The best boy on campus

Chapter 742 Mysterious boy!

Liu Boyang thought that with Ma Junsheng's character, he would definitely be unable to suppress his anger before sending someone to kill him, so he was ready to give it a go after he went out, but he didn't expect that no one came out after waiting for a long time, which shows Hu Die's It's true that Ma Junsheng didn't dare to take her seriously. The whole room stayed in that villa, and they didn't know what happened afterwards. ()**

On the way back, Cui Guodong said to Liu Boyang with a smile: "Brother Yang, I was really safe just now, I was really nervous for a while, but I saw that your face didn't change from the beginning to the end, just like you As if I had taken a reassurance, I followed suit. I really convinced you, how did you expect Ma Junsheng not to dare to order to shoot?"

Liu Boyang smiled lightly and said: "If Ma Junsheng really has the courage to die together, how can he be subdued by a woman? To scare us, the last thing I fear is that others will compare my courage with me. Speaking of which, I used to only listen to Ma Junsheng's advice. , today we can see it with our own eyes, judging from this situation, the Dragon Gang will only decline faster, and the decline will happen sooner or later."

Cui Guodong excitedly said: "His skirt is very long and beautiful, and the beauty is not shallow."

Liu Boyang said: "That woman should not be underestimated. Being beautiful is her greatest asset. She still has means to calculate. If my guess is correct, that woman is not ambitious. Ma Junsheng is not her opponent at all. If they continue to date, In less than five years, Ma Junsheng will become a puppet, and that woman will take her place and hold a great say in the Dragon Gang."

"Ma Junsheng's stupid hat can only be self-righteous. Xiaoyu and Ke'er have such a daughter who lacks a stepmother, the future is worrying..."


"Brother Yang, you are back. How are you? Have you seen Ma Junsheng? Have you encountered any trouble?" Liu Boyang and Cui Guodong returned to the hotel entrance, and suddenly found a man squatting outside smoking a cigarette. Gao Zhenfei.After Gao Zhenfei found out the two of them, he stepped on the cigarette butt and came over to ask.

"Hehe, did you guess that we went to find Ma Junsheng? It's okay, there must be troubles, but this trip went smoothly, I've done everything I needed, and we came back smoothly." Liu Boyang laughed.

Gao Zhenfei frowned slightly, and said: "Brother Yang, I don't think you can be so reckless in the future, let me be by your side at any time, your status is different now, there are many people who want to deal with you, and it's not good for you to be overconfident, If the boat capsizes in the gutter, what do you ask our brothers to do?"

Gao Zhenfei has always been a person who is not good at expressing emotions, he can say these words, it shows that he is really worried about Liu Boyang, Liu Boyang's heart warmed, he went up and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Hehe, Dafei, I understand , this time I admit that I underestimated and almost lost Jingzhou carelessly. Fortunately, Guodong, if I was the only one at that time, I would not be able to be so calm. It’s okay, I will take you with me for everything in the future, There is a saying that is good, the heart sails forever."

Thinking back, Liu Boyang really felt afraid, and blamed himself for being too hot-tempered. When he picked up Ma Xiaoyu from the hospital in the afternoon, seeing Xiaoyu's aggrieved and pitiful appearance, Liu Boyang was so angry that he just wanted to find Ma Xiaoyu. Ma Junsheng settled the score, so he took Guotong with him regardless of anything.Impulse is the devil, and he will never be such a hero in the future.

"You guys went for a full 53 minutes. If you were 7 minutes late, I would call someone to kill you." Gao Zhenfei said.

"Hehe, it's not like you've been waiting here all this time?" Liu Boyang asked.

Gao Zhenfei didn't lie, he nodded.

"I've been waiting since I came back, didn't I eat?"

Gao Zhenfei hesitated for a moment and said, "Smoked two packs of cigarettes."

Brother put himself so seriously, it would be false not to be moved, Liu Boyang sighed, and said seriously: "Da Fei, nothing will happen, brother will remember it in his heart, good brother, forever! Where are Yang Lin and the others?"

"Second brother is now taking the old cat Guodong Li Wanhao and the others to treat Mr. Hong's confidants to dinner at 'Hengyuan'. That guy is really good-tempered. If you ask him to wait all afternoon, he will really wait all afternoon. I guess it's fine. No matter how late you come back, he will wait forever." Gao Zhenfei laughed.

"Hehe, that's it, let's go, let's go to 'Hengyuan' to meet him." Liu Boyang suddenly had a good impression of the people of Hongmen, and it stands to reason that in such a big gang as Hongmen, the characters at the head level should be that kind A guy who is defiant, has a bad temper and is domineering, but Mr. Hong's subordinates are actually so good-tempered. This just shows the background and cultivation of Hongmen. It is far from what the Dragon Gang's arrogance and domineering, who fear that the world will not know, can compare. The old man is well controlled!

"Second brother has called me several times, urging you to come back, and if I kill you, you must call him. Lao Mao and Hu Zi are also thinking about you..." Three As the individual drifted away, Gao Zhenfei's emotional voice came along with the wind.

"Ha ha……"

"Ma Xiaoyu and Ma Ke'er, I also sent them to 'Hengyuan' earlier, I don't care if I wait, I'm afraid they will starve..."


For more than ten days, Li Gubai hadn't troubled Liu Boyang again, and Liu Boyang was still puzzled for a while, it wasn't Li Gubai's character to not trouble himself.The last time Liu Boyang met Li Gubai was the time when he made a scene in the city center. At that time, he saw off his wife Ning Yeqi irretrievably, and Li Gubai took Ning Mengnan to City W arrogantly. I want to check my old background, and now I don't even have a sound. Could it be that he has stayed in W City for more than ten days?

The answer is obviously wrong.Because Li Gubai came back today, and brought back a mysterious guest!

Li Gubai's private villa in the north of the city.

In the private living room at the corner of the hall, there are sofas on both sides of the expensive and exquisite crystal coffee table, and Li Gubai is sitting on one of them at the moment. He is smiling and pouring tea for a mysterious boy opposite Tea, and Ning Mengnan seems to have completely become his person, a rare Niaoyiren, hooking his arm, and looking at the handsome boy opposite with a pair of beautiful eyes - he is really like a prince in a fairy tale.

"Brother He, are you satisfied with my place? Hehe, if you don't mind, you can stay with me during this period of time. If you need anything, just follow me directly. You don't have to be polite at all."

The mysterious boy smiled slightly, "It's Brother Li, you don't have to be polite, I don't have any friends here, it's up to you to arrange everything. I won't stay for long, since you and my sworn brother came to this city , I haven’t seen him for a long time, I miss him very much, if I can 'see' him, I will go back."

ps: Qingdi wishes everyone a happy Christmas Eve.Hehe, there is one suspense left here, who is the mysterious boy who appeared in this chapter? If you answer correctly, you will get a prize

The best boy on campus

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