't know! It was you who forced me to speak so decisively! You should be glad that I am sitting here talking to you now. If Ye Qi's father was here, you wouldn't even have the chance to negotiate with him." !" Hou Peipei said coldly, "And let me tell you,"

Liu Boyang raised his head suddenly!

Hou Peipei took a deep breath, turned her eyes to the distance and said: "We have already found the best candidate for Ye Qi to be her boyfriend. It has nothing to do with you. They will go abroad together..."

Liu Boyang didn't say a word, and sat back down again, but his heart suddenly became cold and painful!

Although I have not owned Ye Qi for a long time, just over two months, but the things that happened during this time, the details of the two of them getting along, are all vivid in my memory!

She wants to leave herself? ...

Can you let her go? ?

That girl who used to be cold in front of everyone, but has become well-behaved and sensible since she followed her, is used to the days when she is with G City. If she leaves, how should I live?

Seeing a person like Liu Boyang sitting there alone, Hou Peipei's eyes were slightly red, and finally moved a little bit of compassion, and said: "Of course, our Ning family is not the kind of unreasonable people. It was an unforgettable day that Qi dared to pursue, and she must have lived very happily during this period, so if you need it, we can give you some appropriate compensation, such as money or something..."

But Hou Peipei didn't dare to continue speaking, because she found that Liu Boyang stood up slowly like a wild beast on the verge of rage, the coffee cup he was pinching with his fingers creaked, crushed and gnashed his teeth and said, "Don't tell me Money! The relationship between me and Ye Qi cannot be measured by money! Didn’t you hear what I just said clearly? I’ll say it again, Ye Qi will not leave with you! Unless she tells me she wants to leave, otherwise If any of you come, I will not let her go! Unless you kill me! You should die as soon as possible!"

"You..." Hou Peipei was impatient and speechless.

At this moment, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open, and Ning Yeqi ran in hurriedly. She saw Hou Peipei and Liu Boyang who were facing each other at a glance. She originally wanted to give her mother a longing hug as soon as she came up. But when I saw Hou Peipei herself, I didn't dare to do it, I just called out with red eyes: "Mom!"

Liu Boyang's heart trembled when he heard the words, he turned his head and looked at Ning Yeqi in disbelief, his mind suddenly buzzed, he had a vague intuition that whoever Ning Yeqi called first after entering the door was destined to be her s Choice!

p: Next is another **, I am very surprised that there are so many brothers who urge updates every day, but why do we have so few recommendation tickets, gold bricks, and flowers? Is it because I don’t know how to interact with everyone?I see that people ask for tickets at the end of each chapter. I actually don’t want to do that, because it will disturb everyone’s interest in reading, but now it seems that it’s not enough. My book recommendation tickets are very few gold bricks. , The subscription is also dropping, I feel sad when I look at it, I don’t have much motivation to write, please support me, okay?

Chapter 690 Two I Won't Let Her Leave Me! (The third more @!!

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