The best boy on campus

Chapter 718 Come to Zicun!

Huzi and Cui Guodong looked at each other, and Cui Guodong said: "Brother Yang, I'm still not at ease. In this way, you can go, but when the time comes, Huzi and I will drive there with someone to guard outside Wang County. If we don't know good and bad, we won't suffer!"

Liu Boyang smiled lightly and said: "No need! Guodong, if we let them know that you are leading people behind for defense, it will make us look timid and lose our spirit! And doing so will also lose the sincerity of the negotiation! This matter is settled like this , do as I say, the three of us go, no one needs to follow.)”

Seeing that Liu Boyang had made up his mind, Cui Guodong and Hu Zi couldn't say anything. The imperial concubine was still busy cooking noodles for eight people, while Diao Chan was sitting by the side and listening silently. She didn't know who Liu Huimin was, but she heard From the way the brothers spoke, it was obvious that he was a very fierce and difficult guy. Liu Boyang only took two people there, so it was no different from going alone, why didn't she worry?

But few people can change what Liu Boyang decides.


Wang County is estimated to be the poorest county in the entire G City, and even the roads have just been repaired.Liu Boyang guessed right, this time the eldest brother Liu Huimin was indeed coming directly at him. Originally, when this highway line was first opened, Liu Huimin was not optimistic and kept a cold-eyed attitude. Due to the current situation, Liu Huimin didn't realize the importance of transportation driving economic development, but after more than ten days, he unexpectedly discovered that these buses can really make money, and they make a lot of money!

This can't be done, it's not Liu Huimin's character to watch other people get rich, Wangxian is what he says, how can he let the outsider of the sports car swell his pockets?It was he who arranged for someone to seize the car, one was to trouble the Zhanhun Hall, and the other was to test the other party's attitude.For Zitou Liu Huimin, there is really no one in this world to be afraid of!

Liu Boyang didn't drive his Ferrari when he came to Wang County this time, nor let Gao Zhenfei drive a Range Rover, but drove an ordinary Passat.It's not that Liu Boyang looked down on Liu Huimin and his group, and driving a good car to show off in front of Liu Huimin was completely flattering. They were a group of guys who didn't know a single word. They only knew Arabic numerals and money. Driving a car that was too flashy made them feel unbalanced.

After getting off the highway, the dirt road in the countryside leading to Zicun is not ordinary, with potholes, hollows and bumps, which makes Liu Boyang feel like he has entered an old village or a slum deep in the mountains. Dry black cow dung and grass branches can be seen everywhere on the road. The same village, compared to Liujiawan, I don't know how different it is. It's a world of difference. Liu Boyang hasn't seen a village where cattle and sheep are made a living for a long time.

In the distance, there was an old man herding sheep, wrapped in a dirty sheepskin coat, standing in the crops, watching Liu Boyang's black Passat enter the village coldly, standing there like a crop pole.

Liu Boyang asked Gao Zhenfei to stop the car, and got out of the car with Cui Guodong tightly wrapped in leather clothes. It was so fucking cold here. There were no tall buildings and concrete buildings to block the wind. The cold wind blowing on the body was like cutting with a knife. Hurry up, the two walked straight towards the sheep herding uncle.

To be honest, the scene in front of him made Liu Boyang a little familiar. It seemed that Liujiawan looked like this a long time ago. Liu Boyang hadn’t walked through a crop field for many years, and he had never seen a big sheep and a sheep smelling like sheep. shepherd.

The old shepherd man seemed to be a wealthy family, and there were at least dozens of sheep in herds. Liu Boyang and Cui Guodong walked over, and Cui Guodong said, "Master, can I ask you something?"

"I don't know!" The old man was so bad-tempered, he immediately pushed Cui Guodong back, his face was ashen, Cui Guodong was confused, when did I offend you?

Cui Guodong sneered, turned to Liu Boyang and said: "This old man is a hanger, he smells like sheep dung, it's like he didn't take medicine when he went out!"

Liu Boyang smiled, took out a cigarette, went up and handed it to the old man with a smile: "Master, we are from outside, and we are here to look for Liu Huimin, can you show me the way?"

When the old man heard the word "Liu Huimin", for some reason, the hostility in his eyes dissipated a lot. Of course, it may be that Liu Boyang's good cigarette worked. Go straight along the road, and turn around when you meet a big locust tree, and the biggest house is his house."

"Okay, thank you." Liu Boyang chuckled, then turned around and took Cui Guodong back.

Cui Guodong was very speechless: "My god! The old guy is not big and has a bad temper. Brother Yang, you can really bear it. You actually offer cigarettes to this kind of person. With his attitude when he talked to me just now, I really want to scold him like a bear." of!"

Liu Boyang said with a smile: "Those who make big things don't care about trivial matters. Why are you angry with him? We are outsiders. It's normal to be disliked in these villages with deep-rooted feudal conservative concepts. Now I know why I don't let you drive a good car. A Passat can make them hostile, and if they drive a high-end car, they will probably be jealous enough to stop the car, and there will inevitably be a lot of trouble."

Cui Guodong sneered and said, "He dares! Just because he dares to stop our car, I'll make his sheep a bloodletting stew!"

The sheep-herding old man was not willing to smoke the cigarette that Liu Boyang gave him, and put it on his ear, watching Liu Boyang and the three of them driving towards the direction he pointed with a blank expression. .


Liu Huimin's home is actually not hard to find at all, just like Xiong Xiazi, this kind of bully household in the village usually chooses the best piece of land and builds the best house. Liu Boyang really underestimates Liu Huimin. His house is really grand and stylish!

The three of Liu Boyang got out of the car and fully felt the smell of the people here. The smell of cattle and sheep is everywhere, even in the air, and the sound of cows can be heard in many places, which is very rural.

The three of Liu Boyang had nothing to fear, they went up and knocked on Liu Huimin's big iron gate.

At this time, Liu Huimin was at home. Apart from him, there were a large group of people in the room, seven brothers, a large number of nephews and nephews, some male relatives of his wife's family, and several young uncles of his and the villagers. There were five or six people who followed him, about thirty or so. A group of people were either wandering in the yard or sitting in the house smoking with Liu Huimin. The flesh looks like a gangster, they are here deliberately waiting for the War Soul Hall to scoop up people. I heard that the War Soul Hall has made a lot of money in sports cars these days, and they plan to poach all of them! h

Chapter 710 Come to Zicun! @! !

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