The best boy on campus

Chapter 696 2 Concubine's Persuasion and Encouragement!1st update

"Speak up if you have something to say, don't hold back!" Ning Mengnan said coldly.

"To tell you the truth, I also know the boy you mentioned named Liu Boyang, but he has a completely different name in this g city, called Emperor Yang Qing! Don't you think this is very interesting?" Li Gubai laughed.

"What do you want to say?" Ning Mengnan frowned slightly.

"I knew he was an outsider, but now I finally know that he is from City W, and he has changed his name. I suddenly want to find out why he ran away and what happened to him."

"You are really a boring guy! I want you to help me clean up, my mother-in-law and mother have so many things! Disgusting man!" Ning Mengnan didn't shake Li Gubai, and left without shaking his hair.

Li Gubai smiled indifferently, he would not change his interest for a woman, he just wanted to join in the fun and watch a joke about what happened tonight, the more weird and tortuous the things inside, the better.

"Where should I sleep tonight?" Ning Mengnan suddenly turned around and asked with a charming smile after walking a few steps.

Li Gubai smiled, a woman's mind is really unpredictable...


Late at night, in an ordinary rental community in Shixi, Liu Boyang was lying drunk on a big pink bed, with the round and snow-white thigh of the noble concubine resting on his head, while Diao Chan was doing a head massage for him , Liu Boyang was holding the wine bottle in one hand, feeling drowsy, and he didn't know what he was muttering.

"Brother Yang, stop drinking! You are so drunk!" The concubine tried to take the wine bottle away from Liu Boyang's hand, but Liu Boyang waved it away, took another sip, and said with a lazy smile: "Look at me Do you look drunk?"

Diao Chan and Concubine Gui are very distressed. Tonight Liu Boyang called them to have a drink. When the two of them saw Liu Boyang, he was drunk. He was talking to himself, and he didn't know where he lost his phone. .The two had no choice but to help him to the rented apartment first. Liu Boyang seemed to have suffered a lot outside and urgently needed to vent his release. As soon as he came back, he pushed the two of them on the bed for several times. After being exhausted, Been drinking like this all the time.

"Brother Yang, is something wrong? Can't you tell us?" Diao Chan asked this sentence countless times, but she didn't have a clue.

Liu Boyang didn't say a word, and gulped down the wine.

"Don't drink any more!" Diao Chan pressed his wine bottle hard. The two times before seeing Liu Boyang, he was full of vigor and everything in his hands, but now he suddenly saw him so haggard and tired. It's really sad.

"I'm here to watch Young Brother Yang, you go to contact other people..." the imperial concubine said to Diao Chan.

Diao Chan just got up, but Liu Boyang grabbed her snow-white ankle and pulled her back. Liu Boyang smiled lazily and said, "You don't have to go anywhere, just sit here and talk to me!"

Diao Chan could only obediently sit beside him and continue to massage him.

"Brother Yang, what happened? Why did you drink like this?" the imperial concubine asked.

Liu Boyang smiled darkly: "I used to always feel that I have capital, dare to fight and fight, can fight and fight, and I am not afraid of the sky falling. I can bring enough sense of security and conquest to others. So I have always believed that, with The girls I'm with are all devoted to me. Hehe, but I didn't expect that she would betray me at such a time..."

Diao Chan and Concubine Gui finally understood that, just as they secretly guessed, Liu Boyang really vented his frustration through drinking.

"Brother Yang, who is the girl you are talking about?" That girl can make Liu Boyang so infatuated and sad. Diao Chan and the imperial concubine dare not say they are jealous, but they are definitely envious.

Liu Boyang didn't speak, and wanted to continue drinking, but Diao Chan snatched the bottle and put it aside.Liu Boyang chuckled, and touched her breast provocatively. Diao Chan reluctantly took his hand off, "Now you can say, why did she betray you?"

"Betrayal..." Liu Boyang murmured, then sighed and roughly told the two girls what happened tonight, and finally said with a sad smile: "I really can't imagine that her mother asked her to go abroad, but she didn't refuse..."

"Did she agree to go abroad?" Diao Chan asked.

Liu Boyang shook his head: "Hurry up, she has already followed her mother back to the hotel... It's ridiculous that I have always kept her in my heart, and at a critical moment, she actually betrayed me like this..."

Diao Chan frowned lightly and said, "Brother Yang, this can't be called betrayal, it seems like you're thinking too much! She didn't agree to go abroad, didn't she just say that she should think about it?"


"That's it! She only said to think about it, but didn't make a final decision. Brother Yang, it's your fault. You shouldn't give up on her first. She followed her mother back because she had unavoidable difficulties. As long as she I really miss you in my heart, she will definitely not leave!"

"Brother Yang, why are you so ignorant of a girl's heart? Although we don't know what the quarrel between you was like at that time, we can guess that she was caught between you and her mother. She doesn't even want to hurt, which just shows that she has a kind heart! You shouldn't blame her!"

"Did I blame her? If she really has me in her heart, she shouldn't even say 'consider', she should just veto it!"

"From your point of view, it may be like this, but have you thought about it from her point of view? Maybe this is just a delaying tactic for her? At that time, you and her mother were tit-for-tat, and it didn't matter which side she leaned on." , I can only say something that does not hurt. If it is rejected on the spot, her mother will definitely be very sad, and she will also feel uncomfortable."

"So Young Brother Yang, I think what you have to do now is not to drink and complain here, but to go to her quickly and tell her everything in your heart. Maybe she is also waiting for you to stay now?"

"Girls are easy to coax, especially emotional girls, who are the easiest to be moved. Brother Yang, go quickly, in case you miss the opportunity and make her feel that you don't cherish her enough, it will be troublesome if you really leave when you are sad." Already!"

Hearing the two women's persuasion and encouragement, Liu Boyang himself suddenly figured it out. He seemed to be a bit machismo, and thought everything too simply. If it were him, he would not be able to reject his relatives on the spot in that situation. , as if waking up from a dream, he propped himself up, pinched the faces of Diao Chan and Concubine Gui, and smiled sincerely: "Thank you, I think I understand. Anyway, I have to try!"

"That's right! Brother Yang, we believe in you!" Diao Chan raised her fist.

"what time is it now?"

"The time is not important, the important thing is your heart! Brother Yang, hurry up, if she is taken away by her mother tomorrow morning, it will be too late for you to regret it!"

"Okay! I understand, thank you both for today, rest early, I'll go and have a look!"

"Yeah! Give us a call if you have good news later!" Diao Chan and Concubine Gui laughed.

Chapter 690 The persuasion and encouragement of the two concubines!The first update @! !

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