The best boy on campus

Chapter 707 Lao Tzu Said Chapter Is Heaven!

Honeymoon Paradise is not a nightclub, but a sauna center. To put it bluntly, it is a place that provides pink services, so it is the first time to invite coquettish girls to dance hot dances, and it all comes from Li Wanhao's idea. Gentle Township, why not be a little more bold and arrogant, and expand the reputation of honeymoon paradise?

It stands to reason that this kind of place that provides skin and meat business, unless the background is strong, generally dare not be too public, and all they do is sell dog meat. The sauna hall sounds so cryptic. If it is directly named Yihongyuan , Guaranteed to be seized by relevant units immediately. ***

Sister Sha made a lot of determination to agree to Li Wanhao's proposal. She couldn't bear to let the child not be caught by the wolf, and if she didn't make a big deal, how could she overwhelm other pink places in the west of the city?

And under Liu Boyang's instruction, Zhanhuntang also intends to make this place the No. [-] place in City G, and use it as its own pink signboard. In the future, beauties are an indispensable means to greet high-ranking officials and dignitaries.


Now Zhanhuntang is the largest gang in the west of the city, and also the only gang that can stand up to the three major gangs. Some time ago, the news that several leaders in the gang let Lou photography boss Li Gubai suffer in public has already spread, causing a sensation in the city , became famous, became famous, was covered by the mayor, and several leaders in the city bureau were well connected. What do you think we are afraid of?

Therefore, all the people who come to visit Paradise today feel that it is worthwhile to linger. This is the most publicized time in the history of Honeymoon Paradise. Standing up the pillars, all kinds of real-life beauties and models in revealing clothes, presenting various charming poses to grab the attention of men, and many slender beauties wrapped in light gauze and silk robes with bare feet passing by, shuttle back and forth, bringing a delicate fragrance, There are also many characteristic beauties to meet the needs of some men with bad tastes, some are playing stewardesses, some are nurses, some are teachers, some are bunny girls, and there are a few girls who are dressed in ancient costumes, as if they were docile in ancient times. There is a well-behaved maid, and there is a hot girl with big breasts wearing leather boots and a windbreaker. She is pretending to be a girl.

Being in such an environment, a man can’t help himself. Many people are so hot that they are teased by all kinds of beauties within 3 minutes after entering the door. It's just to get acquainted with everyone, whoever takes a fancy to anyone is fine, and the door is open for you in the future, and you can come wherever you want.To put it bluntly, today is just to whet your appetite!

There are so many enchanting and top-quality beauties here tonight, not to mention, Li Wanhao did not know where to get a group of Russian blonde beauties, who are called attractive, with big breasts and beautiful legs, slender waist and tall, who are called watery and charming, a group of People wearing miniskirts, crop tops and crystal sandals stood in the center of the stage and danced to the music, setting off the hot atmosphere of the whole honeymoon paradise to the extreme. When the exciting pole dance ended, many men Can't help running to the corner and masturbating...

Honeymoon Paradise exploded tonight, the guests were overcrowded, hitting a record high, the crowds are not enough to describe the grand occasion at this time, there are still many men lined up and blocked outside, but no one dares to make trouble here, today The War Soul Hall has mobilized an entire elite hall to maintain law and order here, who dares to break ground on Tai Sui's head, unless he doesn't want to live anymore!

Once the Honeymoon Paradise exploded, there would be no one in the other footwashing towns around. Those bosses and mothers were gnashing their teeth in hatred, but with the War Soul Hall, none of them dared to do anything wrong, at most they were slandering... …


At this time, in a corner of heaven, under the pink ambiguous light, Sister Sha is sitting with a group of brothers from the Battle Soul Hall, toasting to celebrate tonight's victory. I don't believe that after today is over, there will be another entertainment venue in the west of the city Can't compare to honeymoon paradise!

"Brother Yang, look at our heaven, there are so many people here! Hehe, it's all thanks to you and the brothers. On my own, even in my dreams, I can't imagine that so many people will come here! Thank you!" Sister Sha had already drank three glasses of wine, her pretty face was flushed, but she still smiled excitedly.

Liu Boyang chuckled, Sister Sha is indeed a catastrophe-level goblin, and she is not willing to give in to Concubine Diaochan. She is in a drunken state with a flushed face at the moment. He was kicked awake by Liu Boyang.

"Hehe, sister, look at you, we are all one family, can't we not talk outsiders? Besides, I didn't contribute to this matter. If you want to thank Wanhao, thank Wanhao. It was his idea!" Liu Boyang laughed.The situation in his own house is so hot, Liu Boyang is also at ease in his heart.

"Oh! Look at me, I'm overjoyed, and I'm too busy thanking you again, hehe, our family doesn't talk about each other. Sister Sha said it here, whoever you fancy which girl just tell me , the house above is empty, just be happy, come on, little brother Li, I'll toast you!" Sister Sha stood up with a giggle and said.

"Sister Sha, sit down! Hehe, you don't need to be polite. The War Soul Hall is our common home. This is our place. If we don't make it hot, who will we? I'm in charge of this film, how can I come up with any ideas? Thank you, brother Xie Yang!" Li Wanhao appropriately gave Liu Boyang the credit.

Liu Boyang just smiled, and Diao Chan kindly helped him hold up the wine glass. Liu Boyang raised his hand to both Li Wanhao and Sister Sha, and then drank it down in one gulp.

Sister Sha also raised her delicate chin to drink the glass of red wine, and said with a smile, "It's really good! If you brothers can be united like this, it's hard for the War Soul Hall not to be brilliant..."

Just when a group of people were chatting vigorously, suddenly there was a loud noise from the other side of the stage, which immediately disrupted the rhythm of the atmosphere of the audience. Kick, a miserable howl soon came from the center of the crowd.

"Go and see what's going on." Liu Boyang said lightly.

Wan Ziliang stood up, and just about to walk over, a younger brother walked up to him, bowed down to pay respect to Liu Boyang and others, and then whispered the situation to Wan Ziliang.

Wan Ziliang nodded, waved him down, sat back down again and said, "Brother Yang, someone is disturbing the situation, and there are two bastards over there who can't bear it anymore and want to take our young lady out to open a room."

"Didn't they hear that the War Soul Hall said that the girls won't pick up guests tonight?" Liu Boyang asked lightly.

"I must have heard about it, and those two girls told them too. I guess they are scumbags who forgot their surnames, and dared to drag our girl in public. Now the little ones have beaten them to shame. What's the next step?" Wan Ziliang said.

"Break off two legs, drag it out and throw it on the road, climb if you have your life, and deserve to die if you don't have your life run over." Liu Boyang said indifferently.He raised his wine glass, raised it to everyone, and said with a smile, "Continue to drink."

Sister Sha was a little worried: "Wait a minute, don't go yet, brother, why don't I go over and have a look, maybe there is someone who can't be offended—"

Liu Boyang smiled lightly, took Sister Sha's jade hand to let her sit down, and said: "No need to go, no one needs to be afraid, on my three-acre land, my word is like heaven, and no one can do it! According to me Do it, go!" h

Chapter [-]: Lao Tzu speaks like a god! @! !

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