The best boy on campus

Chapter 746 History of the Black Dao Conference! (3rd more

Under the praise of all the brothers, Liu Boyang took the seat of the eldest brother inside, just next to Ma Keer.During this process, there was an episode. Because the temperature inside the room was relatively high, Liu Boyang felt hot when he came in from the outside, so he took off his coat and handed it to Ma Keer next to him. Seeing that Ning Yeqi was Sun Rou and the others, with his daughter-in-law by his side, of course he would leave the clothes to them for storage, but he forgot that the person sitting next to him today was...

Ma Ke'er was stunned for a moment, and took his coat with his hand stupidly. There was still a man's temperature on it. Ma Ke'er, who had been dubbed a daughter since she was a child, had never encountered such a thing. Isn't that what a husband should do to his wife?

"What's the matter?" Liu Boyang looked at Ma Ke'er in a daze and asked in bewilderment.

"It's okay!" Marco'er blushed pretty, puffed up her mouth quietly, carefully folded the coat, spread it on her lap, and then continued to pretend to eat vegetables with her head down.It's just that there is an indescribable sweetness in my heart.

"Master Yang, do you know why the old man sent me this time?" After Liu Boyang ate two mouthfuls of food, Ye Chongyang cut to the chase with a smile.

"Hehe, Hall Master Ye still calls me Brother Yang, the word 'Talk Master Yang' sounds awkward to me." Liu Boyang laughed.

"How dare, how dare, then I won't be old and disrespectful?" Ye Chongyang laughed.

"No way, brother Ye is overthinking. Look, I call you brother. I really don't like those red tapes. I can call you whatever suits you." Liu Boyang said. ()

Ye Chongyang chuckled, and said: "It turns out that it's like this. It's better to be famous than to meet each other. No wonder you are so supported by your brothers, Section Master Yang. I like your approachability. Then I will sell my old age, brother Yang?"

"Hehe, this sounds much more pleasing to the ear. Brother, is he here this time because of the 'black post'?"

"That's right," Ye Chongyang nodded, "Brother Yang has heard about it before, but I'm here for the 'black post', and I was specially sent by Mr. Hong! Brother Yang, it's true that you can have this honor. It is rare in the past! With this alone, you will have a bright future in the underworld!"

"Oh? How do you say that?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile, and casually helped Ma Xiaoyu and Ma Ke'er pick up a chopstick dish respectively—since you promised to take good care of them, you can't just do nothing and lure them back. And beautiful girls like their sister Hua should be loved by boys.

Ma Xiaoyu is fine, she is only as intelligent as a seven or eight-year-old girl at most, she is innocent and innocent, she casts a grateful look at Liu Boyang, and continues to bow her head to eat vegetables, her affection for Liu Boyang gradually increases in her heart.

And Marco'er's tender face began to turn rosy again. It was the first time that she was cared for so intimately by a man since she was careless, and her heart was filled with warmth.

"Don't brother Yang know the origin of the 'black post'? Then brother, don't you know about the annual 'underworld conference' in city g?" Ye Chongyang said dumbfounded.It's unbelievable that in Liu Boyang's current position, he doesn't even know about the real high-level affairs of the underworld in G City.

"I don't know," Liu Boyang shook his head with a smile, "I just occasionally heard Li Gubai mention that there is an annual 'underworld conference' in City G, but I don't know the details, so please give me your advice! "

In fact, in Liu Boyang's eyes, the underworld conference, which is a gathering aimed at uniting everyone or maintaining underground order, is simply something that is held only when you are full and have nothing to do. The underworld is originally a kind of stage full of intrigues and intrigues. Fight for food on the three-point ground, if you deal with me today, if you don’t make it right tomorrow, I will piss you off. Like some gangsters write, order should be respected in any gangster society. , isn't this fucking nonsense?The underworld still talks about the order of bird feathers?Don't be a bad person if you want to respect the scriptures and keep the Tao!If this thing talks about some kind of order, how is it different from being a whore and setting up a torii?Liu Boyang himself is the ancestor who did not abide by the order. He wiped out so many people in the west of the city and stepped on their shoulders.Order, order your sister!You give me a place?

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that Liu Boyang has always been very unimpressed with this so-called underworld conference, but just like Ye Chongyang's, Mr. Hong is willing to send "black posts" to himself. I really think of myself as a big shot!This kind of honor given for nothing is a fool, so Liu Boyang listened patiently.

Ye Chongyang was very speechless. Looking at Liu Boyang's indifferent expression, he probably didn't know the importance of this underworld conference, so he talked eloquently: "Come on, this underworld conference has a history of more than 60 years. Back then When it was held for the first time, there was no building photography of our Hongmen and Li Gubai in G City. It was the era when the Dragon Gang was the only one, and it was organized by the grandfather of Ma Junsheng, the leader of the Dragon Gang. At that time, one In order to call the underworld colleagues from the surrounding cities over to discuss the development trend of the underground world of Pan-G City, promote relationships, and jointly maintain the existing balance and order, etc. The black bosses are showing off their prestige, after all, he is the boss of a whole city."

Liu Boyang smiled and nodded, expressing his understanding.But I was thinking in my heart, it turns out that the Dragon Gang started to pretend to be aggressive more than 60 years ago, no wonder this bad habit has continued to this day, um, there is a future.

Ma Xiaoyu didn't understand anything, but Ma Ke'er sat by the side and listened carefully. This is the history of her Ma family, but the sad thing is that she and her sister don't know anything. They have lived through this. It turns out that it was my great-grandfather Ma Zhenhua who first created this underworld convention. Now I have gained a lot of knowledge...

"Of course, Ma Zhenhua began to gradually reveal his selfishness in the next few underworld conferences. He began to forcibly use this platform to consolidate the position of the Dragon Gang, and sometimes even forced gangs in surrounding cities to join this big system. , to help him consolidate the dominance of the Dragon Gang in City G."

Liu Boyang finally listened intently. It seems that the great-grandfather of Ke'er and Xiaoyu is really extraordinary, courageous and domineering. He actually imitated the founding emperor of ancient times, overwhelmed the surrounding forces, and joined a big alliance of only him!However, Liu Boyang finally understood why the Dragon Gang would gradually decline when it was passed on to Ma Junsheng's generation.

The best boy on campus

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