The best boy on campus

Chapter 728 Destroy him!

"Ke'er, let's discuss something with you..." Liu Boyang patted Ma Ke'er's shoulder lightly and said. ()

Ma Ke'er let out a low "hmm". After crying, she became more awake. She raised her head, looked at Liu Boyang with tears in her eyes, and let go of both hands shyly. Liu Boyang's body was covered with tears. Yes, I feel very embarrassed.

"When will your sister be discharged from the hospital?" Liu Boyang asked.

"I can be discharged from the hospital at any time. It is more appropriate for the doctor to keep my sister's condition at home..."

"Then why has it been delayed until now?"

"Because..." Ma Ke'er lowered her head again, " family has no one to take care of my sister. In the hospital, my father loses money, at least there are doctors and nurses to take care of me every day, but when I get home, it's deserted. Except for me, no one will accompany my sister, if I come to school, she will not even have three meals a day, so I really have no choice but to let her stay in the hospital..."

"That beast Ma Junsheng is so heartless, he really doesn't care about your sister except throwing money at him?" Liu Boyang asked with a frown.

"Yes! He hasn't been home for a long time. Since his sister had an accident, he has been fooling around with that wild woman..."

Liu Boyang sneered, and finally knew what Wang An was not as good as a beast. I guess Ma Junsheng had a lot of wishful thinking. Without Ma Keer and Ma Xiaoyu, he could have another child with that wild woman. He is still young, and he can't wait to have another child. As for the son, it's a pity that the Ma Xiaoyu and sisters have suffered, and the tiger's poison never leaves behind a son. This father is more heartless than the evil tiger!

"Ker, after school in the afternoon, let's go to the hospital, and I'll help your sister go through the discharge procedures." Liu Boyang said without doubt.

Marco was startled: "You let my sister out of the hospital?"

Liu Boyang shook his head and said: "Yes! I figured it out. You are right. It is my responsibility for your sister to do this. The whole world doesn't want her, so I want her too! No one is taking care of her? I'll do it! I don't care. Ma Junsheng disagrees, if you dare to disagree with me, I will disturb his three meals a day! It is thanks to him to think of handing over your sister to someone like Pang Tianxin! Your sister will live with me after she is discharged from the hospital, and I will take it with you. Everyone confessed her like a princess!"

Ma Ke'er stared at Liu Boyang dumbfounded, she couldn't believe her ears, she hadn't heard of what Liu Boyang was doing now, even Li Gubai was crushed under his hands!He is already a big man who can stand up to his father and the big powers of Hongmen!Once a man has money, he will turn bad, so Ma Keer doesn't expect Liu Boyang to be responsible for his sister at all. After all, her sister is already a burden... a useless person!But he actually...

"Why do you look at me like this? Don't believe me?" Liu Boyang smiled and pinched her face.

"T-Trust!" Ma Keer regained his composure, tears burst out suddenly.Happiness came too fast and too suddenly, but she had waited too long for Liu Boyang's words...

"Hehe, why are you crying if you believe me? Don't cry anymore!" Liu Boyang gently wiped away her tears.

With red eyes, Ma Ke'er choked with sobs and said, "I didn't cry! I'm happy for my sister, you finally...finally..."

Liu Boyang sighed, and said: "Not only your sister, if you want, you can also move in and live with me. Don't worry, I didn't take advantage of your convenience. The two of us didn't get along before, so it's not a matter of mercy." , I am also responsible, no one is willing to protect you and take care of you, I am willing! I, Emperor Yang Qing, have said that as long as I am here for a day, you two will not suffer any more grievances!"

Ma Ke'er bit her lip tightly, holding back until Liu Boyang finished speaking, and then she threw herself into Liu Boyang's arms again, and burst into tears...

Liu Boyang didn't stop her either, and let her vent. When she was almost crying, he raised her face and gently wiped away her tears, saying, "Look at you, crying again! You're crying so badly, a lot of people looked at you just now! "

Marco pursed her lips, wiped her eyes with her hands and said, "I didn't cry, I'm happy..."

"Would you like to live with me in the past? Our place is lively, and there are a lot of brothers besides me, enough for you to make trouble."

"But will they accept me? Is my impression good or bad?" Marco asked naively.

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "If you think too much, let the past pass by. We don't look at the past, we only look at the present and the future."

Ma Ke'er nodded happily: "Then I'll go! If only my sister lives there alone, I'm really worried..."

Just as Liu Boyang was thinking about something, suddenly Yang Lin called. Liu Boyang didn't treat Ma Keer as an outsider, and answered directly: "It's me, what's the matter?"

"Brother Yang, where are you? If you have time, come to the 'Bashen Billiard Hall'." Yang Lin said.


"We are all here now. People from Hongmen are here. They are here to send us 'black posts'! Li Gubai is right, Mr. Hong really wants to invite you to this year's underworld conference!" Yang Lin There was a rare hint of excitement in his tone.

"Oh, you deal with this matter first, I'm busy now and I can't get away." Liu Boyang said lightly.

"It's the same for me, but this person who came here is a hall master of the Red Gate, the number one celebrity next to the old man Hong, and I really want to meet you!"

"Then let him wait. I'll be there when I finish my work before twelve o'clock in the evening." Liu Boyang finished talking lightly, with a look of indifference.

But if this scene is seen by the gangsters in City G, their jaws will drop in shock!In City G, who is Mr. Hong? !That's someone who even Ma Junsheng and Li Gubai have to sell three points of face!Ordinary people don't arouse his interest, even if they hear his name, they will tremble in their hearts!But Liu Boyang didn't care about his confidants, and even told his people to wait honestly...?

Ma Ke'er couldn't figure out what happened, so she said softly: "If you have something urgent, go and do it now, as long as you can come back before school, we can go to the hospital together!"

Liu Boyang smiled lightly: "Nothing is as important as you and your sister today. I must settle your affairs first before doing anything else."

What you promise must be fulfilled. Liu Boyang has been evading Ma Xiaoyu for too long, and he can no longer be a coward. It is useless for a man to delay a major event because of his children's affair, but a person who dare not even take responsibility is useless. Chai is not as good as!

Marco was very emotional, this was the first time since her sister was hospitalized that she felt happy and moved from the bottom of her heart.The bell for class rang, and the two walked back to the classroom together. Ma Ke'er's pace was much easier, but she suddenly remembered the lesson from last time, and turned around bouncingly with her hands behind her back and asked Liu Boyang, "If Pang Tianxin is there this afternoon, why don't you?" Do it?"

"Destroy him." Liu Boyang said in a joking tone.

"Then where is he looking for my father?"

"Destroy him as well."


The best boy on campus

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